New Mesmer, got questions
Illusions are clones that look exactly like you, they are primarily used to distract and confuse and don’t do anything, although some traits adds functions to them
Phantasm on the other hand are ghost-like versions of you that cast powerful abilities when created and at regular intervals after that, telling them apart is easy since as I mentioned illusions look exactly like your character while phantasm look like ghosts or phantoms
As for knowing which skill creates what, the skill description will normally say what it creates, like “phantasmal warden” summons a phantasm etc.
As for shattering it is a core functionality of a Mesmer and you should not shy away from it but rather embrace it!, different builds place more or less emphasis on shattering but in the early levels is important to use it to get familiar with the mechanic
(edited by SouthernCross.5286)
1. Clones = copies of your character that spam your #1 attack. Deal 0 direct damage but deal full conditions damage (relevant for staff e.g.). They have a small health pool but are easy to generate.
Phantasms = magical purple turrets that deal lots of damage every 5-10 sec. Very fragile (exception: the Defender) and have long CD.
Illusions = generic term to designate both clones and phantasms. Up to 3 Illusions can be sacrificed through Shatter skills (F1-F4).
At low levels the best minor trait you can get is “Illusionist Celerity” (Illusion tree). Every skill that can generate an illusion will recharge faster = 50% of your skill bar.
2. All! 1x phantasm with every weapon set. Meaning you have access to 2 phantasms during a fight. There are also 2x utilities phantasm you can unlock but damage isn’t their true purpose.
3. Illusion death = monster killed it = nothing happens(w/o special traits)
Illusion shatter = suicide (F1-F4) = good
You should shatter as often as possible. When:
*your skills (phantasms) are recharged or
*your illusions are under attack or
*your phantasms just finished their attacks or
*the target is low health (less than 50%)
= it’s a good time to shatter
(edited by Animando.7956)
Clones: Look just like you, they are not transparent, and only cast 1 the first skill of the weapon you have equipped at the time they’re created, they don’t deal much damage, but apply conditions under certain circumstances (staff clones cast staff skill #1), they’re mainly used for shattering, and they are easy to create on usually short cooldowns, clones have low health.
Phantasms: They are temporary pets that deal high amounts of damage every certain duration, they are semi-transparent with a pink hue, their attacks are not related to your weapon like clones (eg: off hand focus summons a phantasm with 2 axes that casts a skill similar to ranger whirling axe), they have higher health than clones, and usually have higher cooldown than clone skills.
Illusions: Refer to both phantasms AND clones (traits can be specific on which one it affects).
2 handed weapons have 1 skill that summon a clone, and 1 for pahntasms.
1 handed weapons have 1 skill that summons a clone. (with the exception of scepter)
off hand weapons have 1 skill that summon a phantasm.
Hi .. wish u gl in game … and hope ull enjoy ur mesmer for long time
about answers
1. was clearly answered by other ppl already bdw i also highly recommned u taking 5 points in illusions asap .. very helpfull trait …
dont try to go healing build or at least not so early … mesmer can go for support however support and healing are 2 different things
2. every weapon set have 1 phantasm ability and 1 direct clone generating
( as example of indirect clone generating sword and scepter have block which create clone if u are attacked )
while clone generating is on main hand and phantasm ability is on offhand weapon
2H weapons have both ofc
3. not need to feel guilty blowing them is rly handy ( try to use if for finishing not 2 early on low lvls ) practising is key .. after 1000 illusions blow u wont feel anything
cheers Xixsa