New Mesmer needing tips
Check out the comprehensive mesmer guide:
and the mesmer builds/guides:
They are both excellent places to start, and most of what we could offer in answers will be found in one of those two places.
Edit: Also, watching some pvp videos online can be a great for learning.
Thanks, I’ll make sure I check those out.
Check out my staff + greatsword shatter guide for s or tPvP. It’s used in top tier PvP play by the best PvP mesmers in the game. Helseth of TCG, Misha of 55HP Monks and Sensotix of BooN.
I go into detail on everything you need to know. I have put videos of the build in action with commentary, links to other good things to watch to learn to play shatter or generally mesmer. It’s pretty much all you need to get into PvP with a mesmer. From understanding the class, to the build, to being given some inside on how the build is supposed to be played. Great kiting spots on foefire ect.
Have a wonderful rest of the day mate, happy shattering!