New mesmer - criticise my build

New mesmer - criticise my build

in Mesmer

Posted by: theodor.3480


Hello, new/returning mesmer here. Can i get some opinions on this build? What could be changed and what is out of place in it. Thanks.

I hear no evil, I fear no evil

New mesmer - criticise my build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Doam.8305


Well I don’t want to say too much because part of the game is coming up with your own build.

Though if your going to trait for mantras might as well use the mantra heal instead of the manipulation heal.

Though you do have alot of phantasm based traits too so you could always drop the mantra and choose one of the two phantasm utility skills. Then swap harmonious mantras for Deceptive Evasion since the other elite isn’t that great without the condi damage to back it up.

Your gear and traits are power base too but your runes are an all around set up too so if you don’t plan to use condition you might as well go for a more suiting rune set too.

But as stated it’s all about making your own class and enjoying it.

(edited by Doam.8305)

New mesmer - criticise my build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


What is the main aim of this build?

Is it a jack-of-all build for minimal switching of gear for all game modes? It looks very much like that.

If it’s a wvw build you’ll lack the toughness which condition builds bring. For a power wvw build it might work for slight poking but lacks support and utility skills.

Marauder is a nice set for guardians or warriors, not so much mesmers. You’re already at the very bottom of the damage food chain (and I mean very bottom). Might as well take Commanders if you want to run power wvw.

Leadership runes scream pve build, but you are all over the place here. You have no boon duration worth mentioning, some of your traits require replacement pve wise (Illusionary Reversion over Improved Alacrity, no no no), (Furios Interruption over Blurred Inscriptions?). Greatsword is not a pve weapon for group content. You run dueling with Harmonious Mantras and all you bring is 1 mantra.

I’d recommend you take a look at some popular builds and read up why different traits are picked and for what builds, then decide for what you want to make a build.

Open world
As far as open world survival or open world events, just about everything works here. Marauder will definately work nicely in keeping you alive, but so would full commanders or trailblazer.

New mesmer - criticise my build

in Mesmer

Posted by: theodor.3480


Well i intend to use it mostly for PvE, open world and maybe some fracs, but that’s a big maybe.

I hear no evil, I fear no evil

New mesmer - criticise my build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Well i intend to use it mostly for PvE, open world and maybe some fracs, but that’s a big maybe.

Yes it would work for that. Might I suggest though you move away from Marauder and switch to a combination of Berserker or Assassins (for armor) and Valkyrie or Knights (for trinkets) if you want survival?

That way you can get a 2nd pair of trinkets with other stats to adapt to other game modes like fractals or even wvw while not running Marauder armor. As mesmer you really want to be using Berserkers or Commanders as your first set (or potentially Trailblazer for wvw).

Yes I know, total stats of Marauder is higher than Berserker and it’s one of those new shiny HoT sets, but it’s not needed on mesmer. You already have a medium hitpoint pool and massive amounts of distortion, evade, blocks and dodges (more than any other class). As far as survival goes, toughness in open world would make a bigger difference than some mroe vitality.

EDIT: this goes for just about all classes and can be viewd as general advice. The first ascended armor should be as close to maximum useful as possible. Stat changes should be done via trinkets since those are thousand time easier to come by and cheaper than getting a new set of armor. Unless you plan spending multiple hundreds of gold strait off the bat on multiple sets.

(edited by Cyninja.2954)

New mesmer - criticise my build

in Mesmer

Posted by: theodor.3480


What if i go for full commanders? Both armor and trinkets with leadership runes and zerk weapons? Won’t that basicaly work well as a compromise across open world/fracs? I don’t think i’ll touch wvw with mesmer except maybe for eotm, but that’s something else.

I hear no evil, I fear no evil

New mesmer - criticise my build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


What if i go for full commanders? Both armor and trinkets with leadership runes and zerk weapons? Won’t that basicaly work well as a compromise across open world/fracs? I don’t think i’ll touch wvw with mesmer except maybe for eotm, but that’s something else.

Yes that would work, I’d advice against full commanders though since the toughness does become disadvantage eventually if everything starts focusing you (toughness works as a tank mechanic which draws enemy agro/attention in many areas). Full armor commanders rest berserker works very well. Thena gain, open world full commanders would make you very very durable (maybe only beat by Minstrel).

I’ve made slight adjustments to your build and added some more meta traits to run:

Feel free to keep all trinkets berserker, I just added the 2 commander rings for the added boon duration but berserker is fine on those slots and easier to get.

The benefit here is you could take this set out to wvw and be mostly fine.

New mesmer - criticise my build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vitali.5039


Open World
I suggest you this build to increase your survivability via stun/daze (and low cd block/daze), increase your damage via Mantra (6 charge) with fast vulnerability application and gaining quickness (like your build), dealing damage and recharging your Pistol skills on interrupt. Sholar and full berserk aren’t needed but you’ll kill faster with it.

For pve I suggest you to take a look here:
full ascended Berserker weapons and armor (rune of the leadership) with Commander’s Legs and Exotic Berserker back (for the doublon)

New mesmer - criticise my build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Alex.5283
