New mesmer need help

New mesmer need help

in Mesmer

Posted by: Solstice.1097


I know what I want my build to be able to DO, and I know it exists, but I am new to mesmer class and having no luck finding a guide or video.

If someone knows and could post a link that would much appreciated. I’m looking for mesmer build mainly for WvW that:

-has phantasms
-most likely staff + sword/focus build
-has portal and veil
-high survivability and can fight very well outnumbered

i’m looking for a guide on the armor, traits, gameplay, etc.

(I did look myself for awhile before coming and asking here I promise I’m not trying to just be lazy

New mesmer need help

in Mesmer

Posted by: Helios.3598


I’d start at 0/20(II,IV)/20(IV,X)/30(II,VIII,IX)/0 and go from there. For better bleeds you’ll want some precision in your gear.

mesmer of Blackgate

New mesmer need help

in Mesmer

Posted by: jazzllanna.1278


New mesmer need help

in Mesmer

Posted by: colesy.8490


Phantasms are generally quite poor in WvW zerging. The best you’ll be able to do is dropping a berserker off a greatsword which will just cleave through a ton of guys as long as it isn’t gibbed mid-way through animation.

Sanctum of Rall (NA) – [LOD] – PvE/Dungeon Phantasm Mesmer build
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj

New mesmer need help

in Mesmer

Posted by: Alissah.9281


All mesmer builds have phantasms :o you have 1 on each weaponset.
For fighting outnumbered i recommend a shatter build, also for solo roamig and group play. (Although it doesnt have support traits)

The Shattercat heavy 3.0 has the higest passive survivability out of all Shattercats, including -60% condition uptime on you, all while maintaining it’s high burst and having 70+ bleed ticks average, going up to 90 sometimes sihout needing condition damage gear.

You can swap decoy or blink for veil if you want, nothing set in stone.

If you want phantasm damage you could use the Shatter cat phantasm hybrid this build doesnt use a focus though.

If you want more phantasm damage and less “finesse” to your playstyle, you can try a phantasm damage with a 10/10/0/25/0 build. It wont be very effective with a focus though.

If you want a boon support build that has veil by defaut, try the 0/10/30/30/0 Chaos Maestro (vid )build . It uses phantasms to supply permanent regen, which heals 300+ per second. Sword focus and staff for boons, veil and other stealth for massive protection uptime and more! Youre not supposed to win a 1vs3 with it though, but in outnumbered team situations youll make everyone around you very resillient.

If you want more links to guides or youtube videos or anything else, feel free to forum PM me : D!

New Rainbow Guild – An open-minded guild exclusively for Transgender people!
Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
Lyssa’s Grimoire – a guide every Mesmer should read.

(edited by Alissah.9281)

New mesmer need help

in Mesmer

Posted by: Samiell.1259


Phantasms are generally quite poor in WvW zerging. The best you’ll be able to do is dropping a berserker off a greatsword which will just cleave through a ton of guys as long as it isn’t gibbed mid-way through animation.

Not sure where you gathered this assessment of phantasms but in my experience phantasms are quite useful in zergs. Zerker phantasm cripples for 4 seconds, bleeds on crit (when traited) and you can spec for cripple on clone death. That’s just one phantasm. Focus phantasm, depending on traits and combo fields can aoe confusion, cleans and reflect ranged attacks. That’s not even mentioning that if people are crippled near it, that phantasm is the hardest hitting one out there.
I can keep going with this rebuttal but IMO, you are wrong. Phantasm specs are extremely useful in WvW zergs.

Black Ops supply line disruptions.

New mesmer need help

in Mesmer

Posted by: colesy.8490


I assure you, almost all of the time if you drop a phantasm in a zerg it will either be instantly killed or die half way (if that) through its attack. Zerg fights are just AOE spam and cleaving, phantasms with their 3k hp (or something pitiful like that, PvE phants have like 9.7k though) just get gibbed.

There’s a good reason why the guild I’m in told me to switch from phantasm to glamour, and it’s because phantasm is weak in ZvZ. Not to say glamour is much better, but it’s the best out of a list of weak choices. Feedback reflects projectiles far more reliably than warden as well, since you can’t destroy feedback.

Sanctum of Rall (NA) – [LOD] – PvE/Dungeon Phantasm Mesmer build
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj

New mesmer need help

in Mesmer

Posted by: Samiell.1259


Difference in experiences. Mine live longer than you’ve had the experience probably due to where you’re targeting people from. Front line targeting will get phantasms killed due to what you said: cleaves and aoe. Target ranged in the back and you’re phantasms will reek havok.
Try it out, you’ll be surprised how much longer uptime your phantasms will have. Tab targeting is a bad way to run phantasm builds. You need to know where they’ll be going if there is any hope of keeping them alive.
Just out of curiosity, what build are they asking your Mesmers to run?

Black Ops supply line disruptions.

New mesmer need help

in Mesmer

Posted by: Solstice.1097


i must admit i am newb to mesmer and i dont know hte difference between phantasms/clones/illusions I am not after a lot of dPS but I would like to have a good AoE damage burst available. I will check out the links you guys posted thank you so much so for the input so far!

New mesmer need help

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


i must admit i am newb to mesmer and i dont know hte difference between phantasms/clones/illusions I am not after a lot of dPS but I would like to have a good AoE damage burst available. I will check out the links you guys posted thank you so much so for the input so far!

If you’re that new to Mesmer, then you need to play a bit before starting to worry about builds and strategies. Play the class, level up a bit, figure out the basic mechanics, and then you can start figuring out your build.

New mesmer need help

in Mesmer

Posted by: Alissah.9281


i must admit i am newb to mesmer and i dont know hte difference between phantasms/clones/illusions I am not after a lot of dPS but I would like to have a good AoE damage burst available. I will check out the links you guys posted thank you so much so for the input so far!

If you’re that new to Mesmer, then you need to play a bit before starting to worry about builds and strategies. Play the class, level up a bit, figure out the basic mechanics, and then you can start figuring out your build.

True, the forums will always be here to help :P.

If youre leveling, i recommend trying each weapon (they all have a phantasm!) and see which one fits your style the most.

Also, at level 40 take dueling 20 “Deceptive Evasion”, which spits out a clone every time you dodge, making your life much easier!

New Rainbow Guild – An open-minded guild exclusively for Transgender people!
Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
Lyssa’s Grimoire – a guide every Mesmer should read.

New mesmer need help

in Mesmer

Posted by: colesy.8490


I always die a bit inside when somebody asks how to get good AOE on a mesmer, we’re pretty poor at it. Farming mobs in Cursed Shore on my guard, then doing it on my mesmer is a massive difference with the number of enemies you get to tag in time.

Difference in experiences. Mine live longer than you’ve had the experience probably due to where you’re targeting people from. Front line targeting will get phantasms killed due to what you said: cleaves and aoe. Target ranged in the back and you’re phantasms will reek havok.
Try it out, you’ll be surprised how much longer uptime your phantasms will have. Tab targeting is a bad way to run phantasm builds. You need to know where they’ll be going if there is any hope of keeping them alive.

You target the front, the phantasm dies, you target the middle, the phantasm dies, you target the back, you barely hit anything and then the phantasm dies. Phantasmal Warden is even worse (and I hate having to run a weapon just for the pulls) since it’s static and has a slow attack, and considering how fluid zerg combat can be, the spot its on quickly becomes irrelevant if it even survives.

And telling me not to tab target, well I’m not braindead. Tabbing just makes you target downed states most of the time which is pointless (well not pointless, just fighting soon to be corpses isn’t as gratifying as actual players), it’s just frustrating how much hard work it is having to press targets while in the heat of a fight in WvW.

Just out of curiosity, what build are they asking your Mesmers to run?

I dunno if I can tell that, I mean we’re not allowed to upload videos with teamspeak comms on either so I’d rather play it safe.

Sanctum of Rall (NA) – [LOD] – PvE/Dungeon Phantasm Mesmer build
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj

New mesmer need help

in Mesmer

Posted by: Solstice.1097


im trying to decide between knights, soldiers, or clerics armor stats

im also trying to decide between melandru or dolyak runes.

im looking for max survivability first, then I’ll start easing into some DPS from there until I find the right mix.

New mesmer need help

in Mesmer

Posted by: Advent.6193


Melandru, bro. We both WvW for Ferg … condition clearing is a darned good thing. Or, Dolyak/Soldier’s could work. That was Micboboo’s original spec.

Malegryne (Sylvari Mesmer), Lannka (Asura Thief) – Ferguson’s Crossing: [PRD/BRB/OMFG]
Other 80s: Any but Warrior

New mesmer need help

in Mesmer

Posted by: Menaka.5092


im trying to decide between knights, soldiers, or clerics armor stats

im also trying to decide between melandru or dolyak runes.

im looking for max survivability first, then I’ll start easing into some DPS from there until I find the right mix.

Try with the jewels in the mists (sPVP), you won’t have perfect matching with the stats you can get in WVW, but you can get an idea of if/how it works.

about the runes, I’d go melandru for survivability

New mesmer need help

in Mesmer

Posted by: selan.8354


pyro is right. u gotta figure how u like to play your mesmer first. every build requires a complete different playstyle.

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood