New player :D

New player :D

in Mesmer

Posted by: FranticOgre.9216


So, as the title says, I am a new player and want to know what build or what stat should I max…I mean what kind of items should I buy? Items with power ot vitality,healing, precision etc. I am an asura. Any kind of help will be appreciated. Thanks!

New player :D

in Mesmer

Posted by: BlueprintLFE.2358


Alright mate, so what are you interested in playing (play-style wise)? do you want to play a burst style? Do you want to be more tanky? Do you want to do condition damage?

What are you planning on playing? PVE? WVW? Or SPVP? If we can get a little more info we can help you out a bit more.

To start of I generally start with a mix of power and toughness gear in the lower levels to help with damage and survivability. If you want to do a lot of damage, in PVE I run sword and pistol, and greatsword in weapon swap, if you are pvping I run sword and pistol and staff. If you want to do conditions, scepter and torch? maybe? I’m sorry I don’t run conditions to much, maybe with some more knowledge on this area can comment. My first 5 points in traits would be in the illusion line (last trait line), for Illusionists celerity (or whatever it is called) it will reduce the cool down of all your illusion summoning skills, which can help greatly in leveling.

Make sure you read your shatters (your class mechanics that are F1-F4) and know what they do so you are comfortable with them, they can save your life when used right. Get used to shattering your clones, as clones do 0-15 damage themselves, and are not meant to be just kept out, phantasms do good damage on their own, I let them get a round or 2 of damage out then I shatter them. Don’t treat our clones like “pets” they are mainly for shatter fodder, they can help take aggro off of you so they can be useful being out as well.

With more information I can provide more specific help.

USMC 1st Battalion 10th Marines
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW

(edited by BlueprintLFE.2358)

New player :D

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ryuujin.8236


For levelling, power is your priority. That’s pretty much universal for all classes.

At around lvl 20 or 30 you get gear with 2 stats on, power/precision should be your new getup.

Finally at 50-ish you start getting gear with 3 attributes on it, Power/Precision/Crit damage (Berserkers) is the most popular, though Power/Precision/Toughness (Knights) is also used by people who want a bit more tankiness at the cost of reduced damage.

The Ashwalker – Ranger
Garnished Toast

New player :D

in Mesmer

Posted by: renmei.3102


I would recommend that the first 5 points you get should be put into the “Illusionists” line in order to get “Illusionists Celerity” which makes your illusion-spawning skills charge 20% faster. Leveling a Mesmer for the first 40 levels is a little rough because our best burst damage comes from shattering our clones, and this skill will make your leveling experience a little less painful. Mesmers don’t make clones fast enough until we hit lvl 40 when you can put 20 points into the “Dueling” line and get “Deceptive Evasion” which creates a clone every time you dodge. With this you’ll be shattering mobs left and right and killing stuff much faster.

As for weapons, I swear by greatsword, it is our hardest hitting ranged single target weapon. I use staff as a backup when I need to aoe or when mobs get too close. But try them all out and see which ones fit your style.

New player :D

in Mesmer

Posted by: CrazyAce.3842


Illusionists Celerity is a must-have 5-point trait for ALL mesmers. I don’t care what your build is or what your traits are like or what weapons you use. Illusionists Celerity is invaluable and an incredibly good trait.

New player :D

in Mesmer

Posted by: FranticOgre.9216


Well, thanks to all who answered here, never thought GW2 had such a great community. Atm I want to focus more on pve and after that, when I reach higher lvls, I’ll go with pvp. What does conditioin dmg do? Some sort of side effects or? Yea I think that’s all I have to say, thanks for pointing out the builds and how should I behave in the game. Awesome community. Thanks guys!

New player :D

in Mesmer

Posted by: FranticOgre.9216


Oh and btw, what craft to choose?:D

New player :D

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sinergy.6374


Well are you interested in crafting a legendary? I would look up which one you want to craft and choose the two that fit the legendary you want

New player :D

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sinergy.6374


Also it was a good idea starting out as a mesmer. They require much more finesse and will make you a better player in the long run.

New player :D

in Mesmer

Posted by: FranticOgre.9216


and what can I do with mystical cogs?:D

New player :D

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sinergy.6374


Those are for making the minis for the winters day event

New player :D

in Mesmer

Posted by: EsLafiel.4517


Their 2 types of damaging in this game. Each one does more damage depending on different stats.

Power does raw damage. So your normal attack will do more.

Condition damage is about poison,bleeds,confusion,burn and so on. Determine how much damage these does.