New to Mesmer and GW2 Help Please :)

New to Mesmer and GW2 Help Please :)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Gintokikun.9342


Well hello everyone.

I say I’m new to gw2 because I plYed the beta, the first weeks and only came back basically 3 weeks ago. Played 1 or 2 weeks in between this time. It nothing special. Time didn’t permit it. Now that I hVe more time I came back. I’ve always run with ele. That’s my fav class in every rpg. But I’ve always loved and a lot, dual wielding characters. Always wanted to run one that feels like a smooth experience and that I can control, not only just keep attacking with the same 1 skill and sometimes other ones.
I mean, we have daggers but ain’t the same. Dual swords are cool Hah

You would say: “make a warrior” I would say no. Ahah I don’t like war or guard. Don’t get me wrong but it is too low brain and over used. And when I found out mesmers can use 2S I just created one and it’s sitting in divinity’s reach at lvl 4 waiting for your opinions guys

So the thing is, being high end or not this Mesmer has to use 2S. My main will be my ele so no worries of this mess not being high end like the most used S/P + GS.
Still, I want to remain competitive. Main use is for pve, dungeons and fracts and casual and occasional wvwvw.

Could you please give me or explain me a good build for SS + GS. this GS can be a staff but I would prefer GS because I already run staff in ele and I want variety in game. So new weapons aahah

Thank you for your time.

I am open to new options, but im way into 2S ahah

New to Mesmer and GW2 Help Please :)

in Mesmer

Posted by: lujate.5432


I’m using a variant of this build:

I use Sword/Sword & Sword/Focus, but you could probably use it Sword/Sword & GS.

“Queen of Cheese Builds”

New to Mesmer and GW2 Help Please :)

in Mesmer

Posted by: BeoErgon.9107


First advice I would give you: take your 2S + GS mesmer and level it to 80.
Once you tick 80 you will be used enough to those two that you might be able to get yourself out of any situation.

BUT! try other combinations too. Depending on the situations you might find that switching some of your weapons for some minutes might help you a lot. Try to understand what advantages each weapon gives and when it might be a good idea to switch for some minutes.

And for the build, reading all the situational builds in this post you will surely be able to come up with a build that you like:

New to Mesmer and GW2 Help Please :)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xyonon.3987


Sword/Sword + Sword/Focus or Sword/Sword + Greatsword is actually pretty easy and rewarding. You are not forced to keep the weapons once you picked them. Change your weapons as you need to and play both of those I’ve written above. For example Focus is a must have in fotm and sometimes you need GS for safe range (ascalon endboss for example). In the end you will make use of every weapon but Sword, Focus and Greatsword are very solid.

I recommend 20/20/0/30/0. It is definitly the best thing you can do. If you don’t want to trait reflection (wich is not so clever in fotm but stronger in open world) you also can go a full mantra build for highest dps possible for a mesmer: 30/30/0/0/10.

So before I start to wall’o’text: What do you want?

Ziggs Ironeye – Engineer | Madame Le Blanc – Mesmer | Mentor (PvE) | EU
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”

New to Mesmer and GW2 Help Please :)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Gintokikun.9342


Thank you all for your answers. They please me.
I get that probably change is good, and I might do it. But for some reason I don’t like pistol ahah. I really wanna use the 2S. Although I might change in the future of course.
I will take a look at the builds you linked.

Xyonon. Thanks the idea of a big text pleases me aahah

Like I said what I want is more pve than pvp. Do open world, tons of dungeons and fractals. Party in open world and sometimes help my. Guild in wvwvw. But dont take that too much into account for the build. I think with 2S I can get good speed and damage. And since it is light armour I can use GS in pinchy situations. I want to do more damage than support. I tend to do my builds but always give a look at others. But about Mesmer I don’t know nothing. Thank you a lot

Oh btw, I want dps but I don’t want to be a feather.

New to Mesmer and GW2 Help Please :)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xyonon.3987


Then 20/20/0/30/0 is definitly what you want.

  • Supports Sword MH
  • Supports Sword OH
  • Supports Greatsword
  • Supports Focus
  • Supports Torch (unusual – elitist play only for minor help in specific situations)
  • Supports Staff (passive – Chaosstorm interrupt procs Dom15, iWarlock happytime conditions)
  • Supports Pistol if needed (I don’t recommend it. Pisol OR Sword in my build. And since the Pistol is just a weaker version of the Sword OH – don’t touch it, I even use the Scepter more :P btw)
  • Supports Scepter (with cloneexplosion → cribble Dom20)
  • Supports Glamour Skills (most important for fotm)
  • Supports Mantra Skills (very useful if you get used of them)

Overall its perfect to trait like this. You can adapt to almost every situation. I would ask you 2 more things:

  • Playing EU?
  • Main Language?
Ziggs Ironeye – Engineer | Madame Le Blanc – Mesmer | Mentor (PvE) | EU
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”

New to Mesmer and GW2 Help Please :)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Gintokikun.9342


I play in Blacktide so yeah EU.
My main language in Portuguese. I am from Portugal although I moved to UK to study.

What about skills? Any recommendations?

New to Mesmer and GW2 Help Please :)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xyonon.3987


Yea I wanted to make it with teamspeak cuz it would be much faster xD What ever :P



  • 10: +15% Phantasm damage
  • 20: either GS traited (against longer ranged fights)
  • 20: or cribble on clone death. This is kinda underrated, the cribble stacks fast and is awesome with GS2, Staff2, ScepterAA. Also It will happen, allways, that somewhere a clone dies. The cribble also lasts long enough to be useful and is aoe with a huge ø (same as nullfield, feedback).


  • 10: Phantasms have Fury. Must have.
  • 20: Traited Sword, Precision, 20% CDR. Affects MH, OH, usful, don’t ask anything, take it, TAKE IT ALREADY!

Inspiration: (now it’s getting interesting)
Choose what you need:

  • Feedback on heal (heal downed ppl) with 6sec dura, 10sec cd. Very underrated and insane in fotm
  • Focus traited, 20% CDR, reflect skills. Must have, while using Focus.
  • Glamour 20% CDR (feedback, nullfield, portal)
  • Glamour lasts 2 sec longer (^ but also affects feedback on heal!)
  • Remove condition when you heal (will get buffed soon to 2 conditions, just sayin)
  • Mantras heal when you charge one (very strong in specific situations. The heal is about 2k AoE 5 ppl)


  • Feedback (reflects projectiles, its awesome)
  • Nullfield (removes boons (enemy) and conditions (ally))
  • Blink (dudt – it’s a blink and a stunbreaker)
  • Sigil of Inspiration (awesome to spread might and boons in general)
  • Portal (you know it – CoF p1?)
  • Mantras in general (if you don’t need the stuff above, choose them. The damaging mantra has no cd, its for healing. While charging another mantra you can use it to deal the missed damage. Don’t underestimate its healing power. You also got AoE stability and AoE 2 condition remove aswell daze (works with dominon 15))


  • Mantra or Aethernomnom
  • Time Warp in general

Try to daze whenever you can, grants 5 stacks vulnerability wich equals to 15-20k damage in a full 5 member team.
Sword 4 can block, but you also can release it earlier to shoot a piercing bold that dazes.
If you interrupt its 8 stacks.
There are other skills that might sometimes be very useful. However they can be hard to use and to understand how they work, like Mimic.
Dont be afraid of testing something: Testing = Expirience = Power!


Ziggs Ironeye – Engineer | Madame Le Blanc – Mesmer | Mentor (PvE) | EU
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”

(edited by Xyonon.3987)

New to Mesmer and GW2 Help Please :)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Gintokikun.9342


We could teamspeak shah
But now you have written. Thanks, I am levelling my mesm. Still a lvl 11 baby :P
And no swords so far ahah
Exploring queens dale to 100% and keep moving like always


New to Mesmer and GW2 Help Please :)

in Mesmer

Posted by: skcamow.3527


We could teamspeak shah

The OMFG teamspeak channel is always available for guild members

Kortham Raysplitter (Yak’s Bend)

New to Mesmer and GW2 Help Please :)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xyonon.3987


So you are buddies? Or what?

Ziggs Ironeye – Engineer | Madame Le Blanc – Mesmer | Mentor (PvE) | EU
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”