Nil Chaos's signature Mesmer Build

Nil Chaos's signature Mesmer Build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chaos.3579


i made this build way way way back and have been refining and changing it ever since with updates, balance changes ect. my friends and enemy players have asked for my build constantly, and have even asked me to post it.
that is what i intend to do.
what i would like to say about the build is that i made it specifically to match my personal preference of play style. it can be played many ways and is in no way strait forward. keep this in mind

this build is my signature build because i am its original creator and user and i am rarely if ever seen on my mez not running this

  • uses: pvp,wvw,pve- ANYTHING.
  • trait speck: 20 ,20 ,0 ,30 ,0
    or 4 ,4 ,0 ,6 ,0
  • traits:
    domination 1, 10
    dueling 4, 10
    inspiration 4, 8, 11
    traits can be changed around to fit many variants i myself can change out dom 1 dueling 4 inspiration 4 and 8 to anything else available to match weapon choice or build type
    WARNING this is not a phantasm build!.
    despite running 6 in inspiration you cannot run a phantasm build with these current traits and if you switched out the dom and inspiration traits to match a phantasm build ideal you will be crushed!. why? because warden does 0 damage to a smart opponent and is only good for utility and berserker can easily be killed even with the 20% extra hp. i supose you could switch out weapons and such to make a actually effective phantasm build.
    but at that point it wont be my build no wont it?
  • gear: full berserker stats
  • rune: traveler
  • weapons: great-sword, sword, focus
  • sigils: 2 energy and 2 battle. 1 of each on each weapon set obviously
    *heal-utility ether feast,blink, decoy,(last utility up to you), mass invis.

EDIT: battle has been nerfed. its not a horrible choice and is a overall good sigil however. there are now good runes you can run in place of it. such as air, doom, and many more. HOWEVER double energy is staple no matter what mesmer build you run!

If you want to see me using this build in wvw or spvp go ahead and click my twitch stream link and catch me when I’m on

for those that love to call builds/class’s cheese despite never running them accept my challenge of running my build trait for trait ether feast,blink decoy,arcane thievery mass invis full zerk traveler runes and just try to kill something ^__^ good luck!
you will need it.
come back with a video


(edited by Chaos.3579)

Nil Chaos's signature Mesmer Build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Raunchy.6891


I don’t know if it was a mistake or not but you keep Warden’s feedback in when you’re running GS+Sw/Sw in the spvp build. Also I’m thinking a build like this might be pretty useful against the many upcoming condition builds that this patch is sure to spawn.

Nil Chaos's signature Mesmer Build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Renny.6571


There isn’t any food or weapon stats selected for the wvw link either.

elite specs ruined pvp.

Nil Chaos's signature Mesmer Build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chaos.3579


I don’t know if it was a mistake or not but you keep Warden’s feedback in when you’re running GS+Sw/Sw in the spvp build. Also I’m thinking a build like this might be pretty useful against the many upcoming condition builds that this patch is sure to spawn.

ya those links are kinda glitchy. it should have a sword focus gs now….no idea why it switched to sword sword <.<

Nil Chaos's signature Mesmer Build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chaos.3579


There isn’t any food or weapon stats selected for the wvw link either.

fixed again no idea why the link did not keep my weapon stat choices. anyway food is up to you. i usually run 40 % increased condi duration to make my immobilize on my 1hsword 3 1/2 sec…….fun but to be perfectly honest while in wvw I pop some magic find food just so I maximize my drop chance of good loot XD

(edited by Chaos.3579)

Nil Chaos's signature Mesmer Build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chaos.3579


hm bumbing so someone i know can find it on the forum

Nil Chaos's signature Mesmer Build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chaos.3579


i edited the build and removed the links just for clarification. also bumping so someone…..THAT WAS SPAMMING ME TO FIND OUT MY BUILD. ( you know who you are) can find it

enjoy the build

note i made this build to
1) fit my own personal play style and desire in WHAT and HOW i wanted to play.
2) to make a honorable build were my effectiveness is mostly determined by my player skill. which is more than what the meta can offer me