Now is the best time to roll a Mesmer

Now is the best time to roll a Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: LaronX.8079


Not really. Sadly Mesmer are still in a very good spot in PvP and unless you are into PvP that means you have to expect nerfs. Our DPS is among the highest THEORETICALLY but that seems to enough for the life team to assume all is good. Yes we where strong. Yes it might get better. But it probably won’t for a long long time unless they split PvE and PvP. Else the simply can’t justify it as we will pub stomp in PvP. You see the issue. Two unrelated modes keep them from expanding the experience in the other. And we are not the only class with the issue.


Now is the best time to roll a Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Coxy.5269


Sadly Mesmer are still in a very good spot in PvP

This is slightly debatable. Slllliiiiiggghttllyy.


Now is the best time to roll a Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fay.2357


Sadly Mesmer are still in a very good spot in PvP

This is slightly debatable. Slllliiiiiggghttllyy.

I have no idea what you’re talking about. There is 1 mesmer that pvps at a high level. 1 is larger than 0, so mesmer must be fine.

Now is the best time to roll a Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Coxy.5269


1 is larger than 0, so mesmer must be fine.

Ya got me, I can’t argue with that. Also more #cough# evidence #cough# :


Now is the best time to roll a Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: unlucky.9285


mesmers are a pain to fight in pvp -.- you can already troll a point against 2 people by yourself you can reset fights easily you can do both condi and do damage at the same time really well.. that’s something a necro cant do you can literally shut a target down during team fights making it easy for your team (too many stuns >.<)

if you guys are crying about being underpowered because of warriors and guards guess what everyone is underpowered against them >=( and if anet buff them this “balance” update they are not very bright……..

Now is the best time to roll a Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Neptune.2570


mesmers are a pain to fight in pvp -.- you can already troll a point against 2 people by yourself you can reset fights easily you can do both condi and do damage at the same time really well.. that’s something a necro cant do you can literally shut a target down during team fights making it easy for your team (too many stuns >.<)

if you guys are crying about being underpowered because of warriors and guards guess what everyone is underpowered against them >=( and if anet buff them this “balance” update they are not very bright……..

Seriously, so many people seem to think Mesmers run 6/6/6/6/6.
Yes we can do all those things, If you were to fuse 3 builds.
Warriors and Guards, while yes, are in a good spot are not the problem with Mesmer in PvP. Everyone who actually plays Mesmer knows we wont be viable as long as s/x thief sits on his perch.

Edit: Or unless you’re Helseth, but lets not balance a whole class around the skill of a single players abilities before you mention him.

Daliriant, Dr Octogon [Champion Illusionist]
Mellowpuff [Champion Hunter]

Now is the best time to roll a Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: unlucky.9285


funny.. a single build did do all this during the match I played and every time it turned bad for him he ran away retet and came back…

you do realise any light/medium class can be taken down in seconds by a thief.. heck even the heavies have trouble 1v1…. a well played thief will spike and reset until your defences are stuck behind the cool down wall then get a free kill seeing as they regen 1 initiative every second…

(edited by unlucky.9285)

Now is the best time to roll a Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Neptune.2570


It’s been established in a thread you made on the necro forum that you have a l2p issue with Mesmers, there’s plenty of advice there for you to beat them rather than giving misinformation about Mesmers current state in PvP

Daliriant, Dr Octogon [Champion Illusionist]
Mellowpuff [Champion Hunter]

Now is the best time to roll a Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fay.2357


funny.. a single build did do all this during the match I played and every time it turned bad for him he ran away retet and came back…

I’m thinking that perhaps you’re just very inexperienced in pvp and don’t fully understand how to fight people well.

Now is the best time to roll a Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: unlucky.9285


i don’t have trouble with the other classes i don’t usually complain about them either other then what everyone else complains about or is plain obviously unfair. just the ones that can pop stealth and reset the fight continuously… i know how i can beat the mesmers.. go full condi and spam the area get swiftness so i can kite the clones and avoid the spike. but that is one build that will get owned by more. also i can beat them with the build i made the thread with if i just get plain lucky and they just happened to not have a dodge/staff2/decoy/blink available or just plain missed my attack that turned the fight in my favour…but its usually just fat luck or down to the terrain preventing them from running away/keeping a large distance if they are in un favourable conditions.

Now is the best time to roll a Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Menaka.5092


(too many stuns >.<)

all dem mesmer stuns…