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Mesmer Personality Quiz! Exclamation Points!
(edited by Chaos Archangel.5071)
Man, I wish the people I know IRL could get the ball rolling so fast when an awesome new idea pops up.. Ah well, in any event:
Hey guys, I figured we should start putting our heads together and tossing ideas around for future events. And I wanted to highlight a couple things to note:
It’s really great that there’s been a whole world of support for the guild, even people who don’t even post on the forums are signing up! I figured we may as well get the ball rolling by tossing around some ideas for the future. Some of the things already mentioned was ..
- Mesmer Fight Club: I’m going to be purchasing a Custom Server for guild use. If anyone is interested in setting up bi-weekly sPvP tournaments/training sessions then please voice your opinion in the comments. (9-11-13: Currently planning Stunlock Warrior & possibly Necro/Thief training sessions… again)
- Dungeon Runs: I’d like to come up with a way for people LFG to easily be able to connect with eachother, as well as have some of the instructors hold sessions to show where Mesmers fit in bests in specific dungeons. (Like how to do a CoF speed run, the best places to bring reflects, ect.)
- Monthly Jumping Puzzle Contests?: We do this from time to time in my current guild, always lots of fun.
- Build-Of-The-Month: Was awesome the first time, and now will be awesome again in November.
- Mesmer Costume Contest (Go ahead.. Click the link, it wont bite.)
(edited by Chaos Archangel.5071)
Very good ideas Chaos. I want to reinforce the point of a lack of gild hierarchy. Ranks are purely chosen by each individual. There are no higher or lower ranks. Anyone who wants to teach can, who wants to learn can, and who wants to test can. Ranks can and will change at any time simply upon request.
Jus want to mention things I looked into. Wvw obviously is not going to be easily possible due to the cross-server and cross-region nature of the guild. Guild missions are in the same boat, as even guesting doesnt allow you to participate fully in guild missions (c’mon Anet >_<).
I was hoping we could highlight opposing classes and how best to fight against them. Like, hold a pvp training event on how to take down the stun-chaining warriors (I have some difficulty with them) and (to my shame) the d/d an p/d thieves. We all must know some people with these class builds. We could invite them in and learn their techniques, or bring your alts in if they don’t want to divulge strategy. Either way, I am not too familiar with some of the other classes so I’ve no idea what they are even capable of.
Know your enemies!!!!!
Very good ideas Chaos. I want to reinforce the point of a lack of gild hierarchy. Ranks are purely chosen by each individual. There are no higher or lower ranks. Anyone who wants to teach can, who wants to learn can, and who wants to test can. Ranks can and will change at any time simply upon request.
Jus want to mention things I looked into. Wvw obviously is not going to be easily possible due to the cross-server and cross-region nature of the guild. Guild missions are in the same boat, as even guesting doesnt allow you to participate fully in guild missions (c’mon Anet >_<).
Maybe we could split up events between EU and NA. So EU guild members voice a call for WvW or guild mission, choose a server, people guest, then same for NA, etc. Takes one barrier out of the equation at least.
Then maybe … maybe once a month/week/whatever we try to organize a guild wide event which involved both regions?
Very good ideas Chaos. I want to reinforce the point of a lack of gild hierarchy. Ranks are purely chosen by each individual. There are no higher or lower ranks. Anyone who wants to teach can, who wants to learn can, and who wants to test can. Ranks can and will change at any time simply upon request.
Jus want to mention things I looked into. Wvw obviously is not going to be easily possible due to the cross-server and cross-region nature of the guild. Guild missions are in the same boat, as even guesting doesnt allow you to participate fully in guild missions (c’mon Anet >_<).
Maybe we could split up events between EU and NA. So EU guild members voice a call for WvW or guild mission, choose a server, people guest, then same for NA, etc. Takes one barrier out of the equation at least.
Then maybe … maybe once a month/week/whatever we try to organize a guild wide event which involved both regions?
That doesn’t work for wvw for obvious reasons. As it turns out, a guesting member of a guild will not receive guild comms from guild missions that are based on a different server. Essentially every single possible function of guilds other than guild chat is completely and totally locked to servers.
Hmn, I have some ideas, but im not aure if its doable or not.
@damerung I’m planning to make a “how to duel” guide with basic/advanced sections, but also a seperate video for “meta builds”, like the stunlock warrior. I wouldbe using a shatter-, phantasm- and condition spec for this.
Im haing several problems though…
Im not sure how muh space there is in the message of the day, but maybe a “community projects” part can go in it. There would be things like:
It would be updated fairly regurarly, especially when people start comig up with ideas for events/builds and stuff! It would be a fun little part where people can check for events every once in a while ^__^.
Oh, i also bought a bigger roster size early : D. It was 1 silver, no idea how big i made it though :P.
Very good ideas Chaos. I want to reinforce the point of a lack of gild hierarchy. Ranks are purely chosen by each individual. There are no higher or lower ranks. Anyone who wants to teach can, who wants to learn can, and who wants to test can. Ranks can and will change at any time simply upon request.
Jus want to mention things I looked into. Wvw obviously is not going to be easily possible due to the cross-server and cross-region nature of the guild. Guild missions are in the same boat, as even guesting doesnt allow you to participate fully in guild missions (c’mon Anet >_<).
Maybe we could split up events between EU and NA. So EU guild members voice a call for WvW or guild mission, choose a server, people guest, then same for NA, etc. Takes one barrier out of the equation at least.
Then maybe … maybe once a month/week/whatever we try to organize a guild wide event which involved both regions?
That doesn’t work for wvw for obvious reasons. As it turns out, a guesting member of a guild will not receive guild comms from guild missions that are based on a different server. Essentially every single possible function of guilds other than guild chat is completely and totally locked to servers.
Hm. Well yeah guess Anet has some work here to do.
Only other possibility then would be organizing server specific events, which requires a lot more coordination and would really only work if we get a large number of people in the guild.
a guesting member of a guild will not receive guild comms from guild missions that are based on a different server.
Every Saturday I guest to another server and run guild missions with another guild and always get my commedations with no issues.
a guesting member of a guild will not receive guild comms from guild missions that are based on a different server.
Every Saturday I guest to another server and run guild missions with another guild and always get my commedations with no issues.
Oh really? It seems I was given false information then. I’d love to get a little more confirmation, has anyone else done this?
Yes, guild members from other servers can get the commendations as long as they guest to the server that the mission is happening on and as long as they represent the guild while doing the mission. I know for sure because our own guild is spread over several servers as well.
The downside for server guests is that they can’t see the tab for the active missions in the guild menu, so you’ll have to tell them which targets you got. Also, server guests cannot participate in the Guild Trek because the glowing circles are not there for them, but since that mission type is the only one that does not reward commendations anyway, it should not be a problem for them.
Since a player can only guest to two different servers within 24 hours, make sure to tell your members from other servers to keep one of these two guest slots open for the server the missions will be happening on.
A quote from someone who answered a similar question in the Guild Misions forums.
(edited by Thrones.6739)
Yes, guild members from other servers can get the commendations as long as they guest to the server that the mission is happening on and as long as they represent the guild while doing the mission. I know for sure because our own guild is spread over several servers as well.
The downside for server guests is that they can’t see the tab for the active missions in the guild menu, so you’ll have to tell them which targets you got. Also, server guests cannot participate in the Guild Trek because the glowing circles are not there for them, but since that mission type is the only one that does not reward commendations anyway, it should not be a problem for them.
Since a player can only guest to two different servers within 24 hours, make sure to tell your members from other servers to keep one of these two guest slots open for the server the missions will be happening on.
A quote from someone who asked a similar question in the Guild Misions forums.
Awesome, thanks for the info.
I’ve added the main topic about this guild to the stickied mesmer guides & build list. I think this is a great initiative to help each other with all things Mesmer. A great way to talk the nerdy mesmer talk and get together to have a good time doing events.
Especially with so many great, experienced Mesmers already on board I think this is a great opportunity for veterans and new people alike to get more familiar with our profession and share our thoughts.
I’ve added the main topic about this guild to the stickied mesmer guides & build list. I think this is a great initiative to help each other with all things Mesmer. A great way to talk the nerdy mesmer talk and get together to have a good time doing events.
Especially with so many great, experienced Mesmers already on board I think this is a great opportunity for veterans and new people alike to get more familiar with our profession and share our thoughts.
I agree, this is one of the best ideas i have ever come across.
In fact the mods should sticky this thread and the original guild recruiting one.
As for events i remember seeing a post about meeting up all mesmers on 1 server to chill and hangout. While i was not there when it happened i think it would be a lot of fun if something again was organised to that extend.
You could even hold a prize for the best dressed mesmer. :P
I’ve added the main topic about this guild to the stickied mesmer guides & build list. I think this is a great initiative to help each other with all things Mesmer. A great way to talk the nerdy mesmer talk and get together to have a good time doing events.
Especially with so many great, experienced Mesmers already on board I think this is a great opportunity for veterans and new people alike to get more familiar with our profession and share our thoughts.
I agree, this is one of the best ideas i have ever come across.
In fact the mods should sticky this thread and the original guild recruiting one.As for events i remember seeing a post about meeting up all mesmers on 1 server to chill and hangout. While i was not there when it happened i think it would be a lot of fun if something again was organised to that extend.
You could even hold a prize for the best dressed mesmer. :P
THIS! SO MUCH THIS!! I forgot we used to do this all the time on Champions Online/City of Heroes. A guild would mapchat about a costume contest they’re hosting in the next hour or so and would have different categories like Scariest/BestMatchingTheme/Most Adoreable/ect. Winners would get some kind of prize (I got dyes I don’t use anyways.)
It was always awesome. We definitely gotta do it at least once.
I was hoping we could highlight opposing classes and how best to fight against them. Like, hold a pvp training event on how to take down the stun-chaining warriors (I have some difficulty with them) and (to my shame) the d/d an p/d thieves. We all must know some people with these class builds. We could invite them in and learn their techniques, or bring your alts in if they don’t want to divulge strategy. Either way, I am not too familiar with some of the other classes so I’ve no idea what they are even capable of.
Know your enemies!!!!!
I really like this idea, especially since I have a giant rasta Norn Stunlock Warrior that loves to smash butterflies.
Do we have anyone skilled with a Thief/Necro? Quite a few of those threads popping up. Ya’ll up for a Mists training session this weekend? If that’s too soon, I’m down for next weekend.
Edit: Unless we have enough people willing to teach at different times? Are we that awesome already!?
Know your enemies!!!!!
Edit: Unless we have enough people willing to teach at different times? Are we that awesome already!?
Im always willing to teach, unless im doing guild missions/dungeons or something, which isnt that often ^__^.
Im conpletely rubbish with thieves and necro though… Maybe i should go join their forum guild ;P.
@Chaos: thanks again for the initiative.
In addition to Chaos’ suggested events which I’d like to group together as special events, I think we should also have some sort of gathering/get-together session that occurs on a regular basis, maybe weekly/bi-weekly on weekend night. This could serve as a basic level of guild operation.
The purpose is simply for members to meet up, get to know one another in person and have a good chat. Of course, the gathering could be then followed with us doing stuff, whatever events together if the group so desire. Imagine, a group of 20 or more, all mesmers storm the gate of Balthazar temple, leaving behind a trail of purple destruction. xD
To make it convenient, we can have a default timeframe for this type of guild gathering so we can plan beforehand. Ofc information about time and place to meet will be posted on forum and in guild news panel.
For example:
Time: 8:00pm Sat night (PST for NA servers, UTC for EU servers)
Place: Lake Mourn, Hoelbrak – top left corner of the map, (my favourite place for ice skating, hint: Blink while moving xD)
Special events like ones that Chaos or others have suggested could be arranged to run separately or together with the regular gathering, whichever way suits better.
So in generally, the guild activities could include:
- Regular guild gathering (weekly or bi-weekly)
- Mesmer Fight Club (bi-weekly)
- PvE/PvP training sessions (flexible times, as long as there are enough people around)
- Dungeon Runs (same as training sessions)
- Jumping Puzzle Contest (monthly)
- Build Showcase with Build-of-the-Month award (monthly, start and end with every month, or we can run it in sync with patch cycle)
- Costume Contest (monthly?)
What do you guys think? I could volunteer to help organize events if you guys are all cool with it.
(edited by keenlam.4753)
@keenlam: That sounds good to me, really good actually. Thanks man!
@all: I really wanna push this first training session for sometime soon too, I’m willing to do it for this weekend throughout next weekend if anyone else is willing/wanted. Alissah can help me coordinate on the EU side?
This thread is why OMFG is my new favor thing.
The training opportunity to learn how to fight vs different builds and style is a dream come true. A educated Mesmer is a very dangerous Mesmer.
I don’t have as much time as I’d like but what time I have ill gladly dedicate tword this particular avenue.
I am all for fight club.
Don’t be shy to bring your alt, even if you do not know how to play it. Learning works both ways. As you play against the Mesmer you will learn the alt and you will understand the class better.
Im conpletely rubbish with thieves and necro though… Maybe i should go join their forum guild ;P.
Hmm. Just a thought, but maybe it would be an idea to let some none mesmers join? ^^
With the rank of “Butterfly Fighter” or something :P
It would give us a better option when it comes to practice fighting against a different profession and it would give them an option to learn how to fight against a variety of mesmer builds. Just a thought ^^
(edited by Reesha.7901)
@all: I really wanna push this first training session for sometime soon too, I’m willing to do it for this weekend throughout next weekend if anyone else is willing/wanted. Alissah can help me coordinate on the EU side?
Id love to coordinate it on the EU side, and if its in weekends i should have time available. There have to be some “backup” people though, incase I do have other plans :P.
Just ask/PM/talk in-game about the plans or something and Ill do my best :D.
I’d like to talk about guild missions and influence for a moment. Since we’re all on different servers, influence must be purchased through cash donations. So, if people want to see us unlocking guild missions, just send me an ingame mail with the subject of ‘for influence’ or something, and I’ll start getting things unlocked.
ok, so just to be clear, if I guest to another server I can still take part in guild missions?
I’m on an EU server, so that means I can only guest on other EU servers right? Never really looked into it.
Anyone know how guesting works with WvW? As in, can we all guest on the same server and join WvW together? Or can you only join WvW from your “home” server?
ok, so just to be clear, if I guest to another server I can still take part in guild missions?
Someone posted yesterday this can be done (specific to region that is), but not sure if it was confirmed.
I’m on an EU server, so that means I can only guest on other EU servers right? Never really looked into it.
Anyone know how guesting works with WvW? As in, can we all guest on the same server and join WvW together? Or can you only join WvW from your “home” server?
I believe the only way we can all WvW together is, tied to region, transfer worlds to the same one (obviously not viable).
I’d like to talk about guild missions and influence for a moment. Since we’re all on different servers, influence must be purchased through cash donations. So, if people want to see us unlocking guild missions, just send me an ingame mail with the subject of ‘for influence’ or something, and I’ll start getting things unlocked.
Guild membership is not limited to a single world — a guild can have members from any server, whether in the US or EU. However, the guild’s influence pool and upgrades (including the Guild Vault) are specific to each world, just like a social club would need to acquire separate furniture for each of its branch offices.
If this is true, doing missions for both sides would be much more expensive :/.
My current guild does 2 of each mission type and has influence left over… But thats with people representing and earning it.
Splitting donations between EU and US to unlock missions at the same rate could be possible, if there are an equal amount of players on both sides. Also need some EU people who can queue upgrades.
The guild emblem only costs like 5gold worth of influence, and there is a butterfly emblem :D
edit: hold on just a second… I just read the text on the wiki again… And it seems that even different worlds in EU have seperate influence and upgrades? Oh no.
Well its not a huge problem… Just need a single world we all guest to and also upgrade fhere.
Arenanet could improve a few things here and there.
(edited by Alissah.9281)
Hi guys, I have some ideas for the Build of the Month Contest Event which I’d like to organize and get it running as soon as the new patch comes through.
I’m looking for 3 respected and knowledgeable (and of course fair) individuals to act as official assessors on the review board to have somewhat a final say on the builds participating in the contest.
I have Pyro and Chaos in mind for the positions but I’d like to ask for their opinions first because if you’re on the review board, you simply can’t participate in the contest itself to prevent any conflict of interest.
@Pyro, Chaos: what do you guys think?
Anyone else want to volunteer?
@keenlam, I’m quite curious of your ideas, would love to hear them! If we end up with an official review board (which I think makes sense for this), as a build tester and avid theory-crafter this sounds like a lot of fun so I will volunteer if any position becomes available.
EDIT: Thought about it a bit more and I nominate Fay to be the on the review board. Can’t believe I didn’t think about that originally :]
(edited by skcamow.3527)
Hmz, this isn’t a half bad idea. We can look into doing something like this.
And what would the criteria for build of the month be?
And what would the criteria for build of the month be?
Hell if I know, got any ideas?
Think you could go a few different ways with this. Could go the rating route, grading different categories (synergy, etc) to arrive at the winner. I personally don’t like that (the whole rating thing I stated in the tester’s thread).
Or make it simpler – each person on the review board subjectively chooses what they feel are good builds they saw that month, maybe cap it at five per person. Then they come together and as a group decide on three finalists. Each reviewer plays each build for an hour or so, come together as a group and decide a 1st, 2nd, 3rd place?
Also may want to consider build categories for the playable formats – I would say maybe one for PvE and one for PvP/WvW or make it simple to start with and just include PvP/WvW?
Understanding this could start asking for a lot of time from the reviewers, could maybe skip the playing it part and go with just theory.
Or something else entirely? Just throwing stuff out.
Hi guys, I have some ideas for the Build of the Month Contest Event which I’d like to organize and get it running as soon as the new patch comes through.
I’m looking for 3 respected and knowledgeable (and of course fair) individuals to act as official assessors on the review board to have somewhat a final say on the builds participating in the contest.
I have Pyro and Chaos in mind for the positions but I’d like to ask for their opinions first because if you’re on the review board, you simply can’t participate in the contest itself to prevent any conflict of interest.
@Pyro, Chaos: what do you guys think?
Anyone else want to volunteer?
This is an awesome idea! When I thought of the Build of the Month thing I while back I had no idea how we should implement it, but this seems like a good way to do it. I’d be interested in throwing my name in for the review board, but if not I’ll be happy to be a participant instead
(edited by Zumi.6384)
The problem is that the good builds are just the meta builds (they’re meta for a reason) and that you’d need to apply different criteria to keep things interesting, but then the further you move away from “good” as the criteria for build of the month, the more subjective it gets and the harder it gets for assessors to make their points without sounding (“well this build is more fun because … reasons”) … dumb.
Or you know, going to the “simple” extreme here, just pick a “striking” build, pvp/wvw/pve, any of them (doesn’t matter) and spotlight it in the podcast like Chaos mentions in the OP. “striking” in this case doesn’t necessarily have to mean it’s the best build in the bunch, or meta, or whatever. I doubt the reviewers would spotlight an in-progress build or one that appears to need some work; we can trust them in that.
Say all three come to the table with builds they liked. They discuss, pick one and away they go.
Hi guys, sorry for late reply, I got caught up with work, project deadlines and stuff.
My ideas for BotM contest is that an originator (the person comes up with a new build) pairs up with a tester in the guild to form a team of two to work together and continually improve on the build.
The contest will consist of 2 stages in sync with LS patch cycle:
End of Stage 1 will test if the submitted builds are viable
End of Stage 2 and the Contest will pick out the best of the viable builds that passed Stage 1 and reward both the originator and the tester partner.
The official review board will act to:
- review the build when it’s submitted to make sure it’s an original build and clearly belongs to the originator
- (at the end of Stage 1): approve the build if it’s deemed viable and make sure it’s the same build (slight modifications can be made, but it needs to stay true to its original idea and purpose when submitted)
- (at the end of Stage 2): rank each build on a rating of 1 to 10
In addition to scores rewarded to the participant teams’ builds by the Board, there will be also scores given from the Crowd in the form of popularity votes (the Crowd is pretty much the rest of the guild who are not participating and not on the Review Board).
I will make a thread to outline all the details I’ve come up with, but it might take a while since I don’t want to create incoherent long walls of text -_-.
In the meantime, can u guys help me with forming the official review board, please?
(edited by keenlam.4753)
I can volunteer to be on the board. I love seeing new and unique builds like the evasive signet build I saw the other day. Just tell me when I need to be in for testing.
I could help with mes vs thiefs. I have a bit of history with p/d condi and if anyone needed a few tips on how to beat them I would be happy to help. Also have a friend running exactly the same build who could help out as well.
By the way, if anyone in EU wants me to demonstrate the phantasm builds I use in PvE (or if we can get a group, a dungeon) then for the rare times that I’m on, just /w me like one of the guys on the forum did earlier to me.
OK, so, the week we were supposed to do the sPvP training sessions ended up being one of the most tumultuous weeks of my life. x_x
I’m willing to try to set it up again for this week into next week, Vs Warrior, Thief and Necro training.
Well at one point i already spent 8 hours dueling with a person over 2 days. 1 person is better than 0 : D.
With school starting, i dont have much time available to play… I would be up for this event in weekends though!
Ok folks, I’d just like to make a general announcement regarding guild missions. I’ve personally purchased enough influence to get the guild to art of war level 3, but at this point it’s going to get very expensive to keep doing it myself.
I think it would be awesome to have OMFG doing guild missions together, but we need a lot of influence to make this happen. If you’d like to donate gold for influence, send a mail to me with the subject line of ‘For OMFG Influence’ or something of that nature, and we can get this going.
And another awesome announcement! We now have a teamspeak server, thanks to skcamow!
Look at the MOTD to see the info.
Couple things I wanted to get people’s thoughts on.
What do ya’ll think of a “Mesmer Gameshow” a series of questions (thinking around 10) of various difficulty from things like: “What is the only Mesmer skill with a longer cooldown than one of the Mesmer elites?” to “Who is the current highest ranked PvP Mesmer player?” and plenty of things in-between.
Format-wise I was thinking to post 10 questions in the thread to be answered via PM, once the answers are recieved (assuming they’re all correct) the contestant will receive 5 more questions (picked from a random set of 10-15 so not everyone gets the same questions). The first 3 to successfully answer those… well, IDK. That’s where my train of thought comes to a sudden, grinding halt and the conductor decides to go on a smoke break. =/
As for the Mesmer Forum Versus Tournament, I’m willing to set it up assuming we have enough interest. Thoughts?
A Mesmer gameshow would probably be very fun and could get really funny. I wouldn’t mind doing that at all. The format should be something like you described Chaos: Where the hosts (anyone volunteer for hosting?) should pick out of 20-ish questions and ask 10-15 of them randomly. The number of contestants I am not sure, I guess it depends on how many want to participate. The person with the most questions right at the end wins. If there is a tie breaker, have a really hard question to answer
Great idea Chaos. If we went with the gameshow idea, it might be challenging to coordinate, but I think it would be a lot of fun if we could schedule a day/time for it and get all the participants/moderators on our teamspeak channel and record it for posterity (maybe for the final round at least, maybe more?). I’m sure that would be fun to listen back to.
As far as the tPvP thing, yeah I think the best way to be engaged there is – if you’re interested in training/dueling/theory-crafting/strats, just rep the guild for a bit and query out to everyone and see what comes back. If nothing, maybe try later. The other night I think we ended up with 5-6 different folks in the arena by doing this (someone wanted to duel and that generated some guild interest).
Another way to see if something is going on in our custom arena is to see if there are any people in it -duh- (by searching in the game browser anytime). You can pop in and out of our arena anytime you want, for any reason. Personally it reminds me a bit of the old GW1 guild halls. Kinda nice roaming around the maps not having to worry about getting ambushed. Those who like GW2’s graphics/art, I’ve seen a lot by doing this that I’d never be able to notice in a match. Some of those maps are quite serene.
I’ll also add that it’s been great talking to a few of you on our teamspeak channel. I encourage you to log in as you can. I see more and more people are and that’s great. Of course, like repping, this is never required.
@Pyro, if you see this, how are we doing on our guild influence for guild missions?
I get errors when I try to connect to the ts channel, and whenever I get on it, I’m always alone for hours on hours
Yes I had some ISP issues for the past couple hours, sorry about that.
And keep trying, you never know when someone will hop on.
Maybe we can coordinate the gameshow with the Mesmerized podcast. That’d be pretty awesome. If anyone has any good questions, feel free to start PMing them to me. I’ll work on a thread for the contest today.
And I have mic! And camera! Finally! Just learning how to incorporate it all now.
What y’all think about a Mesmer Forums Versus Tournament? That’s another thing that potentially doesn’t need a specific date.
What is this podcast? Never heard of it till now :o
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