It’s not. Lvl 10 fractals, not hard and it’s a fairly common-ish drop.
you only need 1 right?
you only need 1 right?
For the ascended backpiece, you need 1850 fractal relics.
My advice is try to do 1 fractal per day. Don’t rush it, don’t grind it. You’ll slowly increase your fractal level, and before you know it you’ll have enough relics.
Feel free to send me a PM to do fractals if you see me online.
you’re talking about the capacitor right?
I was wishing just to get the mist ingredient to make an ascended backpiece . The vial condensed mist essence was the name i think.
i wouldn’t say the Vial is a super common drop but you can easily score one in any level of fractals as a drop. FoTM itself is also not much of a challenge if you’re accustomed to the other Dungeons in Tyria.
give it a few runs with some friends.
“Gw2, It’s still on the Table!” – Anet
The only people i know are from OMFG haha
I need the backpiece as well. Hit me up anytime
The charr fractal, Urban battleground, is not difficult to solo at low (fractal) levels once you familiarise yourself with it. I’ve done it a number of times. The front gate can be tedious but after that the only real challenge is the champ at the end but again he can be soloed comfortably once your familiar with his aoe and add spawn.
(edited by tii.7192)
at the mystic forge you can also promote or demote ascended mats from fotm. if you by chance have an extra shard you can demote it for x3 vials. recipe is the followig for your case. 1 shard of crystallized mists essence, 1 master salvage kit, 1 mystic coin, 1 pile crystalline dust. GL
Didn’t they add a Bloodstone Dust variant of the ascended backpiece recipe? You shouldn’t need to fractal at all for that.
Didn’t they add a Bloodstone Dust variant of the ascended backpiece recipe? You shouldn’t need to fractal at all for that.
Just checked, you’re right. I didn’t realize that – thanks for the heads up. Here’s an example:
Wow! Thank you so much.