[OMFG] Official Mesmer Forum Guild
IGN: Vhrael Wraithclaw
Server: Carnished Toast
Role: Scholar – After starting as a warrior and doing most of the game with it, I tried a mesmer because I was fascinated by their playstyle that I witnessed in WvW. Haven’t gone back since, way too much fun.
Play time: All over the place
IGN: Lactose
Server: Crystal Desert (US)
Role: Scholar
I haven’t had a pleasure to spend a lot of time with my mesmer outside of the open world PvE. The result of it is that my mesmer skills are at the moment terrible and I would like to learn from the more experienced players. This guild sounds like a dream comes true.
I am enjoying all what this game has to offer, but I am mainly focusing on WvW at the moment.
My play time is quite random because of the responsibilities, but during the weekday I am trying to be online 11 PM – 1 AM CET (2PM – 4PM PST). Weekends are all over the place.
Hi, would like an invite to OMFG
In game name: Dirt E Sanchez
Server: Sanctum of Rall
Playstyle: a bit of everything (wvw,spvp,pve)
Role: Scholar
Sooo it turns out theres a Natsu Drageel and a Natsu DragNeel (Blackwater) .. I edited the OP to clarify X_x
Learn 2 Play Mesmer Here! || Lookit! Gots me a youtube!
Mesmer Personality Quiz! Exclamation Points!
Hello OMFG
I’d like an invite.
IGN: Guile and Blood
Server: Borlis Pass
Playstyle: Mostly PvE, Some PvP and WvW
Role: Tester/Scholar
Playtime after 10PM CST most nights. Interested in maxing DPS with Survivability,Utility and Fun.
Name : Rahgar Warg
Server: Whiteside Ridge
Playstyle: All
Role: Scholar
Playtime: GMT evenings during week (mornings / afternoons on weekend)
Name: Bixx Armstrong
Server: Ferguson’s Crossing
Playstyle: mostly PvE
Role: Scholar
Invites sent
The Corrupt Mesmer Builds
Name: Schrii
Server: Sorrow’s Furnace
Playstyle: PvX, I can attempt WvW on my brother’s desktop. Sadly, my laptop cannot handle WvW.
My timezone is ADT, (GMT -3). Moving to a new province in a few days though, I might be scarce for a little while
ok i have been reading all you characters mesmerinformtive posts for months, first time caller. if there’s still room for me id love to go down as a student driver. yeah?
not his body only,is affected by my act.” A.Crowley
O yeah also…
Name: K Osss
Server: Borlis Pass
playstyle: mostly pve but only cause of being a new struggling pvp & wvw player.
Role: defiantly student.
lives in a southern california time line
not his body only,is affected by my act.” A.Crowley
IGN: Blossom Baby
Server: Blackgate
Playstyle: PvE, with a incredibly strong desire to be better in WvW.
Role: Scholar
Playtime: Roughly beginning around 12 noon PST. Although my length of play varies depending on what I’m doing.
I’ve lurked these forums for awhile trying to improve my mesmer play. I’d love to learn more from all of you!
Sent the invites
The Corrupt Mesmer Builds
Love this idea!
Display Name: Prism.5649 (Planning on changing my Mesmer’s name soon so I won’t even bother listing it)
Server: Fort Aspenwood
Playstyle: Originally PvE but looking to get more into WvW
Role: Scholar
Playtime: Always evenings, sometimes mornings as well.
Prismatic Science: Engi
Prismatic Dream: Mesmer
I’d love to join
ingame name: Eremou
server: Piken Square EU
role: scholar
interests: WvW playing in a very organized guild
I’d be interested in joining
Ingame Name: Allaela
Server: Anvil Rock US
Role: Student/Noob
Interests: PVE, learning to play
I’d be happy to learn more about this class and how to play it in all aspects of the game!
In Game Name: Ryu the Fearless
Server: Strombluff Isle (NA)
Role: Scholar but i would also test if needed
Interests: Organized WvW and PVE, and maybe the slightest bit of PvP
I cant play all the time as I have a rather time intensive job, but I play alot on the weekends and usually on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon during the week
o/ Hi, I’m intrigued. Mostly because my playstyle on ANY character is basically “whoops I did something right?” rather than any conscious skill, so maybe joining and learning from people who know their stuff could be beneficial for my playstyle in general and mesmer in particular (and if not, at least I could lurk and listen to people chat and talk and join in the fun sometimes).
In game name: Sonya Kaukomieli
Server: Gunnar’s Hold
Role: Scholar
Playstyle: PvE (no WvW or world events because lots of people = ~2 fps), rolling around doing whatever happens to be in front of my nose and within level range (mostly solo, but also duo frequently).
Playtime: pretty random. Most days in the evening/early night, more active in the weekends.
Server: Sanctum of Rall
Playstyle: WvW, sPvp, Dugeons, Fractals
Role: Scholor
Playtime: US eastern, 3PM and 9PM server during the week
That´s really a good idea.
Name: Khadiha
Server: Baruch Bay (EU)
Playstyle: mainly PvE ( i am in a small guild with some friends) , sometimes PvP and WvsW.
Role: obviusly scholar, i am still at level 36.
Playtime: 9:00-1:00 CET .
In-Game Name: Mr Mxyzptlkx (From Mr. Mxyzptlk, Superman villain. He was a short trickster and I’m a short Asuran Mesmer, so it was only fitting haha)
Server: Dragonbrand(US)
Playstyle: I’m leveling right now, but I’m gonna be doing PvE, WvW and sPvP
Role: Scholar
IGN: Nava Ayala
Server: Dragonbrand
Playstyle: Mainly PvE, although I have been dabbling more in sPvP and WvW as of late.
Role: Scholar for the time being, would love to test new builds as I get experience though
Playtime: US CST, time varies day to day; whenever I have time around college/homework
Invites sent kingsman.3179 you have the max no. of guilds.
The Corrupt Mesmer Builds
Invites sent
kingsman.3179 you have the max no. of guilds.
Ehh?…. Funny. Those guild’s are all expired. As in, no active members. I guess i should remove a few …..But the memories!
I’d like to join
IGN: El Hipno Tenebroso
Server: Baruch Bay (EU)
Playstyle: WvW
Role: Scholar
Playtime: 17-19, 23-01 CET
I’m interested in joining.
IGN: Wruntmask
Server: Crystal Desert (NA)
Playstyle: PvE/WvW
Role: Scholar
Playtime: Whenever I can (most often nights at GMT -5).
IGN: Goodbye Goodnight
Server: Gates of Madness (NA)
Playstyle: mostly interested in WvW. Been trying to build an interrupt/condition based build.
Role: Scholar
Playtimes: Everyday at night time.
Server: Stormbluff Isle
Playstyle: Mostly SPvP and PvE but would love to learn WvW. Really can’t decide on a single build but my favorites have been shatter burst builds and Prismatic Understanding clone spam builds.
Role: Scholar
Playtime: Weekends, early mornings (like 2 AM EST to 6 AM) and 5 to 7 PM on weekdays.
Invites all sent Welcome to the guild!
The Corrupt Mesmer Builds
IGN: Vysarya
Server: Sea of Sorrows.
Play-style: Just started playing Mesmer but WvW and PvP.
Role: Scholar, feed me your knowledge. (Still levelling)
Playtime: 18:00 – 23:00 AEST on most nights.
Hi guys
IGN: Dr Delirium
Server: Ruins of Surmia (to be changed soon)
Playstyle: Mostly WvW and sPvp, though sometimes Fractals/Dugeons also
Role: Scholar
Playtime: random
Hello everyone.
IGN: Malussp
Server: Tarnished Coast
Playstyle: New to GW2. Mesmer is my first profession. Lvl 13 right now.
Role: Scholar
Playtime: random (college student)
IGN: Athalée
My playstyle centers around everything. I was playing a guardian everywhere and now I want to focus in pvp and wvw with my mesmer.
Scholar – Tester and I will like to become a Teacher one day
I am from Ehmry Bay
I play more often during weekend
IGN: Swarth
Server: Miller’s Sound (EU)
Playstyle: PvE / WvW
Role: Scholar
Playtime: Random
Sounds interesting
IGN: Organic Experience
Role: Scholar
Server: Sea Of Sorrows (NA)
Playtime: 18:00 – 22:00 AEDST
Playstyle: PvE – WvWvW – PvP
Loki, you’ve got full guilds.
I would love to join , i started the game a couple of weeks ago so im still leveling the mesmer as my first toon and i need all the help i can get…
IGN: Hewhomust
Role: Scholar
Server: Aurora Glade (EU)
Playtime: 16:00 – 21:00 GMT
Playstyle: Im gonna try everything and see from there
IGN: Clam Camouflage
Role scholar
Server: Kodash (EU)
Playtime: evening ECT
Playstyle: spvp, tpvp, sometimes wvw solo roaming
Thanks for your effort, this forum is really a great source of info. Some of you put much time and passion into the community, very much appreciated! Discussions are constructive, sound and friendly for the most part, wich is seldom seen and obviously lately even recognised by the devs.
In-game name- Thisel (yes its spelled wrong someone stole thistle D=)
Home Server- Tarnished Coast
Play- All areas
Position- Scholar
Play Time: I’m located on the West coast so I run on Pacific time
I have been playing Mesmer since beta and its still my favorite class. I still feel there are a few things I could learn though because I would like to give some different builds a try.
I spend most of my time with a close knit mini 5 man guild that does dungeon runs and just runs around for fun.
I have been in some of the largest guilds before and they had an issue with me not wanting to rep them 24/7 when I went to play with my other guild which was only about twice a week for a dungeon run or two so I left.
I’m looking for a larger guild now though to join in addition to my mini guild for wVw and PvP since my mini guild doesn’t really do those things and they are not always on when I have time to play. =D
(edited by Thistle.1659)
In-game name: Roa Covenant
World: Gandara
Play: WvW, and eventually PvP (I really dont like playing PvE with other people since they can be really harmful and volatile)
Position: Scholar
Play Time: Active from 17:10 to 22:30 GMT, more available on weekends.
I have a really hard time getting into PvE since whenever I try they are really just a bunch of devils complaining about my experience (I’ve never really had time to gather any)
So what I want to do is learn about PvP enviroments, in order to play with people that I won’t pull to much attention from.
So hopefully I will be able to get into PvP by playing with this Guild.
PS: The queue time is pretty long on Gandara, so if anyone could recommend a server worthy of a switch then I would be grateful.
IGN: Trîck
Server: Sanctum of Rall
Role: Scholar
Playtime: Weekends, random
I mostly WvW but run dungeons occasionally.
IGN: Tmara
Server: Isle of Janthir
Role: Scholar/Tester
Playtime: After 6PM MST until whenever.
I play PvP, WvW, and PvE with my Mesmer. But I seem to Focus on WvW more then anything these days, Except when the LS hits. I get the LS done ASAP to get back into WvW.
Laptop: M6600 – 2720QM, AMD HD6970M, 32GB 1600CL9 RAM, Arc100 480GB SSD
Hi would like to join OMFG
IGN: Tomras
Server: Gunnars Hold
Playtime: When i can
Role: Scholar
I do fractals 48 almost every day and then i mostly do wvw, raiding.
Never surrender!
Hi I would like an invite into OMG
IGN: Laneigh Silverblade
Server: Sanctum of Rall
Playtime: whenever I can
Role: Scholar
I do a little of everything, leveling My Mesmer
Love it!
IGN: Xenn Mia
Server: Gandara
Role: Scholar
Playtime: after 21:00 GMT normally
I mostly WvW but started to dabble solo arenas sPvP
I’d like to join OMFG
IGN: Seth Drake
Server: Underworld
Playstyle: WvW (specialized in 1v500), sPVP.
Role: Scholar
I like WvW roaming and camp flipping 1vX or 2vX, sometimes I like zerg if there’s a good commander.
I also do a bit of sPvP and solo arena
Xenn, you’re at maximum guilds.
Xenn, you’re at maximum guilds.
kitten ! – will drop one tonight!
Edit: Dropped non-used guild now to make space for OMFG
(edited by Xenn.3809)
IGN: Jalliel
Server: Yaks Bend
Playstyle: Mostly wvw, some pve
Playtime: USA Central time, evenings
Role: Any