OP PU + shatter condition build after patch?

OP PU + shatter condition build after patch?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mijo.3274


hi guys,
i thought this build could become really dangerous after the feature patch:
I personally never tried a shatter build without DE, so i will try this out before saying that this build will be OP, but with scepter+staff+mirror images i think you can constantly maintain a good amount of clones up.
I personally love the carrion jewel, having a 50-50 source of damage is better than full condi or full dmg for this build.
The WvW version could have blink traited for 1200 range instead of the mind wrack +20% damage.
What do you guys think about?

Champion magus, 4 builds i use
R.I.P. my beloved Meh-Mer, the most hated class by ANET itself.
Winner of the first HxH 1v1 tournament! WOOT!

OP PU + shatter condition build after patch?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Renny.6571


  • Clone generation without DE is poor; you won’t be able to utilize the condi damage of crippling dissipation and stacking loads of torment via Maim won’t be possible. Another note, all of your illusions are ranged and you don’t have any form of soft cc so it’ll be harder to land vital shatters on players who have half an idea on how to play this game.
  • Carrion amulet is trash. The +power is crappy because direct damage needs precision and ferocity to be effective. This also makes 20% mind wrack damage a bad choice because your direct damage will already be terrible. Also, about Hoelbrak runes, your main source of might generation is Sigil of Battle, which only adds 4 seconds. You’re better off rocking Runes of the Undead with a Rabid Amulet to increase your overall condi damage by a fair amount. Trying to be hybrid just isn’t worthwhile.
  • There’s no condi removal in this build. A necro decides to transfer your conditions to you and you’re screwed. I’d suggest dropping Signet of Dom for Cleanse Mantra or Disenchanter and moving the 10 points from Dom to Insp for Mender’s Purity and 1k HP.

I probably missed something really important, but I don’t want to think too much about condi shatter, but it’s just not viable in my honest opinion.

elite specs ruined pvp.

(edited by Renny.6571)

OP PU + shatter condition build after patch?

in Mesmer

Posted by: jportell.2197


Its kind of impossible to run a shatter build with out DE. The only builds I see being effective without DE are pure oldschool immortal builds (0/0/20/20/30), phantasm builds (15/30/0/25/0) or a pure interrupt build (30/10/30/0/0) trying to do shatter with out DE is like playing a phantasm build without the empowered illusions/phantasmal strength traits…. you could do it… but it wouldnt be that great.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

OP PU + shatter condition build after patch?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mijo.3274


yeah i thought about it too.
I think i’ll try the build in spvp and then see how it works, but i think it could work out even without DE.
Usually zerker shatter builds are super fast,and you need to constantly create clones to shatter.
This build could be slower, PU and extra vitality give you good defense, so you don’t really need to spam out clones to shatter, you have a lot of condi pressure without shattering, and you can pop mirror images+f2 when in need of more pressure.
I will tell you guys how it is.

Champion magus, 4 builds i use
R.I.P. my beloved Meh-Mer, the most hated class by ANET itself.
Winner of the first HxH 1v1 tournament! WOOT!