Offhand Axe mid range Power skills?
Would be nice if they just gave some love to Focus.
Focus is essentially an offhand Axe for us at this point, but two things make it awkward with Mirage:
1. Warden’s Feedback is in Inspiration which firstly is not the most synergistic line with Mirage, and not only that but it competes with Restorative Illusions.
2. Focus is very weak in any kind of pvp, especially untraited.
Regarding number 2, the sheer quantity of evades/blocks/stability/anticc skills and traits and other bullkitten being kittened out by every class makes Into the Void outdated. It’s a skill that has been eclipsed by HoT and previously it has gone neglected because with Chrono we have Shield which eclipsed most other offhands aside from Torch (which in itself is only really useful due to having stealth). But now Mirage is making it apparent how weak certain offhands are.
They slapped the ICD on Into the Void which at the time was good to give players more time to react, but now chances are it’s likely going to be passively countered by some bullkitten anyway.
Focus 4 needs serious reevaluation – ideally the curtain at least ought to destroy projectiles untraited and maybe even provide quickness/slow, or maybe the pull br unblockable (ok I might be getting carried away there xD).
And as for the iWarden – this guy ought to pulse some effect like protection to allies within the bubble. I kind of like the stationary aspect of it though, in terms of setting up and controlling the field tactically, as well as a shelter to hide from projectiles.
Anyway maybe those are not suitable but whatever the case Focus needs some attention as it could thematically be the ideal counterpart to Axe.
Though I would also welcome offhand axe as I wouldn’t say no to dual wield Astralarias!
(edited by Curunen.8729)
I’d love an offhand axe just for aesthetics. An axe really only looks good with another axe.
Unlike other off hands though, an axe would interact with the Mirage axe trait, especially if the phantom axe had better power scaling. Sure that doesnt help the other off hands but the point is for power mirage to have a reason to use their elite weapon without also making the power ambushes redundant. Sword leap is pretty good except for the clunkiness and the GS really isnt as terrible as its billing. Give it a modified Imagined Burden effect by default (2 stacks might from you, 1 per clone; 2 stacks vuln from you, 1 per clone) and its a solid ambush.
It could also have the novelty of a 4/5 skill set with no phantasm to help Power synergise Mirage a bit more.
Now that’s an idea – an offhand axe without a phantasm (unlesss they make phantasms work better with Mirage).
Would be nice if they just gave some love to Focus.
Focus is essentially an offhand Axe for us at this point, but two things make it awkward with Mirage:
1. Warden’s Feedback is in Inspiration which firstly is not the most synergistic line with Mirage, and not only that but it competes with Restorative Illusions.
2. Focus is very weak in any kind of pvp, especially untraited.Regarding number 2, the sheer quantity of evades/blocks/stability/anticc skills and traits and other bullkitten being kittened out by every class makes Into the Void outdated. It’s a skill that has been eclipsed by HoT and previously it has gone neglected because with Chrono we have Shield which eclipsed most other offhands aside from Torch (which in itself is only really useful due to having stealth). But now Mirage is making it apparent how weak certain offhands are.
They slapped the ICD on Into the Void which at the time was good to give players more time to react, but now chances are it’s likely going to be passively countered by some bullkitten anyway.
Focus 4 needs serious reevaluation – ideally the curtain at least ought to destroy projectiles and maybe even provide quickness/slow, or maybe the pull br unblockable (ok I might be getting carried away there xD).
And as for the iWarden – this guy ought to pulse some effect like protection to allies within the bubble. I kind of like the stationary aspect of it though, in terms of setting up and controlling the field tactically, as well as a shelter to hide from projectiles.
Anyway maybe those are not suitable but whatever the case Focus needs some attention as it could thematically be the ideal counterpart to Axe.
Though I would also welcome offhand axe as I wouldn’t say no to dual wield Astralarias!
Mesmer focus is probably the best offhand in wvw. And it does destroy projectiles already, both skills.
Would be nice if they just gave some love to Focus.
Focus is essentially an offhand Axe for us at this point, but two things make it awkward with Mirage:
1. Warden’s Feedback is in Inspiration which firstly is not the most synergistic line with Mirage, and not only that but it competes with Restorative Illusions.
2. Focus is very weak in any kind of pvp, especially untraited.Regarding number 2, the sheer quantity of evades/blocks/stability/anticc skills and traits and other bullkitten being kittened out by every class makes Into the Void outdated. It’s a skill that has been eclipsed by HoT and previously it has gone neglected because with Chrono we have Shield which eclipsed most other offhands aside from Torch (which in itself is only really useful due to having stealth). But now Mirage is making it apparent how weak certain offhands are.
They slapped the ICD on Into the Void which at the time was good to give players more time to react, but now chances are it’s likely going to be passively countered by some bullkitten anyway.
Focus 4 needs serious reevaluation – ideally the curtain at least ought to destroy projectiles and maybe even provide quickness/slow, or maybe the pull br unblockable (ok I might be getting carried away there xD).
And as for the iWarden – this guy ought to pulse some effect like protection to allies within the bubble. I kind of like the stationary aspect of it though, in terms of setting up and controlling the field tactically, as well as a shelter to hide from projectiles.
Anyway maybe those are not suitable but whatever the case Focus needs some attention as it could thematically be the ideal counterpart to Axe.
Though I would also welcome offhand axe as I wouldn’t say no to dual wield Astralarias!
Mesmer focus is probably the best offhand in wvw. And it does destroy projectiles already, both skills.
Untraited temporal curtain does not destroy projectiles. Only iWarden does that.
Only when traited do both reflect projectiles. Edit – and no one is going to trait it when it competes with RI.
It’s nowhere near as good as shield or Torch for that matter due to stealth. Only real use for it in wvw is pulling people off vertical terrain/walls. We’ve already got movement speed buff from Chrono so that aspect is unnecessary.
(edited by Curunen.8729)
Would be nice if they just gave some love to Focus.
Focus is essentially an offhand Axe for us at this point, but two things make it awkward with Mirage:
1. Warden’s Feedback is in Inspiration which firstly is not the most synergistic line with Mirage, and not only that but it competes with Restorative Illusions.
2. Focus is very weak in any kind of pvp, especially untraited.Regarding number 2, the sheer quantity of evades/blocks/stability/anticc skills and traits and other bullkitten being kittened out by every class makes Into the Void outdated. It’s a skill that has been eclipsed by HoT and previously it has gone neglected because with Chrono we have Shield which eclipsed most other offhands aside from Torch (which in itself is only really useful due to having stealth). But now Mirage is making it apparent how weak certain offhands are.
They slapped the ICD on Into the Void which at the time was good to give players more time to react, but now chances are it’s likely going to be passively countered by some bullkitten anyway.
Focus 4 needs serious reevaluation – ideally the curtain at least ought to destroy projectiles and maybe even provide quickness/slow, or maybe the pull br unblockable (ok I might be getting carried away there xD).
And as for the iWarden – this guy ought to pulse some effect like protection to allies within the bubble. I kind of like the stationary aspect of it though, in terms of setting up and controlling the field tactically, as well as a shelter to hide from projectiles.
Anyway maybe those are not suitable but whatever the case Focus needs some attention as it could thematically be the ideal counterpart to Axe.
Though I would also welcome offhand axe as I wouldn’t say no to dual wield Astralarias!
Mesmer focus is probably the best offhand in wvw. And it does destroy projectiles already, both skills.
Untraited temporal curtain does not destroy projectiles. Only iWarden does that.
Only when traited do both reflect projectiles. Edit – and no one is going to trait it when it competes with RI.
It’s nowhere near as good as shield or Torch for that matter due to stealth. Only real use for it in wvw is pulling people off vertical terrain/walls. We’ve already got movement speed buff from Chrono so that aspect is unnecessary.
I’ve been running traited focus since 2012. It’s god tier weapon.
Unlike other off hands though, an axe would interact with the Mirage axe trait, especially if the phantom axe had better power scaling. Sure that doesnt help the other off hands but the point is for power mirage to have a reason to use their elite weapon without also making the power ambushes redundant. Sword leap is pretty good except for the clunkiness and the GS really isnt as terrible as its billing. Give it a modified Imagined Burden effect by default (2 stacks might from you, 1 per clone; 2 stacks vuln from you, 1 per clone) and its a solid ambush.
It could also have the novelty of a 4/5 skill set with no phantasm to help Power synergise Mirage a bit more.
The damage is terrible and the cast too long, a small amount of vuln and might isn’t going to fix that.
If they are going to remove our dodge under the pretence that we can carry on attacking then these ambush attacks need to hit like trucks.
Would be nice if they just gave some love to Focus.
Focus is essentially an offhand Axe for us at this point, but two things make it awkward with Mirage:
1. Warden’s Feedback is in Inspiration which firstly is not the most synergistic line with Mirage, and not only that but it competes with Restorative Illusions.
2. Focus is very weak in any kind of pvp, especially untraited.Regarding number 2, the sheer quantity of evades/blocks/stability/anticc skills and traits and other bullkitten being kittened out by every class makes Into the Void outdated. It’s a skill that has been eclipsed by HoT and previously it has gone neglected because with Chrono we have Shield which eclipsed most other offhands aside from Torch (which in itself is only really useful due to having stealth). But now Mirage is making it apparent how weak certain offhands are.
They slapped the ICD on Into the Void which at the time was good to give players more time to react, but now chances are it’s likely going to be passively countered by some bullkitten anyway.
Focus 4 needs serious reevaluation – ideally the curtain at least ought to destroy projectiles and maybe even provide quickness/slow, or maybe the pull br unblockable (ok I might be getting carried away there xD).
And as for the iWarden – this guy ought to pulse some effect like protection to allies within the bubble. I kind of like the stationary aspect of it though, in terms of setting up and controlling the field tactically, as well as a shelter to hide from projectiles.
Anyway maybe those are not suitable but whatever the case Focus needs some attention as it could thematically be the ideal counterpart to Axe.
Though I would also welcome offhand axe as I wouldn’t say no to dual wield Astralarias!
Mesmer focus is probably the best offhand in wvw. And it does destroy projectiles already, both skills.
Untraited temporal curtain does not destroy projectiles. Only iWarden does that.
Only when traited do both reflect projectiles. Edit – and no one is going to trait it when it competes with RI.
It’s nowhere near as good as shield or Torch for that matter due to stealth. Only real use for it in wvw is pulling people off vertical terrain/walls. We’ve already got movement speed buff from Chrono so that aspect is unnecessary.
I’ve been running traited focus since 2012. It’s god tier weapon.
Seriously? So you’ve never not traited it, especially since the trait rework and specialisation patch (to know that untraited curtain does nothing to projectiles – I used to believe that too until it was shown to me)?
Which means I take it you don’t use Restorative Illusions? Especially in wvw where it hasn’t even been nerfed, unlike in pvp where they cut the healing and made it more dependent on healing power. Taking into account the further nerf to Mender’s Purity and you’ve got to question what is the point in running Inspiration in the first place? Would be far better off with Duelling or another line.
Focus was god tier when you only needed to put 20 points in Inspiration to trait it and Into the Void could be insta cast after curtain drop.
Focus became “ok” when they slapped the 1s ICD on into the void.
Focus is now outdated since HoT, in spite of the consistency change to pull and the immobilise on iWarden cast (which in practice is beyond negligable). It’s a pve weapon used for clustering mobs in things like Fractals so you and your party can stack and hack.
Look at any kind of competitive pvp – how many players use focus? Zero. They all use Sword/Shield, which is the only set you could remotely call “god tier”. Even in lower tiers, Torch is the primary alternative offhand that sees most use.
I can’t remember the last time I ran into any mesmer in wvw who used Focus – or at least any mesmer that bothered me enough to remember them – most are running Torch or Shield, very few running Pistol, a good number running Staff and pretty much all cookie cutter power shatter are running Greatsword. I know what weapons I’d rather have equipped if caught with my pants down or outnumbered in wvw, and it’s certainly not Focus. Edit – this happened a few weeks ago on DBL where I was pulling some enemies from a wall, ended up outnumbered 1:3 – downed one but unable to stomp and was shortly killed – whereas with Torch or Shield I may have been able to win that fight.
Actually the last time I ran into an opponent mesmer using focus was hotjoin of all places, and we were commending their efforts in chat because of how easy it was to beat them.
(edited by Curunen.8729)
Would be nice if they just gave some love to Focus.
Focus is essentially an offhand Axe for us at this point, but two things make it awkward with Mirage:
1. Warden’s Feedback is in Inspiration which firstly is not the most synergistic line with Mirage, and not only that but it competes with Restorative Illusions.
2. Focus is very weak in any kind of pvp, especially untraited.Regarding number 2, the sheer quantity of evades/blocks/stability/anticc skills and traits and other bullkitten being kittened out by every class makes Into the Void outdated. It’s a skill that has been eclipsed by HoT and previously it has gone neglected because with Chrono we have Shield which eclipsed most other offhands aside from Torch (which in itself is only really useful due to having stealth). But now Mirage is making it apparent how weak certain offhands are.
They slapped the ICD on Into the Void which at the time was good to give players more time to react, but now chances are it’s likely going to be passively countered by some bullkitten anyway.
Focus 4 needs serious reevaluation – ideally the curtain at least ought to destroy projectiles and maybe even provide quickness/slow, or maybe the pull br unblockable (ok I might be getting carried away there xD).
And as for the iWarden – this guy ought to pulse some effect like protection to allies within the bubble. I kind of like the stationary aspect of it though, in terms of setting up and controlling the field tactically, as well as a shelter to hide from projectiles.
Anyway maybe those are not suitable but whatever the case Focus needs some attention as it could thematically be the ideal counterpart to Axe.
Though I would also welcome offhand axe as I wouldn’t say no to dual wield Astralarias!
Mesmer focus is probably the best offhand in wvw. And it does destroy projectiles already, both skills.
Untraited temporal curtain does not destroy projectiles. Only iWarden does that.
Only when traited do both reflect projectiles. Edit – and no one is going to trait it when it competes with RI.
It’s nowhere near as good as shield or Torch for that matter due to stealth. Only real use for it in wvw is pulling people off vertical terrain/walls. We’ve already got movement speed buff from Chrono so that aspect is unnecessary.
I’ve been running traited focus since 2012. It’s god tier weapon.
Seriously? So you’ve never not traited it, especially since the trait rework and specialisation patch (to know that untraited curtain does nothing to projectiles – I used to believe that too until it was shown to me)?
Which means I take it you don’t use Restorative Illusions? Especially in wvw where it hasn’t even been nerfed, unlike in pvp where they cut the healing and made it more dependent on healing power. Taking into account the further nerf to Mender’s Purity and you’ve got to question what is the point in running Inspiration in the first place? Would be far better off with Duelling or another line.
Focus was god tier when you only needed to put 20 points in Inspiration to trait it and Into the Void could be insta cast after curtain drop.
Focus became “ok” when they slapped the 1s ICD on into the void.
Focus is now outdated since HoT, in spite of the consistency change to pull and the immobilise on iWarden cast (which in practice is beyond negligable). It’s a pve weapon used for clustering mobs in things like Fractals so you and your party can stack and hack.
Look at any kind of competitive pvp – how many players use focus? Zero. They all use Sword/Shield, which is the only set you could remotely call “god tier”. Even in lower tiers, Torch is the primary alternative offhand that sees most use.
I can’t remember the last time I ran into any mesmer in wvw who used Focus – or at least any mesmer that bothered me enough to remember them – most are running Torch or Shield, very few running Pistol, a good number running Staff and pretty much all cookie cutter power shatter are running Greatsword. I know what weapons I’d rather have equipped if caught with my pants down or outnumbered in wvw, and it’s certainly not Focus. Edit – this happened a few weeks ago on DBL where I was pulling some enemies from a wall, ended up outnumbered 1:3 – downed one but unable to stomp and was shortly killed – whereas with Torch or Shield I may have been able to win that fight.
Actually the last time I ran into an opponent mesmer using focus was hotjoin of all places, and we were commending their efforts in chat because of how easy it was to beat them.
It’s godtier for wvw. Like it’s so crazy stacked with utility for a whole 2 skill slots.
^If you say so… loads of utility does not imply being effective in the current state of the game.
Anyway I’ve said my piece and strongly disagree.
Back to the OP’s topic – while offhand axe would be very fashionable, I imagine other classes (especially ranger) would also require something to make up for being given one weapon this expansion. Warriors of course are the lucky kittens getting two daggers because “it looks cool”. :/
Unlike other off hands though, an axe would interact with the Mirage axe trait, especially if the phantom axe had better power scaling. Sure that doesnt help the other off hands but the point is for power mirage to have a reason to use their elite weapon without also making the power ambushes redundant. Sword leap is pretty good except for the clunkiness and the GS really isnt as terrible as its billing. Give it a modified Imagined Burden effect by default (2 stacks might from you, 1 per clone; 2 stacks vuln from you, 1 per clone) and its a solid ambush.
It could also have the novelty of a 4/5 skill set with no phantasm to help Power synergise Mirage a bit more.
The damage is terrible and the cast too long, a small amount of vuln and might isn’t going to fix that.
If they are going to remove our dodge under the pretence that we can carry on attacking then these ambush attacks need to hit like trucks.
Small amounts maybe; but hit a mirror, ambush, cloak, ambush, cloak, ambush with 3 clones out and you have 15 stacks of Might and 15 stacks of Vulnerability. Given that I didn’t even post a duration, if you want more than that then I question your objectivity.
As for the cast time, that’s a problem across the whole Ambush spectrum that needs t be addressed.
Unlike other off hands though, an axe would interact with the Mirage axe trait, especially if the phantom axe had better power scaling. Sure that doesnt help the other off hands but the point is for power mirage to have a reason to use their elite weapon without also making the power ambushes redundant. Sword leap is pretty good except for the clunkiness and the GS really isnt as terrible as its billing. Give it a modified Imagined Burden effect by default (2 stacks might from you, 1 per clone; 2 stacks vuln from you, 1 per clone) and its a solid ambush.
It could also have the novelty of a 4/5 skill set with no phantasm to help Power synergise Mirage a bit more.
The damage is terrible and the cast too long, a small amount of vuln and might isn’t going to fix that.
If they are going to remove our dodge under the pretence that we can carry on attacking then these ambush attacks need to hit like trucks.
Small amounts maybe; but hit a mirror, ambush, cloak, ambush, cloak, ambush with 3 clones out and you have 15 stacks of Might and 15 stacks of Vulnerability. Given that I didn’t even post a duration, if you want more than that then I question your objectivity.
As for the cast time, that’s a problem across the whole Ambush spectrum that needs t be addressed.
So I’ve got to dance around with the broken mirror mechanic and throw away all my endurance for something most classes can do with 2-3 harder hitting skills. I question if you play the game.
Yeah, I’d also rather want them to rebalance Focus. We have plenty offhands, no reason to add more.