Old "friends" - Skills from GW1

Old "friends" - Skills from GW1

in Mesmer

Posted by: The Primary.6371

The Primary.6371

I got the Idea from the thread about the new elites.

Like the topic sais this thread is meant to gather Guild Wars 1 skills of the mesmer and transfere them to Guild Wars 2.
In guild wars 1 we’ve had over 140 skills and there are some that are good ideas and could be used and implemented in this game too.

Here’s a List with all the old mesmer skills from gw1.

An example was posted by me a few month ago:

Wastrel’s Demise:

  • a skill that deals heavy aoe damage and does even more when the enemy is NOT using a skill
  • Range: 900
  • +10% dmg when enemy is not using a skill
  • Cooldown 12s
  • Activation 1s

Calculated Risk: (My favorite)

  • a skill that does medium dmg and grants might to your enemy but also causes cripple, weakness and blind. also creates a clone on hit that uses autoattack
  • Range 900
  • Cooldown 20s
  • Activation (press and hold) 0.25-1.25s (5 steps 0.25 | 0.5 | 0.75 | 1 | 1.25)
  • 1-5 stacks might for 15s for your enemy
  • 2-10s weakness
  • 1-5s cripple
  • 1-5s blind


  • a skill that does more dmg when the enemy has low energy
  • Cooldown 15s
  • Activation: 0.75s
  • Range 900
  • +5% dmg when the target has 50-99% energy
  • +10% dmg when the target has 0-50% energy


  • a skill that deals heavy dmg and dazes the enemy. if the enemy is channeling a skill you stun instead of dazing
  • Cooldown 20s
  • Activation 0.25s
  • Range 900
  • 1s daze
  • 2s stun

Shrinking Armor:

  • a skill that causes bleed and vulnerability to your enemies, also creates a clone whose attacks cause bleed and vulnerability (one stack each for 5s)
  • Cooldown 25s
  • Activation 3/4s
  • Range 900
  • 3 stacks bleed for 10s
  • 8 stacks of vulnerability for 10s

Cry of Pain

  • new skill catecory “Cry”
  • a skill that causes an AoE-Circle around all your active illusions that damages and torments enemys.
  • 1 stack torment for 6s
  • ~dmg as “cry of frustration”
  • 1s cast
  • 40s cooldown
  • not a shatter


  • new skill category “Cry”
  • your target is stunned for each active illusion
  • 1 illusion 1s stun
  • 2 illusions 1.5s stun
  • 3 illusions 2s stun
  • 0.25s cast
  • 35s cooldown

Energy Surge

  • new skill category “Cry”
  • creates a circle of weakness around your enemy that is stronger the more illusions you have
  • 1 illusion: (radius 120)
    3s weakness (circle duration 3s)
  • 2 illusions: (radius 180)
    3s weakness, 2s cripple (circle duration 3s)
  • 3 illusions: (radius 240)
    3s weakness, 3s cripple, -15% endurance per tick (circle duration 2s)
  • 1s cast
  • 60s cooldown

Don’t forget “Vision of regret, Backfire, Empathy, Diversion, Blackout, Psychic Instability, Illusion of Pain, Crippling Anguish, Energy Surge, Fevered Dreams, Guilt, Illusionary Weaponry, Migraine, Panic, Shared Burden, Web of Disruption, Shatter Delusions and many more”

Old "friends" - Skills from GW1

in Mesmer

Posted by: Carighan.6758


Mirror Wall – Glamour
Places a Mirror Wall. Enemy projectiles crossing the wall are duplicated, also hitting the attacker. Friendly projectiles crossing the wall are duplicated, striking a second nearby target. Enemies crossing the wall create a clone of themselves which will attack them, allies will create a clone which attacks their current target.
Duration: 8s
Cooldown: kitten
Clone: Attacks with main attack, causing no damage. Clones will not create any secondary effects and cannot be controlled.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

Old "friends" - Skills from GW1

in Mesmer

Posted by: Me Games Ma.8426

Me Games Ma.8426

Don’t forget “Vision of regret, Backfire, Empathy, Diversion, Blackout, Psychic Instability, Illusion of Pain, Crippling Anguish, Energy Surge, Fevered Dreams, Guilt, Illusionary Weaponry, Migraine, Panic, Shared Burden, Web of Disruption, Shatter Delusions and many more”

  • VoR, Backfire, Empathy are somehow implemented as confusion, so we shouldn’t need skills like that just some ways to apply confusion.
  • Diversion is already a shatterskill that is extremely viable
  • Blackout & Panic: here
  • Energy Surge “here”: … wait! did you even read? You’ve quoted this skill!
  • Web of Disruption here
  • and so on… pls read the whole threat before adding requests like that :P

BUT Thank you for requesting Illusionary Weaponary!

Illusionary Weaponary
Elite Spell (Manipulation)
For the duration of illusionary weaponary your autoattack damage is devided by the number of your clones. While active all of your clones will deal a percentage of the usual damage that is also linked to their number.
Duration: 15s
Cooldown: 60s

  • Your damage:
    0 clones: damage*1
    1 clone: damage*0.67
    2 clones: damage*0.5
    3 clones: damage*0.33
  • Clones Damage:
    1 clone: dmg*0.5
    2 clones: dmg*0.33
    3 clones: dmg*0.25
Mindblossom – Sylvari – Mesmer – Jumpingpuzzler
Equinox [EqnX]

Old "friends" - Skills from GW1

in Mesmer

Posted by: Askadia.4395


I don’t know much about GW1, i just play GW2 for 1yr.
I’d like to see some skill/trait/utility that combines confusion+quickness. That is, buff your enemy with quickness for some seconds and then some stacks of confusion. If the enemy doesn’t pay attention he/she’ll suffer confusion dmgs (more easily than ever), but if he/she’ll be able to cleanse confusion stacks… well XD…

Some traits that increase Illusions potential would be great too, such as grant them Swiftness (my berserkers can’t always hit someone running away, such as Eles, Thieves or Warrs), or Aegis (in WvW Illusions just die like they were snow in the summer).

A very useful elite signet could grant us to have 1 more Illusion slot (that is, passive effect: your max Illusion is 4, not 3).

Traits that grant blind/confusion with glamours, c’mon! 20 trait pts for just 1 blind and 1 confusion stack? It isn’t a little bit too weak? Plus, since confusion punishes skill use and because its dmg has been halved in WvW, i would like our confusion sources increase the time by 1-2 sec. Engi and even Necros can stack more confusion than Mesmers.

I would work on those things first…

Old "friends" - Skills from GW1

in Mesmer

Posted by: Thedenofsin.7340



Hex Spell. (8…18…20 seconds.) Target foe cannot use signets.

Change to: Interrupting an opponent puts their signets on cooldown.

Old "friends" - Skills from GW1

in Mesmer

Posted by: Me Games Ma.8426

Me Games Ma.8426

/bump cuz there are new skills coming with HoT :P

I guess my improve to Time Warp would really fit the chronomancer

Mindblossom – Sylvari – Mesmer – Jumpingpuzzler
Equinox [EqnX]

Old "friends" - Skills from GW1

in Mesmer

Posted by: neptunechild.4831


Love this thread! Wastrel’s Demise is my fav!

Old "friends" - Skills from GW1

in Mesmer

Posted by: Me Games Ma.8426

Me Games Ma.8426


Hex Spell. (8…18…20 seconds.) Target foe cannot use signets.

Change to: Interrupting an opponent puts their signets on cooldown.

My Idea:

Utility: Glamour
Places a field that prevents enemies from getting new boons and allies from new conditions.

  • Ignor Conditions(1s)
  • Ignor Boons(1s)
  • Number of Targets: 5
  • Pulses: 11
  • Duration: 10 seconds
  • Radius: 240
  • Combo Field: Ethereal
  • Range: 1,200
  • Cooldown 60s

Ether Lord
Utility: Manipulation
Loose all Energy to gain Distortion.

  • Energy Costs: 100
  • Distortion: 3s
  • Cooldown: 40s
  • Breaks Stun

Symbolic Celerity
Trait: Inspiration (replaces Compounding Celerity)
Reduce cooldowns time for each signet you have equipped:

  • Recharge Reduced: 10%
Mindblossom – Sylvari – Mesmer – Jumpingpuzzler
Equinox [EqnX]

(edited by Me Games Ma.8426)

Old "friends" - Skills from GW1

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xyonon.3987


Dang! After the 2nd page I’m out of popcorn! I need more and continue reading those awesome skills! :>

Ziggs Ironeye – Engineer | Madame Le Blanc – Mesmer | Mentor (PvE) | EU
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”

Old "friends" - Skills from GW1

in Mesmer

Posted by: Me Games Ma.8426

Me Games Ma.8426

Fevered Dreams
Elite Glamour
Protect yourself to redirect all incoming condition damage to foes in the target area.
(This skill does not protect you from incoming conditions. It only prevents the damage for a specific time.)

  • Duration: 6s
  • Radius: 240
  • Cooldown: 120s
  • Range: 1,200

Trait: Domination Master Trait
Deal a small amout of damage every time you apply torment or bleeding.

  • Damage: Half the damage of “Halting Strike”
  • Internal Cooldown: 5s

Trait: Domination Minor Adept (replaces Illusion of Vulnerability)
Inflicts confusion every time you interrupt a foe.

  • 2xConfusion(5s)

Hex Eater Signet
Heal Signet
Allows the Mesmer to have 4 Illusions

  • Additional Illusion: 1

Destroy all you Illusions to Heal yourself and nearby allies.

  • Heal per Illusion: 2,250+(0.2*Healing Power)
  • Ally Heal per Illusion: 650+(0.2*Healing Power)
  • Radius: 240
  • Cooldown: 30s
Mindblossom – Sylvari – Mesmer – Jumpingpuzzler
Equinox [EqnX]

Old "friends" - Skills from GW1

in Mesmer

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


I would like to see Fevered Dreams or Extend Conditions as an elite. XD

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

Old "friends" - Skills from GW1

in Mesmer

Posted by: Me Games Ma.8426

Me Games Ma.8426

I would like to see Fevered Dreams or Extend Conditions as an elite. XD

Yeah, that’d be soo great!

Mindblossom – Sylvari – Mesmer – Jumpingpuzzler
Equinox [EqnX]

Old "friends" - Skills from GW1

in Mesmer

Posted by: Curunen.8729


Best thread, good bump.

Old "friends" - Skills from GW1

in Mesmer

Posted by: Me Games Ma.8426

Me Games Ma.8426

Illusionary Weaponry (2)
Trait Inspiration Grandmaster
Your Clones deal damage. Each Clone deals 33% of the damage you would deal.

Mindblossom – Sylvari – Mesmer – Jumpingpuzzler
Equinox [EqnX]

Old "friends" - Skills from GW1

in Mesmer

Posted by: Me Games Ma.8426

Me Games Ma.8426

I’ve just discovered something…
1 year ago I came up with this trait Idea in this thread. 2 months later Arenanet gave us a trait called “Power Block”. Did they actually read or is this a coicidence?

Masterful Distraction (Inspired by Signet of Distraction)
Trait: Domination Grandmaster Minor (Replaces Wastrel’s Punishment)
Interrupted Skills will have a 10s cooldown.

  • Additional on interrupt disable: 10s
Mindblossom – Sylvari – Mesmer – Jumpingpuzzler
Equinox [EqnX]