I got the Idea from the thread about the new elites.
Like the topic sais this thread is meant to gather Guild Wars 1 skills of the mesmer and transfere them to Guild Wars 2.
In guild wars 1 we’ve had over 140 skills and there are some that are good ideas and could be used and implemented in this game too.Here’s a List with all the old mesmer skills from gw1.
An example was posted by me a few month ago:
- a skill that deals heavy aoe damage and does even more when the enemy is NOT using a skill
- Range: 900
- +10% dmg when enemy is not using a skill
- Cooldown 12s
- Activation 1s
Calculated Risk: (My favorite)
- a skill that does medium dmg and grants might to your enemy but also causes cripple, weakness and blind. also creates a clone on hit that uses autoattack
- Range 900
- Cooldown 20s
- Activation (press and hold) 0.25-1.25s (5 steps 0.25 | 0.5 | 0.75 | 1 | 1.25)
- 1-5 stacks might for 15s for your enemy
- 2-10s weakness
- 1-5s cripple
- 1-5s blind
- a skill that does more dmg when the enemy has low energy
- Cooldown 15s
- Activation: 0.75s
- Range 900
- +5% dmg when the target has 50-99% energy
- +10% dmg when the target has 0-50% energy
- a skill that deals heavy dmg and dazes the enemy. if the enemy is channeling a skill you stun instead of dazing
- Cooldown 20s
- Activation 0.25s
- Range 900
- 1s daze
- 2s stun
- a skill that causes bleed and vulnerability to your enemies, also creates a clone whose attacks cause bleed and vulnerability (one stack each for 5s)
- Cooldown 25s
- Activation 3/4s
- Range 900
- 3 stacks bleed for 10s
- 8 stacks of vulnerability for 10s
- new skill catecory “Cry”
- a skill that causes an AoE-Circle around all your active illusions that damages and torments enemys.
- 1 stack torment for 6s
- ~dmg as “cry of frustration”
- 1s cast
- 40s cooldown
- not a shatter
- new skill category “Cry”
- your target is stunned for each active illusion
- 1 illusion 1s stun
- 2 illusions 1.5s stun
- 3 illusions 2s stun
- 0.25s cast
- 35s cooldown
- new skill category “Cry”
- creates a circle of weakness around your enemy that is stronger the more illusions you have
- 1 illusion: (radius 120)
3s weakness (circle duration 3s)- 2 illusions: (radius 180)
3s weakness, 2s cripple (circle duration 3s)- 3 illusions: (radius 240)
3s weakness, 3s cripple, -15% endurance per tick (circle duration 2s)- 1s cast
- 60s cooldown
Don’t forget “Vision of regret, Backfire, Empathy, Diversion, Blackout, Psychic Instability, Illusion of Pain, Crippling Anguish, Energy Surge, Fevered Dreams, Guilt, Illusionary Weaponry, Migraine, Panic, Shared Burden, Web of Disruption, Shatter Delusions and many more”