On demand burst condi: Napalm Cat
I like it. Tried something close in SPvP. They dropped like flies. Great for roaming.
Napalm Mesmer? Welcome to ’nam.
Looks interesting, I’m definitely giving it a shot.
I’m definitely thinking that the torment sigils just don’t match up to double energy. Other than that, looks pretty good.
@SteepledHat: do you care to elaborate? I saw the vid and thought: great, Osicat at his best, too bad this wont work in pvp without torment runes and food.
What build did you use? For me, roaming with a condi build in tpvp usually takes too long to kill ppl.
Meh… condition builds on mesmers…
‘’Oh a mesmer…’’
‘’Oh conditions… Bye mesmer!’’
Btw Pyro, you experienced the dubble dmg burn bugg? Seen it several time last night, see the burn ticks on the 2xranger fight in this vid and notice the last burn tick.
Thanks for another build Osicat, will give this a try.
Nerf Torment pls XD
JK I played your Condi cat build and it worked great. This looks even better
What sigils/runes would you suggest for sPVP?
Is this the build you were using when I dueled you? This build I’d say would be VERY hard to beat using any class. I had a ton of trouble doing something to him, every time I’d be able to stack some conditions on him he’d cleanse them and disappear. A lot of that is the skill but the build itself is really good. Burning is a huge pain in the kitten and even with, in my opinion, doing a great job of avoiding his torment/burst I dropped every time. I got him once though, so I’m happy!
All the fights were long but he got me eventually. I can’t imagine fighting him with some other class. All the stun breakers, teleports and stealth that mesmers have is extremely helpful during fighting this build, I think it can not be killed with any other class than a mesmer to be honest. Maybe a condition engineer or some power class that has a lot of condition cleansing and can kill with 1-2 hits but that’s it.. I’ll give it a try down the road, trying to setup a lockdown build now though(extremely low on gold, a few silver left and still need like 20 gold for sigils + 35 to pay a debt off). I may end up using it over my PU condition build.
Have a great day, happy gaming!
(edited by Jurica.1742)
I’ve been running a condi-shatter version of the build (just put 6 in illusions instead) and it is very effective. The burn dmg is ridiculous.
Seems like an interesting new build, but I just can’t wrap my head around the lack of mobility. Sure you have blink and staff on low cd, but after using travelers for so long it seems like roaming would just be painful.
This build is awesome! Used it last night.
Yes, you move slower w/o Traveler’s Runes but I had no problem escaping mobs of enemies.
The Baltazar Runes are only like 8s a piece so MUCH more wallet friendly than the Torment Runes.
While its not always massively practical, it is possible to use a second weaponset with sigils of speed to stack a few minutes of speed if you can kill some mobs quickly.
I just checked it out in HotM. The burning duration is rounded to 1 1/2 second (should be +55% from the rune and +condi dmg).
Procs from the healing/rune skill tick 4 times (for 695 dmg with ~1250 condi dmg)
Procs from WoC (self and clone) proc sometimes once and sometimes twice for the same amount.
I’m not sure if the runes are really worth it for spvp/tpvp over, lets say nightmare or even krait with the same playstyle. Now for wvw with +100% duration its a different story.
Im searching for a good sPvP mesmer Build.
Would this build be good in sPvP? whatwould you improve few things for that, or advicing me something else for spvp
Seems like an interesting new build, but I just can’t wrap my head around the lack of mobility. Sure you have blink and staff on low cd, but after using travelers for so long it seems like roaming would just be painful.
I’m with you. This looks like a great idea, if we had a signet or trait for 25% speed. I’m not giving up my Traveler runes cuz I can’t stand plodding along.
I use a build on my condi mesmer that plays in a similar way but has lots of options for damage and is cheap as chips to set up. (i originally wanted Torment runes but they’re far too expensive) I tried to stay away from a PU build and make use of the new traits.
It achieves 2 sec burning in a bit different way (Smouldering sigils) but has lots of torment applications.
Lets call it the Tormentalist
Re: your build Osi, you could also drop the 2 points from Inspiration and take cleansing Conflagration for a little less condi removal but more invis/buffs and then you’d be able to drop the toxic focusing crystal for a regular once since you’d have another 10% duration from the Domination line.
@Fade, i do feel from hard testing the 2×2 condi clens in 10 s cd is nedded to be able to play as offensive as I do in this spec. I even sometimes run a 2nd condi clens mantra for 1vsX.
@osicat, Thanks for the build, looks great. Was just wondering what food etc you use and how many pieces of rabid gear you mix in with the dire?
(edited by charkin.2936)
How good is that “Silver Lining” song – props Osicat nice build and video
hey osi
i was hoping u find a way to make the power PU build viable again. I dont like playing condi mesmer and i dont like scepter (too defensive for me)… its not my playstyle to wait until the enemys die, i like playing more active, thats why i loved the Power PU build. In roaming i am using shatter build atm, but you are too squishy without support but i have to say i will never play condi mesmer
atm i have massive problems against condition classes, tried heal mantra and mantra of resolve to have more condi cleanse but its not enough i play on elona reach and it seems our enemys are only condition classes
i tested a lot since patch but nothing seems to fit my playstyle :/ i would love to see a new Power PU build from u :o need more burst and action :< and ofc i would miss the traveler runes… thinking of a mix build between power and condi but dont know if this would work… i dont want to give up my twilight
Hey osi, nice vid.
I actually was thinking about the same as you, torch condition clear doesnt feel enough. Was having trouble with some engy some days ago till idk how he killed himself (i really have no clue what happened, maybe it was confusion)
I was thinking of using a similar build, but instead of torment sigil and baltazar runes using battle sigil and aristocracy runs. The might stacking seems nice in theory. Guess ill have to run CM to try it.
And btw, ty a lot i was thinking in going 0/20/30/20 instead of 10/20/30/10. Idk how i could miss that lol. I was so sad thinking id lose cripple on clone dead…. Well next time i log ill be sure to try that, ty a lot!
@ Osi: May you please post a link to your new build? The vid is blocked in germany due to music/copyright/whatever, so I would like to see at least the stats of it.
@Phlakez: After Osicat´s Powertank video I built an extremly tanky build myself. It´s an interrupt build since I dont like PU that much, but if you change a few traits and skills (and offhand sword→torch), it should work as a power PU build (heal and condi cleanse mantra are able to remove 6×2 conditions and with stealth you shouldn´t have much problems to recharge them):
@all, link to complete build can be found in My guide or on My HomePage, build called “Napalm Cat” and inc food, buffs, gear etc.
@All again, I get repeated q about My choice of sigills. I try explain. Most classes and some more than others clens based on numbers of conditons, say a traited torch mesmer use clens he clear a full stack of 1 kind. To make as hard for enemy as possible to manage my conditiond I try stack as many different as possible. Both Torment and poison have extremly long durations and by swap wep often i put a carpet of condis on target. Look extra on the necro fight how many different condis i repetably put on him.
Btw Pyro, you experienced the dubble dmg burn bugg? Seen it several time last night, see the burn ticks on the 2xranger fight in this vid and notice the last burn tick.
Woah. I’ll get back to you on that one.
hey osi
i was hoping u find a way to make the power PU build viable again. I dont like playing condi mesmer and i dont like scepter (too defensive for me)… its not my playstyle to wait until the enemys die, i like playing more active, thats why i loved the Power PU build. In roaming i am using shatter build atm, but you are too squishy without support but i have to say i will never play condi mesmeratm i have massive problems against condition classes, tried heal mantra and mantra of resolve to have more condi cleanse but its not enough
i play on elona reach and it seems our enemys are only condition classes
i tested a lot since patch but nothing seems to fit my playstyle :/ i would love to see a new Power PU build from u :o need more burst and action :< and ofc i would miss the traveler runes… thinking of a mix build between power and condi but dont know if this would work… i dont want to give up my twilight
Lol but really? PU power still strongest solo roaming build. If you die vs conditions then its a l2p issue. I fight with 2 cond removal on a 20 seconds healing, aka menders purity with ether feast and I don’t have that much problems with them conditions.
Tried too many condition builds, they dont work. Can’t chase people or like burst them down when they are down to 10% hp and run away with their running skills which mesmer doesn’t got.
Btw Pyro, you experienced the dubble dmg burn bugg? Seen it several time last night, see the burn ticks on the 2xranger fight in this vid and notice the last burn tick.
Woah. I’ll get back to you on that one.
Ok, here’s my tentative theory.
You’re using the updated condition floaters. These sum all the damage in the last second into 1 floater that you see. This is a client-side option, as indicated by the ability to change it back to the old one. The client simply sums the damage it’s been given, and displays it.
So now, assume that your client has enough lag that 2 seconds of server time pass in 1 second of time displayed from your client. It’s received 2 ticks of damage from the server, and sums it into one floater, appearing to be a burn tick of double damage.
It didn’t look like the ranger’s health spiked down any faster when that burn tick occurred, so I’m thinking this is the cause.
Lol but really? PU power still strongest solo roaming build. If you die vs conditions then its a l2p issue. I fight with 2 cond removal on a 20 seconds healing, aka menders purity with ether feast and I don’t have that much problems with them conditions.
Tried too many condition builds, they dont work. Can’t chase people or like burst them down when they are down to 10% hp and run away with their running skills which mesmer doesn’t got.
i dont know how many duels i did since the patch to test… we are a few mesmers (some friends and me) who played Power PU before patch and now there is a huge dmg loss… in group roaming its still fine but 1v1 u realize the dmg loss and u realize the condi stacking on other classes… some necros are unkillable now.
there must be a reason why so many mesmers are complaining about the patch… are complaining about their old builds which now dont work but well might be i am just stupid. but yes ofc you are right… seems like we are just bad players! its fine if its works for u… for us it does not!
if u play against elona just give me a tell, i want to see how u manage to kill all those condition classes, maybe i can learn something
(edited by Phlakez.5817)
Lol but really? PU power still strongest solo roaming build. If you die vs conditions then its a l2p issue. I fight with 2 cond removal on a 20 seconds healing, aka menders purity with ether feast and I don’t have that much problems with them conditions.
Tried too many condition builds, they dont work. Can’t chase people or like burst them down when they are down to 10% hp and run away with their running skills which mesmer doesn’t got.
i dont know how many duels i did since the patch to test… we are a few mesmers (some friends and me) who played Power PU before patch and now there is a huge dmg loss… in group roaming its still fine but 1v1 u realize the dmg loss and u realize the condi stacking on other classes… some necros are unkillable now.
there must be a reason why so many mesmers are complaining about the patch… are complaining about their old builds which now dont work but well might be i am just stupid. but yes ofc you are right… seems like we are just bad players! its fine if its works for u… for us it does not!
if u play against elona just give me a tell, i want to see how u manage to kill all those condition classes, maybe i can learn something
I notice no damage decrease at all. Hell, might even be an increase of my dps as I didn’t really rely that much on crit damage but more on power-prec and toughness. Since sigil of air and fire don’t crit anyway you don’t really need much crit damage. Just put them both on GS and keep up the damage. Shouldn’t be that hard..
Anyway for condition specs, I still think its a l2p issue. No I don’t say you’re bad, you just don’t know how to play against condition specs.
Yes, I know, prepatch and them necro’s aren’t that good. Still it’s 2 of them and both condition fighting them while most of my weapon skills were already on cooldown.
I can also maybe find an example of a perplexity engi + tank guardian in 1v2 which I also win. As PU build you got more than enough ways to avoid conditions. Theres no need to get more than 2 condition removals just to kill a few players out there.
wrote pm because i dont want to spam osi´s thread anymore :o
Damage looks nice, but I have trouble seeing why an enemy couldn’t ignore you and survive. Seems pretty easy for your opponents to just run away, and you really don’t have any more chasing potential than other PU builds do.
Lol but really? PU power still strongest solo roaming build. If you die vs conditions then its a l2p issue. I fight with 2 cond removal on a 20 seconds healing, aka menders purity with ether feast and I don’t have that much problems with them conditions.
Couldn’t agree more. Proof @ 1:57:25
PU makes everyone look good. Apart from when they look bad.
The strongest solo roaming build is 7mirror lockdown. Knight’s gear with Melandru, -cond duration food, Valk weaps with might sigils, Cav’s trinkets, 4 4 6 0 0 Chaotic Interruption and Halting. No one can possibly kill you, unless you’re outnumbered 5v1.
BTW, blurred frenzy doesn’t save from confusion :-D
I loved the video
For the firs time, I actually can’t wait to do condition :o. I always felt like enemies could just run away without even bothering with you, because it releid so much on clone deaths :/.
Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
Lyssa’s Grimoire – a guide every Mesmer should read.
Just tested this. It is amazing won 2 1v3s and a 1v4 in wvw.
Lol but really? PU power still strongest solo roaming build. If you die vs conditions then its a l2p issue. I fight with 2 cond removal on a 20 seconds healing, aka menders purity with ether feast and I don’t have that much problems with them conditions.
Couldn’t agree more. Proof @ 1:57:25
PU makes everyone look good. Apart from when they look bad.
The strongest solo roaming build is 7mirror lockdown. Knight’s gear with Melandru, -cond duration food, Valk weaps with might sigils, Cav’s trinkets, 4 4 6 0 0 Chaotic Interruption and Halting. No one can possibly kill you, unless you’re outnumbered 5v1.
BTW, blurred frenzy doesn’t save from confusion :-D
oh kitten son, if I knew I was on tv I’d actually make an effort!
@osi , the double damage burn ticks you see sometimes are just a display bug when you use condition damage floaters. You don’t actually do double damage. it’s been like that ever since these damage floaters got introduced. if you played an engie you’d know!
engie roaming vids:
It may not be for everyone’s taste but it’d win the build of the month contest hands down
Btw, I tried my own version. What’d you say Osi?
I’m trying to make sigil of speed work, lets see :|
Also, 2 cleans utility may be too much but it helps a lot, especially AT if used aggressively and MoR defensively. Decoy or blink is down to personal taste or take them both and replace 1 condi removal.
(edited by trooper.2650)
I’d still love to hear if someone tested this in spvp and got good results?
Damage looks nice, but I have trouble seeing why an enemy couldn’t ignore you and survive. Seems pretty easy for your opponents to just run away, and you really don’t have any more chasing potential than other PU builds do.
With condi-PU, it’s pretty much required for the opponent to kill clones in order for the damage to stack high enough to matter – and when they’re running away, they’re not attacking clones (therefore, it’s an easy escape for just about everyone). With this build, the long, high damage burns will continue to tick regardless of whether they’re fighting back or not – so, you have a better chance of downing them when they run (less damage tied to clone death).
That’s my theory anyway – you’re right in that chasing isn’t any better. Killing the cowardly will be better though. :-)
Tarnished Coast
Damage looks nice, but I have trouble seeing why an enemy couldn’t ignore you and survive. Seems pretty easy for your opponents to just run away, and you really don’t have any more chasing potential than other PU builds do.
With condi-PU, it’s pretty much required for the opponent to kill clones in order for the damage to stack high enough to matter – and when they’re running away, they’re not attacking clones (therefore, it’s an easy escape for just about everyone). With this build, the long, high damage burns will continue to tick regardless of whether they’re fighting back or not – so, you have a better chance of downing them when they run (less damage tied to clone death).
That’s my theory anyway – you’re right in that chasing isn’t any better. Killing the cowardly will be better though. :-)
This is sort of the reason that my version of this build is more shatter focused. I like the more active version of applying the conditions than just waiting for clones to die (or be killed).
The thing I’m struggling with now is Runes of Balthazar vs. Runes of Perplexity.
I haven’t done any testing with them, but in principal I have a really tough time overwriting my 7g runes with 4s ones haha
Tarnished Coast [Crit]
Damage looks nice, but I have trouble seeing why an enemy couldn’t ignore you and survive. Seems pretty easy for your opponents to just run away, and you really don’t have any more chasing potential than other PU builds do.
With condi-PU, it’s pretty much required for the opponent to kill clones in order for the damage to stack high enough to matter – and when they’re running away, they’re not attacking clones (therefore, it’s an easy escape for just about everyone). With this build, the long, high damage burns will continue to tick regardless of whether they’re fighting back or not – so, you have a better chance of downing them when they run (less damage tied to clone death).
That’s my theory anyway – you’re right in that chasing isn’t any better. Killing the cowardly will be better though. :-)
This is sort of the reason that my version of this build is more shatter focused. I like the more active version of applying the conditions than just waiting for clones to die (or be killed).
The thing I’m struggling with now is Runes of Balthazar vs. Runes of Perplexity.
I haven’t done any testing with them, but in principal I have a really tough time overwriting my 7g runes with 4s ones haha
Is PU worth lower clone production for your torment stacks? I’m gunna see if I can make it work for hotjoin today, i like this direction though.
Nicely done, Osi. That 10s internal CD is just nasty, especially when using mantra heal which procs the #6 on both the mantra charge and each separate power return heal.
I posted more research on burn duration and balth runes here if anyone is interested.
EDIT: Osi, I’m also interested in how you would change this up (if you even would), if Anet fixed illusionary elasticity.
(edited by skcamow.3527)
EDIT: Osi, I’m also interested in how you would change this up (if you even would), if Anet fixed illusionary elasticity.
I’m not Osicat but I’d guess a 0/4/6/0/4 and 2 condi removal as utilities if needed, or just stick with the one which works best for you. See my version of Osi’s build few posts above
I find it ironic that you play music where they sing about not taking the easy road and then showing mesmer gameplay….
First, thanks for posting this build idea. While it looks fun, it would be difficult for me to ever give up my GS. I love that thing!
Anyways, I was wondering if you have tried using this on those S/S + LB Shout Warriors? I play one as an alt now and the more I tweak it, the more I find it either helps take down many different targets or allows me to quickly escape. If you are around sometime in the evening (US – EST) then I would love to duel you and see this first hand.
I find it ironic a necromancer thinks another class is easymode. Cough MM, cough
I know I’m going to get trash talked by other Mesmer players but… Osicat, can you please stop promoting PU builds or similar like these? Where perma protection, near perma regen, heavy stealth, AI (and other stuff I wont even mention, you know you class already) just outclass everything you encounter? Making these junk builds popular is definetly not good for the game as a whole.
Flame away fellas.
What gives you the idea I play necromancer? With the current minion AI I won’t touch that build anyhow.