PU power phantasm WvW build?

PU power phantasm WvW build?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Holl.3109


Can anyone reccomend some good power PU builds? I saw some vids and realised that it’s quite effective! I was thinking of 2/4/6/2/0/ with mender’s and full zerk but also thought of 4/4/0/2/4 without PU but more CD reduction and pantasm traits.

- I saw a hybrid build which went 50/50 rabid/zerk for bleed damage (on illu crit). Is this still something people run?
-Torch….? The phantasm sucks but the stealth is nice. OR should I just go pistol?
-Veil worth it? With PU it can give 6 seconds of stealth but that CD though :/
-What about 2/2/6/0/4? Doesn’t sound like you really need DE for a phantasm build…
-I saw runes of the centaur where the ‘go to’ rune for this spec. Any other choices?
-Pro’s and cons vs shatter in WvW?
-GS needed?

Thank a lot for any replies

All 80’s – PvP/WvW
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PU power phantasm WvW build?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

Could do something like this.


  • Hybrid can be good, but can be rough in certain matchups.
  • Torch is great for roaming but you’ll get more damage out of pistol for sure.
  • Veil can work great in a PU/phant build. Long CD though. Hiding in stealth and summoning phants is always good.
  • DE always makes things better (with few exceptions) but no, you don’t NEED DE for a phant based build. DE = More on demand clones = More shatters = More tricks/utility up your sleeve.
  • Centaur? Psshh, Pack, but there’s a lot of traveller fans. Speed if your poor mans alternative.
  • Shatter in WvW has huge downsides. Can’t be bothered going into them.
  • GS… is GS.
  • Condi cleanse is your biggest concern. In fact WvW roaming is crammed to the brim with roaming condi burst gank squads. Engie’s opening with full condi stack lineups, hitting for 1 million, and burning you down with nasty followup condi ticks. Best option is to never get hit but otherwise, power builds can be counter initiative to the meta. Why? Condi comes with toughness (typically) so you’re unloading on brick walls. Still, anything can be overcome.

PU power phantasm WvW build?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Holl.3109


Ok thanks for the reply! Mhh brick walls eh? So I think hybrid would be better…

Current build idea: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fhEQNAsaRlknpMtNqxYNcrRiqxY6XSplT1EpCokdsNA-TFTDwA9UiN5IAYTdDUaBIcCAOcIAeq8IxDAUC+SlEe7PASXAATcBAQAY42cnhUARsMC-w

Good bleed damage, lotts stealth and also some nice cover condi’s.
^what you all think of this?

All 80’s – PvP/WvW
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Reapers gonna reap ¯\(°_°)/¯

PU power phantasm WvW build?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mogar.9216


I would not go phantasm build anymore. It just doesn’t have enough burst to kill anything. You should mix in a bit of shatter

PU power phantasm WvW build?

in Mesmer

Posted by: messiah.1908


Ok thanks for the reply! Mhh brick walls eh? So I think hybrid would be better…

Current build idea: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fhEQNAsaRlknpMtNqxYNcrRiqxY6XSplT1EpCokdsNA-TFTDwA9UiN5IAYTdDUaBIcCAOcIAeq8IxDAUC+SlEe7PASXAATcBAQAY42cnhUARsMC-w

Good bleed damage, lotts stealth and also some nice cover condi’s.
^what you all think of this?

go like this

more direct dmg, more toughness, and with heal skill you can summon 2 izerk and do huge dmg burst, torch gives you condi cleanse and boons
you can put more zerk part if you feel comfortable

PU power phantasm WvW build?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dajman.2740


I would not go phantasm build anymore. It just doesn’t have enough burst to kill anything. You should mix in a bit of shatter

I have only been back about a week but is this something you only start seeing in ranked? I have been running 2/4/3/5/0 Sword/pistol and Staff and I haven’t seen issues with not being able to burst hard enough. maybe it is that I don’t face many real bunkers or what? I can’t 100-0 in seconds but I feel quite safe running zerker amulet and by the time I swap back to sword/pistol to send out a second duelist the enemy has either given up the point or is going to get stompe.
Again I can’t say I am current at all I am just shocked at the claims of not enough burst what is the definition looking into more competitive play?

PU power phantasm WvW build?

in Mesmer

Posted by: CboStL.4965


I would not go phantasm build anymore. It just doesn’t have enough burst to kill anything. You should mix in a bit of shatter

I have only been back about a week but is this something you only start seeing in ranked? I have been running 2/4/3/5/0 Sword/pistol and Staff and I haven’t seen issues with not being able to burst hard enough. maybe it is that I don’t face many real bunkers or what? I can’t 100-0 in seconds but I feel quite safe running zerker amulet and by the time I swap back to sword/pistol to send out a second duelist the enemy has either given up the point or is going to get stompe.
Again I can’t say I am current at all I am just shocked at the claims of not enough burst what is the definition looking into more competitive play?

I think they mean not enough burst when combined with PU, since you lose out on the other 15% damage increase.

PU power phantasm WvW build?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mogar.9216


I would not go phantasm build anymore. It just doesn’t have enough burst to kill anything. You should mix in a bit of shatter

I have only been back about a week but is this something you only start seeing in ranked? I have been running 2/4/3/5/0 Sword/pistol and Staff and I haven’t seen issues with not being able to burst hard enough. maybe it is that I don’t face many real bunkers or what? I can’t 100-0 in seconds but I feel quite safe running zerker amulet and by the time I swap back to sword/pistol to send out a second duelist the enemy has either given up the point or is going to get stompe.
Again I can’t say I am current at all I am just shocked at the claims of not enough burst what is the definition looking into more competitive play?

ye I was talking pu phantasm build like the op stated . Your 2/4/3/5/0 build should pack enough punch once your got 2 phantasm out. I don’t know how you don’t melt to a good shatter or thief or power ranger with that build though…

PU power phantasm WvW build?

in Mesmer

Posted by: tym.3791


I manly play WvW. I run zerkers with travelers. My build is based off the same build one of the best mesmers I have EVER seen. In fact he schooled me but good. In WvW, you are not gonna run across a fair fight. Gank Squads are just waiting for ya. Invisibility Is the key to helping the mesmer survive in WvW. I can stack about 15 seconds with a extended blink trait that can get me out of any thing.

Null field is your best friend. I spent a day in pvp with a friend that was a necro. I let him hit me with all his conditions. It took him forever to kill me, and in open world, I would of been LONG gone. Decoy is another must have trait. Fought a Dragon, he threw fear, I threw decoy, and I went no where. Blink is the third must have. You can really move around, even bound, and that gets you out of the kill zone.

I look at my mesmer as support for the group. I play the tiny race, and I am the mesmer that helps the zerg retake major objectives. If we are gonna loose the hills, or keep, or bay, well I am gonna do my best to hide so we can get it back asap. Still finding nice little hiding spots. My success rate is pretty good.

The key to a great mesmer is practice. Try different spots above and across to see if blink will work. Look around and think out side of the box for hiding spots. You would be amazed at all the spots normal sweeps always miss. Will it work every time, NO, but it will work lots of times and is a hoot when you get away with it.

Arkane thievery, is simply a waste, I run gs, for back line zerg fights, Throw null field on my team to remove conditions, Have a sword if a thief thinks he is gonna gank me, and my torch to go invisible. (the cleansing torch trait, not real great.). I run a 4 4 6. They cant hit you with conditons if they cant see you. Oh, one last thing. I can solo orr no issues. GS for range, and nice sword skills for the ones that are dumb enough to get in my face.

PU power phantasm WvW build?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Holl.3109


Thanks everyone! With all the input in this thread I THINK I’ll be running this: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fhEQNAsaRnsISZa2oGGrB3aIR1QM9rUtOVTSFokd+A-TlCFABWqOTgKBbSZAAHCABOCAIp0jGVGqZ/hM0FswDAgUARsMC-w

But I could switch some stuff up later on

All 80’s – PvP/WvW
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Reapers gonna reap ¯\(°_°)/¯

PU power phantasm WvW build?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Exciton.8942


You might want to switch from ether signet to ether feast. Lower cooldown on heal and cleanse.

PU power phantasm WvW build?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Corrupt.4930


Used to run this Hybrid PU spec for roaming a little ago, was real effective


Power looks low initially but the might stacks pour in so fast it doesn’t matter, but you can always drop some crit chance if you prefer more base power.
