PVE Hoelbrak or Traveler?

PVE Hoelbrak or Traveler?

in Mesmer

Posted by: OminousClouds.4517



Which one is better for mesmer at PVE and Dungeon?
if I used traveler that grants my movement speed, and hoelbrak grants stacking mights.

I use both of these are feeling not bad ,give me a suggestion ,thank you!

PVE Hoelbrak or Traveler?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Eponet.4829



Rune of Strength beats Rune of Hoelbrak in terms of damage when stacking might anyway. But that’s not likely to be an issue unless you’re running a very, very specific greatsword/shatter build, or a chronomancy/shatter one.

In open world travel, traveler runes are outclassed by just carrying a second set of armor with runes of the centaur.

Using Mantra of Healing and centaur runes, you can generate 100% swiftness uptime, an exotic set and runes of the centaur are easily affordable.

Runes of the Scholar are the next most obvious choice, but, if you have difficulty maintaining 90+% health, runes of the pack will provide a higher consistent damage bonus, and the extra swiftness duration means that signet of inspiration provides you with an extra 1.5 seconds of swiftness every 10 seconds, turning it from a 16.66% overall speed boost into a 21.66% speed boost overall, making a fairly good compromise between open world mobility and raw damage if you switch a utility skill to SoI when in the open world. There’s even a slight benefit in the extra fury and might you can generate when being struck, though, if you’re going berserker’s don’t expect to take many hits.

PVE Hoelbrak or Traveler?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Miku Lawrence.6329

Miku Lawrence.6329

Scholar runes? Mesmer lacks might generation so Might runes will not be as effective.

Snow Crows [SC]

PVE Hoelbrak or Traveler?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fay.2357


Neither. Traveler is absolutely worthless because you should have swiftness in any half-decent party from your elementalist/warrior/guardian/ranger. Hoelbrak is worthless because you don’t actually produce might.

Instead, you should get either scholar or pack runes, depending on how much you stay above 90% hp.

PVE Hoelbrak or Traveler?

in Mesmer

Posted by: OminousClouds.4517


So,Scholar rune is the best choice in pve? my guild says theTraveler is the best for mesmer lol

PVE Hoelbrak or Traveler?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fay.2357


So,Scholar rune is the best choice in pve? my guild says theTraveler is the best for mesmer lol

Traveler are convenient for open world stuff, since it lets you move faster. However, they’re flat out awful for anything that isn’t purely reliant upon moving faster.