PVP bursting

PVP bursting

in Mesmer

Posted by: nemka.1803


i mostly play Spvp, i play new classes from time to time if i get bored playing my main pvp classes (ranger, warrior, necro), so i can experience a new play style and perhaps learn how to counter certain situations.
well i made myself a power Mesmer, i usually prefer healing power over vitality so i got a Valk amulet.

basically i don’t understand why this is allowed to continue, despite never playing a mesmer i did extremely well right away, the amount of healing i got using the signet of ether and spamming clones (which heal me) bundled with evade, stealth, teleport in addition to bursting awesomely, there was no learning curve there is no risk and reward, its just mindless fun burning down pretty much anyone except some really good AOE players (i even won most of those 1v1s).
but then i wanted to see how far can i push it asking if the best way to win matches is just to go with a bunker guardian or a bunker warrior and cap them points holding them forever?
no i found that the best way is just to stand near the other teams respwan with a bunker and an engi and just burn anyone who jumps out in a few seconds.
but then i realized that i wouldn’t like the same being done to me so its time to try another build or perhaps thief.

This is team pvp, it should require skill, builds should have cons.
im sure playing mesmers requires lots of skill and has many cons but now this sort of build.

PVP bursting

in Mesmer

Posted by: sirrealist.1360


Post a link to your build so we can see what you’re running.

PVP bursting

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zepidel.5349


Sounds like you were playing against total scrubs OP, and really… valk amulet? Can you be at least a little less subtle with your trolling?

PVP bursting

in Mesmer

Posted by: sirrealist.1360


… valk amulet? Can you be at least a little less subtle with your trolling?

Oh, is that what’s going on here? I was really curious to see what build he was running b/c I couldn’t see WHY you’d run valk.

PVP bursting

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroathiest.4168


Not sure if trolling or facing the worst players in the game.

PVP bursting

in Mesmer

Posted by: gartz.7013


<shelved the thief to learn mesmer. pls show me your easy mode ways

solo cheese engi/ex teef

PVP bursting

in Mesmer

Posted by: EverythingEnds.4261


So you play warrior, ranger and necro and say that Mesmer is easy to play with now risk/reward ratio?
Thanks for the laugh!

Let me guess, you were playing hot join and most players weren’t even able to find the real Mesmer?

PVP bursting

in Mesmer

Posted by: Anton.1769


Let me guess, you were playing hot join and most players weren’t even able to find the real Mesmer?

sometimes hotjoin players can not find Necro in his minion zerg xD

PVP bursting

in Mesmer

Posted by: nemka.1803


ill group my responses is this single one and i will do it only once, since all of what you wrote has been addressed by me in my original top post, if you don’t read my post from the beginning until the end i am not going to bother and respond more then once.


i wrote in my original post, as a summary:
This is team pvp, it should require skill, builds should have cons.
im sure playing mesmers requires lots of skill and has many cons but now this sort of build.

Anton, EverythingEnds:
also i wrote, (if it wasn’t clear i was talking about team arena with team speak):
no i found that the best way is just to stand near the other teams respwan with a bunker and an engi and just burn anyone who jumps out in a few seconds.

Zepidel: first of all did i disrespect you at any point personally?
also i wrote that:
well i made myself a power Mesmer, i usually prefer healing power over vitality so i got a Valk amulet.

PVP bursting

in Mesmer

Posted by: Daniel Handler.4816

Daniel Handler.4816

Hi Nemka. We can’t really helpful unless you post what build you are using. This is a question sirreliast raised more than once, which you have ignored in both your OP and your recent reply. Also you did not respond to any point made with your reply. I’m not trying to be offensive but is English your first language? If not what is another language you might feel comfortable writing in?

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PVP bursting

in Mesmer

Posted by: nemka.1803


Hi Nemka. We can’t really helpful unless you post what build you are using. This is a question sirreliast raised more than once, which you have ignored in both your OP and your recent reply. Also you did not respond to any point made with your reply. I’m not trying to be offensive but is English your first language? If not what is another language you might feel comfortable writing in?

the questions(“points”) they asked were all answered in my top post.
i don’t need “help”.
i now realize that this was the wrong forum to post this topic.
no you being a smart kitten is not offensive, thanks for caring, good lad.

PVP bursting

in Mesmer

Posted by: Gizuko.5734


But see, you didn’t really answer them.
They are asking for a build, so saying you went “power+valkyre” is no answer.
Also regarding the “build” cons, SoE only heals you while you have clones/phantasms up, which is not always doable due to AoEs and the like. That is a heavy downside when you compare it to other healing signets, which is the reason SoE ticks for the amount it does.

Also, using that signet forces you to drop mender’s purity (you can pick it, but it won’t be nearly as good as with the other heals), making our lack of cleanses a bigger issue.

Just how many hours did you spend in sPvP? It really doesn’t seem like you went against people who knew what they where doing. I have never, in the 2y I have been playing this game, seen myself trapped by the enemy team in my respawn, nor trapped the enemy team.

PVP bursting

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroathiest.4168


Hi Nemka. We can’t really helpful unless you post what build you are using. This is a question sirreliast raised more than once, which you have ignored in both your OP and your recent reply. Also you did not respond to any point made with your reply. I’m not trying to be offensive but is English your first language? If not what is another language you might feel comfortable writing in?

the questions(“points”) they asked were all answered in my top post.
i don’t need “help”.
i now realize that this was the wrong forum to post this topic.
no you being a smart kitten is not offensive, thanks for caring, good lad.

Doesn’t matter what forum you post in, everyone will laugh at you.

PVP bursting

in Mesmer

Posted by: sirrealist.1360


the questions(“points”) they asked were all answered in my top post.

At the very least, your build isn’t in your OP. That would help us better understand what you’re talking about, so we can give you better responses. That’s what you’re here for, right? “Help” us “help” you.

i don’t need “help”.

Well, “asking” people for a “response” to a “bunch of statements” is asking for “help” in getting that “response”. This is “assuming” you’re asking for “responses” to your “post”, and not just “speaking” to an “empty room” where you hope everyone “ignores” you.

(edited by sirrealist.1360)

PVP bursting

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hyung.6140


Ah, yes, the no-skill-valk-power build. I wondered if anyone else would cotton onto this. I play this while alt-tabbed watching old episodes of Australian soaps.

If anyone else wants to try it, just use a valkyrie amulet.

In all seriousness though, this genuinely reminds me of experimenting on my guardian last week – I copied a current bunker build from the guardian forums and just spammed skills at random in teamfights, never died in 5 games at my usual MMR and was mildly depressed to realise that all those guardians I bleed my heart out fighting against while mesmer are having as easy a time as I feared.

Presumably they discovered the valkyrie amulet before we all did.

Hyinna, Gunnars Hold
[Ub] – My Life for Alesia

PVP bursting

in Mesmer

Posted by: ViciousVyne.2935


my main pvp classes (ranger, warrior, necro )

i made myself a power Mesmer

there was no learning curve there is no risk and reward, its just mindless fun burning down pretty much anyone

Those classes you main. so much skill, much amaze, wow !
