Phantasm Healing Range

Phantasm Healing Range

in Mesmer

Posted by: Cempa.3645


Testing this minor trait and found:

1) x3 Phantasm lead to 100% up time
2) Must be almost withing melee range of the Phantasm

What that means is as a GS user this trait is pretty wasted.

Phantasm Healing Range

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nretep.2564


The range is decent.
If you use a GS and kite/ dodge, you don’t need Regeneration, since you don’t get damage
Imagine the Regeneration buff would also work on allies (including other phantasms and NPCs) and not just you. This would grant even GS users a support ability.

Phantasm Healing Range

in Mesmer

Posted by: Carighan.6758


What I mind is how marginalized our healing ability us. Some professions like say, Rangers, get an area heal baseline.

We only get one as a trait, a deep (20pt) trait at that, and even then only on Phantasms. Sure we all use them, but the spec is focused around heavy Phantasm usage, and that makes you want to go max-phantasm spec.

In other words, our support is pretty weirdly one-sided.
Sure we have AE Vigor on Shatter, but I wouldn’t really put that up there with PBAE Regen fields on Phantasms. If we had heal-on-shatter as AE, at least…

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

Phantasm Healing Range

in Mesmer

Posted by: AsteriskCGY.5931


Eh I wasn’t getting it during the GL fight in Arah just now. And really could have used it.

Phantasm Healing Range

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nretep.2564


I’m not saying, that the regeneration trait for phantasms is great. It’s a minor one anyways. If you want to be supporter you get it anyways (15pt, not 20). It could be buffed a bit – like giving every phantasm the Duelist version, but it’s not bad either. Just assume Retaliation + Fury + Regeneration would actually work as intended.

As for support build, you should depend on other stuff. No class is greatly capable of mass healing (is there ?), but mass support. With the staff you can use chaos field (chaos armor combo) and boon field and the Staff #1 for the same. If you want to mass heal, getting Inspiration X + Mantra of Pain spam will be better. This is probably one of the best ally heal-ability of the whole game. Combine it with iDefender and a ranged Phantasm (even iDisenchanter) and you’re quite the supporter/healer.

Phantasm Healing Range

in Mesmer

Posted by: Poplik.8697


If you get the other minor trait for protection proc on regen, you can get pretty much permanent protection if you have the right phantasms.

Phantasm Healing Range

in Mesmer

Posted by: nidwin.6731


Nope Nretep, there’s no spammable mass healing in GW2 and you’re right that the Mesmer is a great heal/support toon when build and specced for it.

For the regeneration I opted for the iduelist as main phantasm to count on as healing beacon. It’s all of course very situational but normally when setting up the heals I do

pull/run into
Phase retreat (put up the boon/condition clone up)
Put up iWarlock
Switch to pistol and put up iDuelist

After that I replace the clone and iWarlock by iDuelists if needed.

Don’t underestimate matra healing. It takes some time to get used to it but with mantra of recovery + mantra of pain you do have some quite powerfull aoe heals on a very low cooldown.

The beauty of Mesmer healing is that your phantasms still dish some decent amount of damage, MoP dishing damage on use before the recharge, Chaos Wind, Feedback, Time Warp and so on. Very pleasant way to heal for me.

Phantasm Healing Range

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dracones.9105


What I mind is how marginalized our healing ability us. Some professions like say, Rangers, get an area heal baseline.

Yes, but rangers don’t get reflects, don’t get an AE quickness, can’t group up enemy packs and can’t stealth allies. You can’t really compare 1 skill across classes. Ranger healing is pretty much the only thing they have for support right now because spirits are pretty much the suck.

I think mesmers bring in a nice balance of support to teams.