Current Season – Platinum (Soloq)
Retired GW2 ESL Tournament Admin
I was just wondering, i saw a post somewhere saying that the base health of this illusion is 5.5k then with the signet its health goes up to 16.7k is this true because to me this seems extremely overpowered?
not only that but how does it actually work? what i know about it so far is that you still get conditions and people only do 50% damage to you and 50% goes to the phantasm if you have the boon and i know that each atk is critted independantly
like Pyro say it double hp only. not x3. so it if phant have 5.5 so it 11k hp. still alot. but its intresting idea. but from 3 slot u have only 1 random skill. its decoy or blink or something another. we have alot of usefull stuff, but no space for it((
yeah i have blink and decoy and was experimenting for my 3rd slot i dont need a condition remover
like Pyro say it double hp only. not x3. so it if phant have 5.5 so it 11k hp. still alot. but its intresting idea. but from 3 slot u have only 1 random skill. its decoy or blink or something another. we have alot of usefull stuff, but no space for it((
yeah blink and decoy is a must, the other slot is for whatever you want, its like not very flexible the mesmer utility slots lol
I thought clones had 3.2k base hp (and phantasms had 2.1k)?
I thought clones had 3.2k base hp (and phantasms had 2.1k)?
The defender has more hp than other phantasms, though I don’t know exactly how much.
I’m using +20% hp + signet of illusion and idef… It helps from being able to stand 1 hit to … umm 3 hits? Not that much to be considered OP… say… if I use blink or portal I would probably avoid 10 hits..
I only use it for extra retaliation damage… which doesn’t really help much.
OP ? You are taking 2 utilities slot. Also, Signet of Illusion is pulsing and not automatic. If you are taking Signet of Illusions + iDefender, might as well go full phantasm spec with iDesenchanter.
Now you end up with no stun breaker or mobility.
Phantasmal Defender only works if you’re truly committed to building around it – that means Soldier/Knight/Cavalier sets. Having a Defender means you completely change your play style – that means willingly let a Guardian pull you in via Binding Blades and take the full hit of Whirling Wrath, on purpose. This also means relying on Blurred Frenzy as your secondary “stun breaker” since 2 of your slots will be the Signet + Defender.
I think Signet buffs HP in intervals. So your Phantasm usually spawns without the HP bonus. (Or did they fix this?)
In any case, I think the best solution is to space your Phantasms out with range.
idefender and sig of illusions work good together against melee types. The problem with signet of illusions is the way it activates I believe its 12 secs global cd. So you can spawn a defender and he wont get the buff and he dies quickly. Then you spawn another and it gets it right away. So its hit or miss in the end if you try it out sometimes you will love the setup and other times you wont. As mambastik said its a lot different playstyle you have to be tanky to make him work since he gets your toughness. It is a different playstyle though 2 utility slots for 1 phantasm basically without sig of illusions then he is basically good enough to survive a CnD from glass thief then he dies right away.
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