Phantasmal Disenchanter Range Bug

Phantasmal Disenchanter Range Bug

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ceribis.8104


Has anyone else noticed that you pretty much need to be within melee range to cast the Disenchanter? Even though I know I’m well within range of my target (and there’s no red bar under the skill on the skill bar) I’m getting “Out of Range” messages constantly even though it’s supposed to be castable up to 900 units away from your target? It seems like the Disenchanter always appears on the other side of your target and the range is being calculated to where it appears rather than the distance to your target.

Keeghan – Sylvari Mesmer – Jade Quarry

Phantasmal Disenchanter Range Bug

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vendris.4201


Yup. I noticed this last night also, trying to use the disenchanter in Fractal. Numerous times I knew I was well within range to cast it and I still got out of range messages. Between this, and random molecules of oxygen in the air obstructing my targets, phantasms have become next to useless since the patch.

Weapon auto attack has also become useless, as I constantly get “obstructed” messages when trying to use both my staff and my scepter with the mob standing directly in my face hammering on me with melee weapons.

For now I’ve changed to a mantra healing build, as it’s at least the one useful thing I can do in a dungeon group still.