Phantasmal Disenchanter Seriously Broken BUG

Phantasmal Disenchanter Seriously Broken BUG

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vendris.4201


I confirmed what I’ve seen a couple of other people say – the phantasmal disenchanter now simply often fails to spawn at all. This is not from being blind. This is not from being obstructed. When it happens, there are no messages at all. The phantasm simply fails to spawn at all.

It’s not a range problem either – I’ve watched it fail to spawn multiple times while in melee range of a selected enemy.

Leaving aside that it is ridiculous that this phantasm has any enemy requirements to summon at all, since it does not attack – it is simply broken.

The failure to spawn at all happens so frequently that I can’t use the skill – it’s worthless.

Phantasmal Disenchanter Seriously Broken BUG

in Mesmer

Posted by: Carighan.6758


Yeah had that too. I thank the people who think having Phantasms fail to spawn like a single target attack is ok.
But then, since this patch I’ve not even tried to use either Defender or Disenchanter outside of the one time I wanted to use the Disenchanter in Fractals, so no loss. They’re rubbish now anyhow, if I can’t spawn my defensive or utility skills on blocking enemies, so not like it’s a huge loss. Still got Mantra and Field for condition removal, so luckily not totally screwed by this, just means 2 less utility skills to use.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

Phantasmal Disenchanter Seriously Broken BUG

in Mesmer

Posted by: ManCaptain.3154


Not to mention the idea of utility phantasms on a class that uses them in shatters is pretty dumb.

Phantasmal Disenchanter Seriously Broken BUG

in Mesmer

Posted by: Carighan.6758


Well no, I can get by that, though I’d design it differently (I had a lengthy post about shatter-types vs payloads, need to find that again). But the general idea isn’t bad at all, assuming it gets tweaked to the point where out utility / staying power / stable power relies on Clones and Phantasms, while our spike power and emergency survival relies on Shatters. That’d mean a Mesmer excels at following stable damage with a burst (or with emergency retreat), but her downside is that if you pressure her early (forcing the Shatter), she needs time to re-establish baseline power.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

Phantasmal Disenchanter Seriously Broken BUG

in Mesmer

Posted by: Snoxx.7943


Not to mention the idea of utility phantasms on a class that uses them in shatters is pretty dumb.

Well, at least the cooldown on Phantasmal Disenchanter is really short, so you might just use it as cannon fodder for shatter and conjure a new one after.

Seen from a shatter perspective, Phantasmal Disenchanter is a bit like Mirror Images, just with half the effect and half the cooldown.

Mirror Images is still better because it has an additional stun break and it never fails to spawn …

Phantasmal Disenchanter Seriously Broken BUG

in Mesmer

Posted by: Jena.7364


Just tried to summon the Phantasmal Disenchanter on a target dummy in Lions Arch. It does summon but at range of 400. Any further out and it says Out of Range.

Its a 900 range spell, please fix this.

Phantasmal Disenchanter Seriously Broken BUG

in Mesmer

Posted by: Marius Verius.2530

Marius Verius.2530

Well no, I can get by that, though I’d design it differently (I had a lengthy post about shatter-types vs payloads, need to find that again). But the general idea isn’t bad at all, assuming it gets tweaked to the point where out utility / staying power / stable power relies on Clones and Phantasms, while our spike power and emergency survival relies on Shatters. That’d mean a Mesmer excels at following stable damage with a burst (or with emergency retreat), but her downside is that if you pressure her early (forcing the Shatter), she needs time to re-establish baseline power.

That would follow the GW1 Mesmer concept nicely: the longer the GW1 Mesmer was left unchecked in battle, the more dangerous she became; building up hexes and degen and diversion/interrupts… and since phantasms are the supposed substitutes of hexes, what you say makes perfect sense. If only the devs would actually come and read our forum, and listen to reason…

Phantasmal Disenchanter Seriously Broken BUG

in Mesmer

Posted by: Raksha.8049


This problem is across the board with all illusions.

I’ve noticed it happen with all, more so with the ones that spawn at your location mainly, iDuelist, iMage, iDisenchanter.

Pretty sure it is still range based and you require a target for iDisenchanter, so if your target is out of range and you cast it, gg no illusions.

This AGAIN falls back to what we are saying in another thread about how cool down timers should be applied for skills that fall on targets out of range, obstructed or the other issues people have raised in that thread.

Phantasmal Disenchanter Seriously Broken BUG

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vendris.4201


The range being 400 could be what I’m seeing as well – I’ll do some tests against target dummies myself once I get some time today and post the results, and pretend like developers are reading this.

Phantasmal Disenchanter Seriously Broken BUG

in Mesmer

Posted by: Snoxx.7943


Just tried to use iDisenchanter under water (where Null Field doesn’t work) while fighting some fish mobs in WvW lake. Out of 10 times it never worked. Frustrated I switched to the mantra cleanse.

Later I went in PvP-lobby to the underwater target dummy golems to test this. Well, it works, but the range is extremely short. You have to be almost in melee range to successfully cast it.