Phantasms don't attack when summoned (all)
wow, great patch indeed!
Anet: ah, sorry for the misunderstanding mesmers. The warden was actually the only phantasm not broken. We’ve updated the rest to proper functionality.
This game is really depressing me.
yay and im an other 30 gold richer.i mad bets that anet will break something important…i had no idea how important. now my phantasms are useless too oi….whats next shatter hit me instead of the target?
Isle of Kickaspenwood
Pretty sure you’re just casting on a minion mob. The normal wolves are spawned by the elite ones, and illusions have never worked on those. I already pointed this out 10 months ago in this thread:
This isn’t a new problem. That’s a normal wolf which was summoned by one of the silver ones. Phantasms have never attacked those wolves.
nah my iwarden didnt attack at all today iwarden failed 4 times again and no reflects whatsoever…and berserker for the first time just stood there
Isle of Kickaspenwood
Yep, I’m aware of this being an old bug. Tyler Chapman made a post in the mes bug thread from which I understood that it was being worked on and close to getting fixed. What I didn’t understand is whether he meant fixed this feature patch or later.
So I just went ingame and actually tested this, and it’s not true. All illusions and phantasms actually attack.
Edit your post:
Phantasms won’t attack any mob spawned by any other mob.
Also i heard they ruined iwarden even more ._.
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
My phantasms and clones failed to attack a gate in eotm. They attack siege with no issues but just stood still at the gate.
Want to add that they did attack gates in the main WvW maps.
(edited by Ravik.1746)
It seems kind of spontaneous when they decide to stop attacking. I had them hitting a gate in EotM, then they stopped, then I moved to a different gate and they still didn’t attack.
Also, they occasionally don’t attack non-summoned mobs and they occasionally attack summoned mobs…