

in Mesmer

Posted by: PH Law.4063

PH Law.4063

iDuelist, iZerker, and iMage do wayyyy too high dmg
iDuelist = Able to stack constant pressure of bleed 6-8 stacks always
iZerker = Cripple and able to move like lluululululul warriors
iMage = Do more dmg with each unique condi? As if it doesnt hit like a truck already?

I have a mesmer and im not trying to betray mesmer because it is my main profession, my point is personally i would like a nerf on our phantasms and increase dmg on our other skills like our core mechanic skills F1-F4.
Phantasms are just too kitten and suddenly many builds revolve around phantasms due to their high dmg.

Another thing to address is PU…OP needs a rework.


in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroathiest.4168


Ahem. iWarlock.

Gotta love that in this analysis you sorta forget that iSwordsman does more damage than either the duelist or the zeker.

Other than that, just another whine post from someone pretending to play mesmer. Nothing to see here.


in Mesmer

Posted by: selan.8354


pretty much what pyro said. if u were truly a mesmer u would know that phantasms are our only way to deal dmg that can compete with any other class.and suddenly everyone uses phantasms?!? erm phantasms are part of any build. any power mes build has to rely on phantasms cause thats where our dmg comes from.
sorry but its very very obvious u dont play mesmer. u main another profession that cant deal with mesmers thats why u come here to whine.
there really isnt much left for mesmers to spec into. if u nerf our main dmg dealers then u would have to buff our other weapon skills. if u nerf pu or rework it, u would have to give mes a buff to be able to survive better.
honestly, very bad acting like u were a real mesmer that mains this class. golden raspery for u!

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood


in Mesmer

Posted by: jarthur.3649


either you spend a very large amount of time being a fake Mesmer or you actually are a Mesmer, yah record of your posts. or your complaining because your old class can kick you kitten .

otherwise i’d prefer that the don’t mess with our phantasm anymore due to the fact it usually ends with bugs that completely ruin the phantasm. the other part of this is that phantasm are on par with other classes max damage skills so i’m not sure why they need a Nerf. side note they received a damage Nerf just a short while ago.


in Mesmer

Posted by: mango.9267


pretty much what pyro said. if u were truly a mesmer u would know that phantasms are our only way to deal dmg that can compete with any other class.and suddenly everyone uses phantasms?!? erm phantasms are part of any build. any power mes build has to rely on phantasms cause thats where our dmg comes from.
sorry but its very very obvious u dont play mesmer. u main another profession that cant deal with mesmers thats why u come here to whine.
there really isnt much left for mesmers to spec into. if u nerf our main dmg dealers then u would have to buff our other weapon skills. if u nerf pu or rework it, u would have to give mes a buff to be able to survive better.
honestly, very bad acting like u were a real mesmer that mains this class. golden raspery for u!

Man, this post is much more whiny than OP’s post. Calm down and breathe. For what it’s worth, he did say he’d like to see other aspects buffed to compensate.

I kinda agree with OP. That said, if Anet nerfed phantasms, mesmers would be much less viable in PvE.

From a PvP standpoint, I do think phantasms are a bit strong. They do heavy damage while letting the mesmer kite around, promoting passive gameplay. I think buffing weapon damage and buffing shatters could be a nice way to promote active gameplay without destroying the class.

Second Child


in Mesmer

Posted by: Zadarh.1932


most was already said but will add 8 stacks of bleed = 8 crits, if you are against a mez that does this they probably did an insane amount of dmg as EVERY shot crit and you didn’t dodge once!

~Gw2 Machinima, WvW Tips & Much More~


in Mesmer

Posted by: selan.8354


pretty much what pyro said. if u were truly a mesmer u would know that phantasms are our only way to deal dmg that can compete with any other class.and suddenly everyone uses phantasms?!? erm phantasms are part of any build. any power mes build has to rely on phantasms cause thats where our dmg comes from.
sorry but its very very obvious u dont play mesmer. u main another profession that cant deal with mesmers thats why u come here to whine.
there really isnt much left for mesmers to spec into. if u nerf our main dmg dealers then u would have to buff our other weapon skills. if u nerf pu or rework it, u would have to give mes a buff to be able to survive better.
honestly, very bad acting like u were a real mesmer that mains this class. golden raspery for u!

Man, this post is much more whiny than OP’s post. Calm down and breathe. For what it’s worth, he did say he’d like to see other aspects buffed to compensate.

I kinda agree with OP. That said, if Anet nerfed phantasms, mesmers would be much less viable in PvE.

From a PvP standpoint, I do think phantasms are a bit strong. They do heavy damage while letting the mesmer kite around, promoting passive gameplay. I think buffing weapon damage and buffing shatters could be a nice way to promote active gameplay without destroying the class.

what are u talking about? can u read? i am clam…i did not whine in this post. what on earth are u talking about?read again. did i say aww we have no dmg? no i said ai is our main dmg dealer which is a fact. if u nerf our main dmg dealers u would have to buff our other attacks, cause mes weapon attacks are weaker cause we have phantasms..which is also a fact. i did now whine ore whatever. so u tell me where i whined!?

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood


in Mesmer

Posted by: EverythingEnds.4261


The only thing, I’d eventually consider as aceptable would be a (PvP only) nerf to the traits who buff phantasms. Why are there even 2 +15% dmg traits?
I don’t suggest this because Phants “are so super strong”, suggest this as I’m not a fan of AI-focused builds.

Buffing the F-Skills sounds good, but giving up Phant damage?
I don’t know. Loading a major part of the Mes dmg only to one source, which also is extremly obvious, hard to land and easily to evade?


in Mesmer

Posted by: jarthur.3649


one is illusions the other is phantasm. so techniquely the one is meant to boost clone and phantasm damage and is probably a throwback to when clones could do damage.


in Mesmer

Posted by: PH Law.4063

PH Law.4063

sorry not iMage iWarlock….and reason why im saying this is because if you do play and utilize a mesmer as much as you say you do then you will realize that buffing our other DMG mechanics would be a lot more interesting then sitting there kiting with PU and let phantasms do all the work…

what i posted is nothing lacking the truth im on a condi build and my duelist still does 2.3k+ dmg


in Mesmer

Posted by: Mystogan.4157


PU is a joke. only thing needs fixed is constant retargeting

Thy Shall Fear The Reaper (FxRe)


in Mesmer

Posted by: Windwalker.7421


I don’t really agree with any of this. Phantasms are the epitome of a Glass Cannon, being generally able to be killed in 1 hit by most professions/builds. Mesmers lacking weapon damage is an indicator of the intrinsic balance ANet intended here; devoting a moment to clear the most dangerous illusions is rewarded. (and should be)

(In turn mindlessly killing all illusions with AE damage is also punished, if the Mesmer traits for it!)

If you nerfed the Phantasms and boosted our own damage, you would imbalance this idea. We would be able to more heavily punish a player for focusing on killing illusions, which means they become passive damage boosts that people should ignore or suffer.

This is when “pet classes” really stink IMO, when you inevitably end up being forced to completely ignore the pets and focus on killing the owner (pets become passive damage adds or passive utility-bots). This is basically how it works for Rangers, Necros, and Elementalist pets (with some exceptions) and it makes for lame PvP if you ask me. It’s also hard to strike a good balance between owner & pet damage output. (see Rangers)

I don’t think the current system promotes passive play at all, and in fact your ideas would lead us in the direction of Phantasms becoming nothing more then a passive damage add to be ignored. No tactics or skill involved.

If you actually do play passively with Phantasms now, and your opponents don’t exploit your laziness and kill off your Phantasms to leave you nekkid, then they get what they deserve!

Mesmers are a class designed to make the enemy think, and to punish mindless play against them. Your enemy is supposed to waste some powerful attacks to clear your Phantasms! This provides a form of defense for the Mesmer, and rewards strategic play over purely aggressive play, for those facing Mesmers. We need more of this in GW2, not less!

If you can just safely ignore the Phantasm, or get punished too harshly for killing them off by the Mesmers own attacks, then you end up with much less skillful play then what we have now.


in Mesmer

Posted by: Carighan.6758


iDuelist, iZerker, and iMage do wayyyy too high dmg
iDuelist = Able to stack constant pressure of bleed 6-8 stacks always
iZerker = Cripple and able to move like lluululululul warriors
iMage = Do more dmg with each unique condi? As if it doesnt hit like a truck already?


You realize that you made it very obvious that you don’t actually have a Mesmer? What an embarrassing mistake, isn’kitten


  • Swordsman and Warlock can do nice damage, yes. The Swordsman does pretty good damage, the Warlock can do pretty good damage, assuming that the staff is used by a power-warlock (it most often isn’t, in which case the Warlock hits like a feather duster).
  • Duellist is for proccing combo fields. It’s damage is sup-par and it recycles long, plus reflects.
  • Berserker is really low single-target damage unless you’re against a wall or so. It excels at AE damage and crippling. Not at damage.
  • Warden. Useless ever since someone wanted it to be mobile and ANet listened. Used to be good for projectile blocking and reflecting, but it’s damage is very very low.
  • Mage. Yeah. You should have really played a Warlock.
The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.


in Mesmer

Posted by: WhiteRose.6934


I don’t really agree with any of this. Phantasms are the epitome of a Glass Cannon, being generally able to be killed in 1 hit by most professions/builds. Mesmers lacking weapon damage is an indicator of the intrinsic balance ANet intended here; devoting a moment to clear the most dangerous illusions is rewarded. (and should be)

(In turn mindlessly killing all illusions with AE damage is also punished, if the Mesmer traits for it!)

If you nerfed the Phantasms and boosted our own damage, you would imbalance this idea. We would be able to more heavily punish a player for focusing on killing illusions, which means they become passive damage boosts that people should ignore or suffer.

This is when “pet classes” really stink IMO, when you inevitably end up being forced to completely ignore the pets and focus on killing the owner (pets become passive damage adds or passive utility-bots). This is basically how it works for Rangers, Necros, and Elementalist pets (with some exceptions) and it makes for lame PvP if you ask me. It’s also hard to strike a good balance between owner & pet damage output. (see Rangers)

I don’t think the current system promotes passive play at all, and in fact your ideas would lead us in the direction of Phantasms becoming nothing more then a passive damage add to be ignored. No tactics or skill involved.

If you actually do play passively with Phantasms now, and your opponents don’t exploit your laziness and kill off your Phantasms to leave you nekkid, then they get what they deserve!

Mesmers are a class designed to make the enemy think, and to punish mindless play against them. Your enemy is supposed to waste some powerful attacks to clear your Phantasms! This provides a form of defense for the Mesmer, and rewards strategic play over purely aggressive play, for those facing Mesmers. We need more of this in GW2, not less!

If you can just safely ignore the Phantasm, or get punished too harshly for killing them off by the Mesmers own attacks, then you end up with much less skillful play then what we have now.

I bolded my favorite part of this post. It’s all true, but that one paragraph is huge.

Genesis Theory [GT] – Henge of Denravi


in Mesmer

Posted by: Xaurniven.2065


pretty much what pyro said. if u were truly a mesmer u would know that phantasms are our only way to deal dmg that can compete with any other class.and suddenly everyone uses phantasms?!? erm phantasms are part of any build. any power mes build has to rely on phantasms cause thats where our dmg comes from.
sorry but its very very obvious u dont play mesmer. u main another profession that cant deal with mesmers thats why u come here to whine.
there really isnt much left for mesmers to spec into. if u nerf our main dmg dealers then u would have to buff our other weapon skills. if u nerf pu or rework it, u would have to give mes a buff to be able to survive better.
honestly, very bad acting like u were a real mesmer that mains this class. golden raspery for u!

Man, this post is much more whiny than OP’s post. Calm down and breathe. For what it’s worth, he did say he’d like to see other aspects buffed to compensate.

I kinda agree with OP. That said, if Anet nerfed phantasms, mesmers would be much less viable in PvE.

From a PvP standpoint, I do think phantasms are a bit strong. They do heavy damage while letting the mesmer kite around, promoting passive gameplay. I think buffing weapon damage and buffing shatters could be a nice way to promote active gameplay without destroying the class.

Nah he was very calm saying this, idk what are u talking about.
And yeah lol you don’t play Mesmer it seems to me. So how about you run along to your friends and whine with them ^.^

Seems like you’ve just been….Mind Wrecked if you know what I mean ;) …oh wait you don’t play Mesmer sowwy :(

Fury By Furry |Given Fury | Furiously Small | Furiously Risen | Serayath

[RaW] Sassari – Commander


in Mesmer

Posted by: Dondagora.9645


pretty much what pyro said. if u were truly a mesmer u would know that phantasms are our only way to deal dmg that can compete with any other class.and suddenly everyone uses phantasms?!? erm phantasms are part of any build. any power mes build has to rely on phantasms cause thats where our dmg comes from.
sorry but its very very obvious u dont play mesmer. u main another profession that cant deal with mesmers thats why u come here to whine.
there really isnt much left for mesmers to spec into. if u nerf our main dmg dealers then u would have to buff our other weapon skills. if u nerf pu or rework it, u would have to give mes a buff to be able to survive better.
honestly, very bad acting like u were a real mesmer that mains this class. golden raspery for u!

Man, this post is much more whiny than OP’s post. Calm down and breathe. For what it’s worth, he did say he’d like to see other aspects buffed to compensate.

I kinda agree with OP. That said, if Anet nerfed phantasms, mesmers would be much less viable in PvE.

From a PvP standpoint, I do think phantasms are a bit strong. They do heavy damage while letting the mesmer kite around, promoting passive gameplay. I think buffing weapon damage and buffing shatters could be a nice way to promote active gameplay without destroying the class.

Nah he was very calm saying this, idk what are u talking about.
And yeah lol you don’t play Mesmer it seems to me. So how about you run along to your friends and whine with them ^.^

Seems like you’ve just been….Mind Wrecked if you know what I mean …oh wait you don’t play Mesmer sowwy

The OP plays mesmer. Perhaps he was just trying to think outside the box, making it seem like his ideas came from someone who didn’t understand the class, but do not all bandwagon onto Pyro’s posts to gang up. Check the post history of the OP first before spouting bullkitten.
Now, I believe that phantasms and clones and our reliance on them is quite the same as a thief relying on initiative or a warrior on his adrenaline and so on, thus I believe the current gameplay with them is okay. I understand where you’re going with it, but making ourselves stronger with normal attacks will push us to become too much like the other classes. Thieves and warriors and etcetera don’t rely on AI’s? So what, that’s them, we’re us, and this is how we work. If we wanted something else, we can play another class, you know what I’m saying?