Phase Retreat
This occurs for me only when I am on a hill with the up slope at my back or if there is an outcropping behind me and just above my head. This is common and I consider myself lucky when I don’t teleport through the ground instead.
Was gonna say…teleporting into the same spot is the least of your worries. I regularily telport into the environment around me, or under the ground.
The worst seems to be in and around water for some reason. Usually I just stay in the same place…
Same for me. I’m quite content with not moving at all. Really prefer that compared to going undermap, especially that you’re underwater and thus have access to zero teleport skills to try and get on the map again …
Yeah had a few issues myself aswell where I would teleport under the ground and land in water even though there was no water around and end up stuck below with no way to get out than to waypoint.