Please Reduce Portal Cooldown Again
They changed it because of sPvP where a mesmer could essentially cover 2 points since the entre portal was the same as the cooldown.
It simple then, split the skills where in PvE/WvW, portal is 60 seconds and sPvP’s portal uses 90 seconds.
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
They changed it because of sPvP where a mesmer could essentially cover 2 points since the entre portal was the same as the cooldown.
Then the correct answer is to remove sPvP.
It’s just causing issues with skill viability and class balance, should be separated into a standalone game.
Give me an actually fun ability to use! Oh no wait, can’t have that, sPvP! :S
I might pull some heat but in my oppinion this make smal teams more effective in wvwvw. a 10-15 man team will have easier to move fast around on the map with 2-3 mesmers than a 40 man team. As they also will tone down aoe dmg it overall will make special ops kinda teams using swiftness portal and stealth a fun and valid option for wvwvw even more than atm.
They changed it because of sPvP where a mesmer could essentially cover 2 points since the entre portal was the same as the cooldown.
Then the correct answer is to remove sPvP.
It’s just causing issues with skill viability and class balance, should be separated into a standalone game.Give me an actually fun ability to use! Oh no wait, can’t have that, sPvP! :S
This… some of the best MMO’s I’ve played forsook PvP entirely and isntead focused on making the PvE component as fun as possible; not nessecarily balanced, but fun… you know… that word, fun?
Garnished Toast
Make it a five player teleport only (the first five players using it can teleport as long as the portal exists, the mesmer has a guaranteed slot) but reduce the cooldown. So it can be used more tactically instead of just zergporting.
As i said in another thread, would love to see it become 30s CD, self-only. No more portal bombing/exploit threads, and we get to enjoy our skill.
Save the Bell Choir activity!
Hrm, no. Self-only would also be bad. Then it might as well just be a slightly modified blink, and we already have a blink.
Glamours are group utility. Feedback, Null Field, Portal, Veil, these all work alone, yes. But they rock when used in groups.
Only with two of them (specifically Portal and Veil) the CDs are so long that they really should be buffed and be made elite. We got an elite with the same CD, after all!
It’s no fun to have a utility move which you only press once in a blue moon (even if it’s understandable for the rezzes :P ). Really isn’t.
Hence 5 port limit (independent of who uses them up), 30s CD. The sPvPers are going to have a fit and lie choking on the ground, and honestly… whatever. It’s a separate game anyhow, let them keep the current 90s version, but give me something fun to use for WvW and – especially, because both nerfs made it worse there with no compensation, it was already weak! – PvE.
What we need is a PvP/PvE split on this skill.
The cooldown is too kittening long in PvE; there’s nothing worse than botching some scene, like the laser defences in CoE and everyone has to wait over a minute for the cooldown – in PvE sitting about waiting for the mesmer is not good gameplay
But conversely in WvW and PvP having it too short is too powerful.
Garnished Toast
Wait, did they change it so 20 players can use it back and forth or so that it actually has 20 uses, so a single player porting 20 times uses it up too? If you put it down in a zerg and 20 people port before you do – bad luck for you? That would be plain stupid.
So now you’ll just have to use two mesmers and have one piggyback off the other’s portal to let everyone else through.
Point is, for WvW – and for PvE- something more extreme like a 20-30s CD, 5 uses limit would work really well.
OTOH, for sPvP, no limit is fine (there’s few players there anyhow), it should probably last fairly long but have a 90s-120s CD.
there was a time when portal had infinite range, a 48 traited cooldown, any number of people could go through it, and it was nonconsenting.
what a glorious time that was
To be honest. I am just waiting for A-net to come out and say: " Well guys we totaly failed this PvE and PvP have the same balnce thing sry"
Becaus thats how it is at the moment. Mobs in PvE have up to 10 times the Hp a squishe in sPvP has macking it totaly brainless to try that mob wiht that dmg/ CDs.
It is great that A-net trys to mack sPvP a e-sports. But they should remember back how they made PvP in Gw1 one of the best PvP’s there is. Balancing stuff acording to that mode and ONLY that mode.
Should keep the cooldown in Spvp, reduce it for PvE/WvW, and cap it to 5 PLAYERS per portal (not uses, players).
Why do I have a mesmer again?
Should keep the cooldown in Spvp, reduce it for PvE/WvW, and cap it to 5 PLAYERS per portal (not uses, players).