Please help me with my Mesmer

Please help me with my Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Refizul Natas.2014

Refizul Natas.2014

Hello fellow players.

Please excuse typos as i am posting this with my phone

But to the point now: i really like how the mesmer looks and the effects of Chronomancer wells, so i decided to create one. I leveled her in the Myst and felt really safe in my encounters with enemy players, so i thought this will also be the case in PvE.

The truth however is the complete opposite. I feel very squishy and when i look at my damage numbers it feels as if i am doing something wrong. I dont have the funds for Ascended armor or weapons, but i currently run full berserker armor (exotic) with strength runes and use a GS + Sword Shield.

In HoT i honestly have a lot of trouble when i am on my own. I cant tank and my damage is also low. Its quite frustrating since i really want to like this class. I think i just dont get how i should play and gear it.

Can you guys be so kind and give me some advise? I would also appreciate a guide to open world HOT or some tips of the role the mesmer has in encounters as used to be a dps oriented player before. Does the playstyle changes when i play solo? If so… how?

Thanks a lot.

Have a great weekend to all of you.

Please help me with my Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mogar.9216


get inspiration and run the heal signet you should be just fine. I did the whole hot pve in zerker build gs/staff no problem at all.

Please help me with my Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: blazinfury.8504


I myself run almost exactly what you are running except I have ascended armor and use Sunrise and Bolt with a shield. I don’t have problems staying alive. I use the healing and cleanse mantras as staples in my builds along with blink for mobility. I don’t like the heal sig, I would rather have the instant spike healing of the mantra, which can be traited out to give 3 heals which can be used in succession for a huge heal. Become best friends with sword 2, f4, shield 4 and dodge. The more mobile you are the more likely you will stay alive.