The dodge and decoy traits in Deulist work really well for point defense, personally I just go with lots of illusions and mass confusion and it works wonders on killing the attackers before I have any issues with them…
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
Staff and Sword / Focus.
(Edited to fix “bad link”)
If you see a necro coming, quickly swap blink for Null Field. If you see a ranger or ranged warrior, swap blink for Reflection. This build has gobs of survivability even though it has under 2k hp. You will have regen running nearly constantly ticking for around 300hp, and protection will be up nearly 50% of the time.
The biggest problem I have with this build has been heavy conditon necro’s, which is why I strongly recommend swapping out Null field if you see one coming. Aside from that, 1v1 this build has eaten everything it has come across, even bunker guardians.
The only sore spot for this build (and mesmers) is that it lacks stability, which is really helpful when trying to hold a node. In my opinion it’s essential for any bunker-type build to have some kind of knockback. This means that either the focus or greatsword should be in the build. Since the staff is so good for a positional game and survivability, I went with the focus.
(edited by Thedenofsin.7340)
Having the traits Confusing Comabatants or Crippling Dissipation ( as cripple kinda conflicts with confusion) with Debilitating Dissipation if you use the Deceptive Evation (awesome trait!). As you make new clones by dodging or skills, the old are ‘killed’ off and spread the conditions, aswell as when the enemy is killing them. So kiting around making clones is not just annoying and hard to target us, it also hurts them to be too close. I use the Undead runes too as I put a lot of bleed and such, whether I stand still or keep moving and have the armor to survive standing in aoe to keep that point.