(edited by DanH.5879)
Portal too OP
In sPVP.
If you want balance, you have to play there.
Dissentient [DIS] ~Tarnished Coast
Portal allows a maximum of 20 players through.
The range on portals is actually pretty low.
Not sure if trolling or not so w/e.
time warp only affects 5 people i believe.
Portal takes some planning to get right
Portal allows a maximum of 20 players through.
The range on portals is actually pretty low.
Not sure if trolling or not so w/e.
yeah, I dont get why the op thinks something like this is op…..Do u have ANY idea how hard it is to make a successful portal bomb?You know how many mesmers die whil trying to portalbomb into a lordsroom?u gotta get past all the siege and u don’t have a fancy trait like a thief that can safe u in case u screw up.
Keep your eyes open for the portals.
-If u see someone stacking u know something is coming
-right before they are able to use the portal, the portal will light up real quick, so dodge away from it
-always be ready for an unexpected push
-portals are limited
-timewarp is limited to like 10 or so, i’ve never timewarped 20+ at the same time
-why don’t u try it for yourself and play a mesmer and get those portalbombs going and we will see if u still think our traits are sooo op and get used to be asked every 10 minutes to portal golems, portal people in, to hide, to rush past siege, to pull people off walls, to timewarp golems, to use massinvis ….yup mesmers have to work pretty hard for the community ;-)
Isle of Kickaspenwood
Hi all. I want to complain that the portal allows too many to pass trough.
Out of nowhere we get rolled by 20+ ppl. AND on top of it the mass quickness without penalty to all is even more OPall aoe (including portal and mass quickness should effect maximum 5 people ! not 9999 !!!) the stealth curtain is the same story… as other skills
and shadow refuge is only for 5 !where is the balance in this game ?
and the range should be less than 9000km between the portals !!!!
Please L2P. And don’t even compare a theif’s stealth skill to mesmers 90s cd veil that you have to give up an important slot to use. Portal has a max of 20 uses, so 20+ was just your imagination. As for “…as other skills”, please go make a mesmer first and then we can talk about how “OP” other skills are.
This guys is probably a thief who got roflstomped and couldn’t stealth away in time.
5 uses for portal & other area affecting skills or there is NO justice in this game
As a mesmer that hangs with a WvW guild full of mesmers, I can tell you that what you’re seeing are often demoralizing tactics. Portals can only transport 20 people, however, sometimes we coordinate spawning clones immediately after exiting, making it look like our zerg is a lot bigger. Timewarp only affects 5 people, however, organized mesmers can rotate using it on 5 high dps characters. When done on Omega Golems, even reinforced walls can crumble in 30 to 45 seconds. Keeps can be taken in less time than supply depots.
However, these tactics have flaws. I won’t tell you what they are because that would hurt my guild but I will tell you that they require a LOT of coordination! So not, these abilities aren’t overpowered. They are simply being used to their fullest potential.
no sir, my team of 5 wanted to kill 1 mesmer. SURPRISE, we got rofltstomped in 5 seconds by his 25++ friends, we didn’t even knew what hited us because of the portal.
and why portals are allowed to teleport if there are obstructions (tower walls/elevations/moutains etc.) between it’s 2 ends.
with my shadow refuge i can stealth maximum 5 ppl for 10 seconds (if traited !)
(edited by DanH.5879)
L2p. If there is a coordinated force big enough to properly use portal bombing, they would probably steamrole the enemey zerg anyway, it just makes them look more awesome while doing it.
Hi all. I want to complain that the portal allows too many to pass trough.
Out of nowhere we get rolled by 20+ ppl. AND on top of it the mass quickness without penalty to all is even more OPall aoe (including portal and mass quickness should effect maximum 5 people ! not 9999 !!!) the stealth curtain is the same story… as other skills
and shadow refuge is only for 5 !where is the balance in this game ?
and the range should be less than 9000km between the portals !!!!
- Portal has already been made inconvenient enough, but not many of these changes really affect portal bombing. I recently did World completion on my Mesmer and for convenience I wanted to use Portal frequently when clearing a map, but the now too long cooldown, the too short range, the too short activation window make it basically useless besides helping someone get to a Vista.
- Our quickness Elite only affects 5 targets, but yeah, quickness is stupid and should only affect autoattack aka skill #1 IMO.
- Mass invisibility and especially Veil are only too strong in combination with swiftness IMO. Veil should also activate just 10 times, like Mass Invis only works on 10 players, to avoid stealth bombing with a big zerg.
(edited by Xolo.3580)
no sir, my team of 5 wanted to kill 1 mesmer. SURPRISE, we got rofltstomped in 5 seconds by his 25++ friends, we didn’t even knew what hited us because of the portal.
and why portals are allowed to teleport if there are obstructions (tower walls/elevations/moutains etc.) between it’s 2 ends.
with my shadow refuge i can stealth maximum 5 ppl for 10 seconds (if traited !)
First of all, it is impossible for more than 20 people to use a portal. Please get your facts straight. Also, if it really was 5v20, you wouldn’t have stood a chance anyway. The mesmer merely sped up your demise. Had the mesmer not been there to portal, those 20 people would have just chased you down and killed you the old-fashioned way. In a situation where numbers are equal, portal bombing rarely makes a difference and oftentimes causes more harm than good to the people doing the portal bombing.
The Portal skill has two portals.
With the use of the second portal you know that enemies are about to come out of the portal.
Attack said area.
I’m going for troll for sure now, so just leave.
Sounds like you and your buddies thought this mesmer was gonna be an easy kill, and he totally trolled you. Pretty hilarious if you ask me. 20 people would have wiped you anyways, regardless of Portal.
yeah, but at least, they wouldn’t appear from nowhere rising from the ground
and fyi, ppl in golem suits shouldn’t be able to use portals, and teleport around the map in 3 minutes. (they can’t receive buffs for a reason, this is cheating imo)
and 1 mesmer pops 1 portal (comes via SR stealth from thief), then other mesmers come and pop 2-3-4 more portals, voila, you get trolled by 100+ppl rising from the ground like undead
Imo the portal’s cooldown should be reduced to its original value but the exit should be a channeled spell, that would make it more balanced. But I guess the removal of culling will already help, so let’s wait for this.
I really really do not understand how portal is OP. In Tier I play one ALL Servers have access to this ability so not really tipping any 1 sides balance.
Fell for the ol bait and hook huh? Bet it that will be the last time your group tries to kill a solo mesmer now. But let me get this straight. Your group of five tried to kill a single person, but ended up getting killed by a group of twenty? Sounds like you got a taste of your own medicine.
i wouldn’t mind if 5 would come out of the portal, it would be a semi fair 5 vs 6 fight.
but 5 vs 21+ doing 1 instant skill ? no. just no.
portal bombs are as most bad as perma stealth thieves.
due to culling, you are dead before they are rendered.
and the worst part is that they can have children after being casted, by mesmers that come trough it
(edited by DanH.5879)
5 uses for portal & other area affecting skills or there is NO justice in this game
I actually asked for this before.
5 uses per Portal (1 reserved for the Mesmer!), but CD reduced to ~25s.
A fair fight? Are you serious? You were trying to 5v1. Is that “fair” to you? Stop having your kitten just cause you need to L2P. Go QQ elsewhere.
Nope, portals are fine the way they are. Once culling is fixed they will be more fine.
Member of Gamers With Jobs(GWJ)
From the Northern Shiver Peaks
yeah, and turn wvw into mesmer wars 2 ! since the thief wars 2 are at an end
yeah, and turn wvw into mesmer wars 2 ! since the thief wars 2 are at an end
I guarantee even with the fix to stealth thieves are still going to reign supreme, much to my dismay, but the fix to culling will affect everyone equally. So those people who spring up out of portals are going to render much faster (theoretically) so it will be easier to counter this tactic. As with anything in this game, just wait and see…
Portals are fine the way they work now, anything less would make it not worth the utility slot.
Member of Gamers With Jobs(GWJ)
From the Northern Shiver Peaks
If you can spot the portal quick enough, there are a couple of options.
1: if you have a necro, have them drop down wells on portal, and if they are spec’d for wells, you can have blind cause chill, and be able to control first 5 who jump through. Staff marks can help control through bleed, chill, poison, and fear. Aoe cripple from #2 on scepter also.
2: got a ranger? Have him or her drop down some traps on portal. Flame, kitten and frost is enough to screw any who come through. (Applies chill, immobilize, crip, bleed, burn)
3: guardian: toss down ring of warding followed by the immobilize (ik ring can be dodged out of, or walked out with stability)
4: got a warrior(s)? Have them at portal with 100b and start swinging, add in a hammer war for that aoe stun/daze from burst.
5: thief? Choking gas on portal, needle trap, tripwire, or caltrops all on the portal or near it. Daggerstorm into it to get bleeds, cripples, and damage out.
6: engineer? Grenade, bombkit, toss down poison grenade followed by magnetic inversion for an aoe weakness (50% reduced endurance regen and chance to miss on attack)
7: mesmer? Throw down chaos storm, if have gs through down ibeserker as soon as you see them for spike. Got focus? Toss down warden, than the #5 focus skill to cripple, and than detonate to pull them away. If you have a glamour mes, have them throw down their fields and watch their health go fast as they spam through skills after portaling.
8: elementalist? Throw down static field on portal, cause massive confusion, throw down the earth cripples and bleeds to control. Can also chill them.
I am in no way trying to troll or anything, those are just suggestions for next time you face an eventual portal.
So goodluck if you catch the portal in time, and if you want added chances of victory, the lords/champs room has ample spots for ballistas and arrow carts to attack. And it may seem weird and you may troll for it but, the defense skill on a flame ram cam be used to deter things by burning and fearing those who come through.
Hi all. I want to complain that the portal allows too many to pass trough.
Out of nowhere we get rolled by 20+ ppl. AND on top of it the mass quickness without penalty to all is even more OPall aoe (including portal and mass quickness should effect maximum 5 people ! not 9999 !!!) the stealth curtain is the same story… as other skills
and shadow refuge is only for 5 !where is the balance in this game ?
and the range should be less than 9000km between the portals !!!!
lol at the thief QQ
You wrote the below in the thief forums recently:
“the only thing i care about is PvE, when this will be taken from me, i will move on to the next game. Grinding Wars 2 (roll a 2nd class) is just not my thing …”
So, why do you give a kitten about portals?
Our prodigy op needs to learn a bit of fractions. Here’s how it works:
5 unsuspecting wvw players pick on one lonely Mesmer: 5:1 odds or 20%.
One lonely Mesmer portals 20 people in: 21:5 odds, or slightly under 25%
You should be thankful that this Mesmer actually deigned to give you better odds than you gave him.
(edited by Pyroatheist.9031)
Hi all. I want to complain that the portal allows too many to pass trough.
Out of nowhere we get rolled by 20+ ppl. AND on top of it the mass quickness without penalty to all is even more OPall aoe (including portal and mass quickness should effect maximum 5 people ! not 9999 !!!) the stealth curtain is the same story… as other skills
and shadow refuge is only for 5 !where is the balance in this game ?
and the range should be less than 9000km between the portals !!!!
lol at the thief QQ
You wrote the below in the thief forums recently:
“the only thing i care about is PvE, when this will be taken from me, i will move on to the next game. Grinding Wars 2 (roll a 2nd class) is just not my thing …”
So, why do you give a kitten about portals?
since other classes always comes to our forum begging for nerfs, i think i have the right to return the favour
and fyi i come in wvw for completing dailies (10 invaders killed/5 caravans etc)
(edited by DanH.5879)
Hi all. I want to complain that the portal allows too many to pass trough.
Out of nowhere we get rolled by 20+ ppl. AND on top of it the mass quickness without penalty to all is even more OPall aoe (including portal and mass quickness should effect maximum 5 people ! not 9999 !!!) the stealth curtain is the same story… as other skills
and shadow refuge is only for 5 !where is the balance in this game ?
and the range should be less than 9000km between the portals !!!!
lol at the thief QQ
You wrote the below in the thief forums recently:
“the only thing i care about is PvE, when this will be taken from me, i will move on to the next game. Grinding Wars 2 (roll a 2nd class) is just not my thing …”
So, why do you give a kitten about portals?
since other classes always comes to our forum begging for nerfs, i think i have the right to return the favour
and fyi i come in wvw for completing dailies (10 invaders killed/5 caravans etc)
Yes, but it would help your case if you came with a pretense that wasn’t so irrational you got laughed out of the forum without even provoking the beginnings of a thoughtful conversation.
DanH, i have a question for you, would you ask the same question to a mes in your party or within the the same area how port is OP? Have you ever ported a Mes port? And if so, was it Beneficial to you to get from point A to point B, no matter what? It is hypocritical of your i statement if you did so. As the saying says, “You Can’t Say Something Is Bad If You Enjoy It”
(edited by Burnfall.9573)
5 uses for portal & other area affecting skills or there is NO justice in this game
I actually asked for this before.
5 uses per Portal (1 reserved for the Mesmer!), but CD reduced to ~25s.
I asked for that too, but I doubt it’ll happen. Then it would at least take a little coordination and several mesmers to port a zerg and the portal would also be more useful in PvE.
I’m new to the Mesmer, so I haven’t played a one for long but I have played with/agains’t them plenty ofc.
The OP is right that it’s imbalanced to let more than 5 people be affected by any of these skills since that’s the limiting factor for everyone else (and for good reason).
The thing is, this is in the Mesmer sub-forum. No one wants ‘their profession’ nerfed. Ofc nobody is going to agree with these changes here. The natural tendency is to use what’s the most effective as long/often as possible while it’s still available. Balance is not what the players care about unless it’s someone else besides them that is too strong.
I’m new to the Mesmer, so I haven’t played a one for long but I have played with/agains’t them plenty ofc.
The OP is right that it’s imbalanced to let more than 5 people be affected by any of these skills since that’s the limiting factor for everyone else (and for good reason).
The thing is, this is in the Mesmer sub-forum. No one wants ‘their profession’ nerfed. Ofc nobody is going to agree with these changes here. The natural tendency is to use what’s the most effective as long/often as possible while it’s still available. Balance is not what the players care about unless it’s someone else besides them that is too strong.
Actually, you’re wrong. Portal is a skill that facilitates movement, not buffing or other status effects. As such, the 5 target limit is meaningless for it. Portal is perfectl balanced because it’s a pure utility and tactics skill with multiple counters and workarounds, many of which were actually presented in this very thread.
There’s a reason that people are mocking the op, and it has nothing to do with a misguided attempt to keep portal. If you actually read his post, you’d notice that he’s just complaining about how a Mesmer turned the tables on his party when they tried to 5v1 him. It’s the most absurd premise for a complaint I’ve ever come across, and is a large part of the reason why almost no one is taking this seriously.
no sir, my team of 5 wanted to kill 1 mesmer. SURPRISE, we got rofltstomped in 5 seconds by his 25++ friends, we didn’t even knew what hited us because of the portal.
and why portals are allowed to teleport if there are obstructions (tower walls/elevations/moutains etc.) between it’s 2 ends.
with my shadow refuge i can stealth maximum 5 ppl for 10 seconds (if traited !)
Only 20 people can use the portal not 25 And you tried to 5v1? then you got 20v5…
Better than what you were about to do to that poor Mesmer… And portal takes a very brave Mesmer to run in and drop it in a crowd full of enemies.
Hi all. I want to complain that the portal allows too many to pass trough.
Out of nowhere we get rolled by 20+ ppl. AND on top of it the mass quickness without penalty to all is even more OPall aoe (including portal and mass quickness should effect maximum 5 people ! not 9999 !!!) the stealth curtain is the same story… as other skills
and shadow refuge is only for 5 !where is the balance in this game ?
and the range should be less than 9000km between the portals !!!!
lol at the thief QQ
You wrote the below in the thief forums recently:
“the only thing i care about is PvE, when this will be taken from me, i will move on to the next game. Grinding Wars 2 (roll a 2nd class) is just not my thing …”
So, why do you give a kitten about portals?
since other classes always comes to our forum begging for nerfs, i think i have the right to return the favour
and fyi i come in wvw for completing dailies (10 invaders killed/5 caravans etc)
So you only WvW for your own reasons? Just do the dailies and bounce? Yup… I am glad you aren’t on my server
I’m new to the Mesmer, so I haven’t played a one for long but I have played with/agains’t them plenty ofc.
The OP is right that it’s imbalanced to let more than 5 people be affected by any of these skills since that’s the limiting factor for everyone else (and for good reason).
The thing is, this is in the Mesmer sub-forum. No one wants ‘their profession’ nerfed. Ofc nobody is going to agree with these changes here. The natural tendency is to use what’s the most effective as long/often as possible while it’s still available. Balance is not what the players care about unless it’s someone else besides them that is too strong.
Actually, you’re wrong. Portal is a skill that facilitates movement, not buffing or other status effects. As such, the 5 target limit is meaningless for it. Portal is perfectl balanced because it’s a pure utility and tactics skill with multiple counters and workarounds, many of which were actually presented in this very thread.
There’s a reason that people are mocking the op, and it has nothing to do with a misguided attempt to keep portal. If you actually read his post, you’d notice that he’s just complaining about how a Mesmer turned the tables on his party when they tried to 5v1 him. It’s the most absurd premise for a complaint I’ve ever come across, and is a large part of the reason why almost no one is taking this seriously.
My argument is about the skill limits themselves and how Mesmer gets to defy the rules.
General AoE healing and damage- 5 limit
Warrior’s warhorn/banner speed boosts- 5 limit
Ele’s numerous speed boosts- 5 limit
Thief stealths- 5 limit
Everyone else’s everything- 5 or less limit
Mesmers- 20 or infinite.
Portal used to be infinite on a 60s CD…. Be happy it’s 20 now on a 90s CD. That is all.
I’m new to the Mesmer, so I haven’t played a one for long but I have played with/agains’t them plenty ofc.
The OP is right that it’s imbalanced to let more than 5 people be affected by any of these skills since that’s the limiting factor for everyone else (and for good reason).
The thing is, this is in the Mesmer sub-forum. No one wants ‘their profession’ nerfed. Ofc nobody is going to agree with these changes here. The natural tendency is to use what’s the most effective as long/often as possible while it’s still available. Balance is not what the players care about unless it’s someone else besides them that is too strong.
Actually, you’re wrong. Portal is a skill that facilitates movement, not buffing or other status effects. As such, the 5 target limit is meaningless for it. Portal is perfectl balanced because it’s a pure utility and tactics skill with multiple counters and workarounds, many of which were actually presented in this very thread.
There’s a reason that people are mocking the op, and it has nothing to do with a misguided attempt to keep portal. If you actually read his post, you’d notice that he’s just complaining about how a Mesmer turned the tables on his party when they tried to 5v1 him. It’s the most absurd premise for a complaint I’ve ever come across, and is a large part of the reason why almost no one is taking this seriously.
My argument is about the skill limits themselves and how Mesmer gets to defy the rules.
General AoE healing and damage- 5 limit
Warrior’s warhorn/banner speed boosts- 5 limit
Ele’s numerous speed boosts- 5 limit
Thief stealths- 5 limit
Everyone else’s everything- 5 or less limitMesmers- 20 or infinite.
As I explained in my previous post, portal is an entirely different type of skill, and bears absolutely no relation to normal skills that obey a 5 target aoe limit.
The infinite skills you refer to are, I presume, temporal curtain for swiftness and veil for stealth. The thing is that these skills are deficient in other ways, namely not stacking with any other buffs. Whether this makes them balanced, I’m not sure, but regardless of that fact, if you wish to debate the merits of line buffing aoe skills, I suggest you make a thread for them, instead of hijacking this portal thread.
Portal used to be infinite on a 60s CD…. Be happy it’s 20 now on a 90s CD. That is all.
Horrible justification. ‘It was even MORE OP before, be thankful now that it’s slightly less.’
I’m new to the Mesmer, so I haven’t played a one for long but I have played with/agains’t them plenty ofc.
The OP is right that it’s imbalanced to let more than 5 people be affected by any of these skills since that’s the limiting factor for everyone else (and for good reason).
The thing is, this is in the Mesmer sub-forum. No one wants ‘their profession’ nerfed. Ofc nobody is going to agree with these changes here. The natural tendency is to use what’s the most effective as long/often as possible while it’s still available. Balance is not what the players care about unless it’s someone else besides them that is too strong.
Actually, you’re wrong. Portal is a skill that facilitates movement, not buffing or other status effects. As such, the 5 target limit is meaningless for it. Portal is perfectl balanced because it’s a pure utility and tactics skill with multiple counters and workarounds, many of which were actually presented in this very thread.
There’s a reason that people are mocking the op, and it has nothing to do with a misguided attempt to keep portal. If you actually read his post, you’d notice that he’s just complaining about how a Mesmer turned the tables on his party when they tried to 5v1 him. It’s the most absurd premise for a complaint I’ve ever come across, and is a large part of the reason why almost no one is taking this seriously.
My argument is about the skill limits themselves and how Mesmer gets to defy the rules.
General AoE healing and damage- 5 limit
Warrior’s warhorn/banner speed boosts- 5 limit
Ele’s numerous speed boosts- 5 limit
Thief stealths- 5 limit
Everyone else’s everything- 5 or less limitMesmers- 20 or infinite.
As I explained in my previous post, portal is an entirely different type of skill, and bears absolutely no relation to normal skills that obey a 5 target aoe limit.
The infinite skills you refer to are, I presume, temporal curtain for swiftness and veil for stealth. The thing is that these skills are deficient in other ways, namely not stacking with any other buffs. Whether this makes them balanced, I’m not sure, but regardless of that fact, if you wish to debate the merits of line buffing aoe skills, I suggest you make a thread for them, instead of hijacking this portal thread.
How am I hijacking? I am talking about portal. I put that in there because it’s an important item of information that strengthens my point, which is primarily towards portal and mesmer as a whole.
And yes, portal is a different type of skill than just speed. But so is aura-sharing for ele’s or venom-sharing for thieves. Both of those have a 5 limit. Warrior banners are a different type of skill since they are stationary boosters, but still those have a limit.
It’s painfully obvious that portal needs a lower cap than 20. It’s extremely biased and overpowered like this. It breaks the rules that everything else goes by.
(edited by Geikamir.6329)
Portal used to be infinite on a 60s CD…. Be happy it’s 20 now on a 90s CD. That is all.
Horrible justification. ‘It was even MORE OP before, be thankful now that it’s slightly less.’
I’m new to the Mesmer, so I haven’t played a one for long but I have played with/agains’t them plenty ofc.
The OP is right that it’s imbalanced to let more than 5 people be affected by any of these skills since that’s the limiting factor for everyone else (and for good reason).
The thing is, this is in the Mesmer sub-forum. No one wants ‘their profession’ nerfed. Ofc nobody is going to agree with these changes here. The natural tendency is to use what’s the most effective as long/often as possible while it’s still available. Balance is not what the players care about unless it’s someone else besides them that is too strong.
Actually, you’re wrong. Portal is a skill that facilitates movement, not buffing or other status effects. As such, the 5 target limit is meaningless for it. Portal is perfectl balanced because it’s a pure utility and tactics skill with multiple counters and workarounds, many of which were actually presented in this very thread.
There’s a reason that people are mocking the op, and it has nothing to do with a misguided attempt to keep portal. If you actually read his post, you’d notice that he’s just complaining about how a Mesmer turned the tables on his party when they tried to 5v1 him. It’s the most absurd premise for a complaint I’ve ever come across, and is a large part of the reason why almost no one is taking this seriously.
My argument is about the skill limits themselves and how Mesmer gets to defy the rules.
General AoE healing and damage- 5 limit
Warrior’s warhorn/banner speed boosts- 5 limit
Ele’s numerous speed boosts- 5 limit
Thief stealths- 5 limit
Everyone else’s everything- 5 or less limitMesmers- 20 or infinite.
As I explained in my previous post, portal is an entirely different type of skill, and bears absolutely no relation to normal skills that obey a 5 target aoe limit.
The infinite skills you refer to are, I presume, temporal curtain for swiftness and veil for stealth. The thing is that these skills are deficient in other ways, namely not stacking with any other buffs. Whether this makes them balanced, I’m not sure, but regardless of that fact, if you wish to debate the merits of line buffing aoe skills, I suggest you make a thread for them, instead of hijacking this portal thread.
How am I hijacking? I am talking about portal. I put that in there because it’s an important item of information that strengthens my point, which is primarily towards portal and mesmer as a whole.
And yes, portal is a different type of skill than just speed. But so is aura-sharing for ele’s or venom-sharing for thieves. Both of those have a 5 limit. Warrior banners are a different type of skill since they are stationary boosters, but still those have a limit.
It’s painfully obvious that portal needs a lower cap than 20. It’s extremely biased and overpowered like this. It breaks the rules that everything else goes by.
IF they do nerf portal even further… Or if they make it a Mesmer only skill… Then that CD needs to be brought WAYYYYYYYYYYY down… Because 90 base is to kitten long.
Portal used to be infinite on a 60s CD…. Be happy it’s 20 now on a 90s CD. That is all.
Horrible justification. ‘It was even MORE OP before, be thankful now that it’s slightly less.’
I’m new to the Mesmer, so I haven’t played a one for long but I have played with/agains’t them plenty ofc.
The OP is right that it’s imbalanced to let more than 5 people be affected by any of these skills since that’s the limiting factor for everyone else (and for good reason).
The thing is, this is in the Mesmer sub-forum. No one wants ‘their profession’ nerfed. Ofc nobody is going to agree with these changes here. The natural tendency is to use what’s the most effective as long/often as possible while it’s still available. Balance is not what the players care about unless it’s someone else besides them that is too strong.
Actually, you’re wrong. Portal is a skill that facilitates movement, not buffing or other status effects. As such, the 5 target limit is meaningless for it. Portal is perfectl balanced because it’s a pure utility and tactics skill with multiple counters and workarounds, many of which were actually presented in this very thread.
There’s a reason that people are mocking the op, and it has nothing to do with a misguided attempt to keep portal. If you actually read his post, you’d notice that he’s just complaining about how a Mesmer turned the tables on his party when they tried to 5v1 him. It’s the most absurd premise for a complaint I’ve ever come across, and is a large part of the reason why almost no one is taking this seriously.
My argument is about the skill limits themselves and how Mesmer gets to defy the rules.
General AoE healing and damage- 5 limit
Warrior’s warhorn/banner speed boosts- 5 limit
Ele’s numerous speed boosts- 5 limit
Thief stealths- 5 limit
Everyone else’s everything- 5 or less limitMesmers- 20 or infinite.
As I explained in my previous post, portal is an entirely different type of skill, and bears absolutely no relation to normal skills that obey a 5 target aoe limit.
The infinite skills you refer to are, I presume, temporal curtain for swiftness and veil for stealth. The thing is that these skills are deficient in other ways, namely not stacking with any other buffs. Whether this makes them balanced, I’m not sure, but regardless of that fact, if you wish to debate the merits of line buffing aoe skills, I suggest you make a thread for them, instead of hijacking this portal thread.
How am I hijacking? I am talking about portal. I put that in there because it’s an important item of information that strengthens my point, which is primarily towards portal and mesmer as a whole.
And yes, portal is a different type of skill than just speed. But so is aura-sharing for ele’s or venom-sharing for thieves. Both of those have a 5 limit. Warrior banners are a different type of skill since they are stationary boosters, but still those have a limit.
It’s painfully obvious that portal needs a lower cap than 20. It’s extremely biased and overpowered like this. It breaks the rules that everything else goes by.
You keep saying that portal is OP and needs to be nerfed, but you always neglect to actually say why. I’d love to hear your reasoning on this.
To clear up any confusion before you try to explain yourself, let me start you off by fully explaining the difference between portal and skills that have a 5 target aoe limit. Portal is not an aoe. That is the basic difference. A 5 target aoe limit makes no sense because it isn’t an aoe. The skill is a utility transport, and no precedent exists in the game for a target limit on that type of skill.
With that in mind, go ahead and attempt to justify why portal is op, so that I can show you why it isn’t.
The purpose for doing a portal bomb in wvw is usually to cause lag/culling. Popping out more clones increases that, as can spamming aoe beforehand… some of that is for stacking boons…. but many will tell the group to start spamming anything with a lot of fx. Hopefully the culling changes will fix this.
Personally… I would be happy if they limited my portal to me and my own party and reduced the CD on it. I feel that would be a fair and balanced tradeoff. Being able to instantly transport 20 people/golems through walls/over any terrain is pretty frekkin’ OP. In addition to that the mes can stealth… so the only cue I give is when I drop the portal… then everyone mashes on the portal button and everyone instantly appears in front of the gate.
Chaining portals isn’t as hard as some would tell you it is. It’s basically just knowing the distance of the portals and get on a voice chat then say #1 go #2 go etc. This can move massive numbers of golems across long distances far too quickly. Given all of that… my just own party seems more reasonable to me… or just don’t allow golems to take portals. As is though… pretty OP.
@ Pyro it can be an aoe with glamor traits… not a very good one… but just sayin’… lol
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa
(edited by Aberrant.6749)
@Aberrant: Then you have a discussion about glamour traits, not portal. You of course know this, and just chose to point out a useless bit of info for no apparent reason.
Aside from that, while portal does cause lag/culling, it’s main uses actually don’t depend on that at all:
Use 1: Rapid transport of siege golems. This really doesn’t have anything to do with the limits on portal and does justify a discussion on its own if whether rapid transport of an inherently slow siege weapon should be possible.
Use 2: Manouverability. This is a broad term, mainly because the uses of portal in this regard are only limited by your ingenuity. Portal is used to flank an enemy, surprise them by coming from a different direction suddenly, escape from an ambush, create an ambush, etc. None of that relies on lag and culling to be effective.
We use it to run away a lot xD
@Aberrant: Then you have a discussion about glamour traits, not portal. You of course know this, and just chose to point out a useless bit of info for no apparent reason.
Aside from that, while portal does cause lag/culling, it’s main uses actually don’t depend on that at all:
Use 1: Rapid transport of siege golems. This really doesn’t have anything to do with the limits on portal and does justify a discussion on its own if whether rapid transport of an inherently slow siege weapon should be possible.
Use 2: Manouverability. This is a broad term, mainly because the uses of portal in this regard are only limited by your ingenuity. Portal is used to flank an enemy, surprise them by coming from a different direction suddenly, escape from an ambush, create an ambush, etc. None of that relies on lag and culling to be effective.
It’s all related to the portal and what the portal allows/can do… therefore it’s fine in a discussion about portals. Sorry if you disagree but I find that totally logical.
I’m fine with it just transporting people… but the culling/lag side effects has been one of the main uses of this skill for a LONG time. I wouldn’t care if 20 people just port behind me… that’s not hard to deal with tatically. It’s the fact that no one can see them and everyone gets hit with a 20lb bag of lag.
It’s the same reason people use/abuse veil… to cause large numbers of people to suddenly appear and thus culling/lag. I’m not innocent in this… I’ve done it in the past… but please lets be honest about all of effects of these skills. It’s OP as it is.
If they didn’t allow golems in portals I wouldn’t call portals OP.
If culling/lag bombing wasn’t an issue (and hopefully it won’t be shortly) I wouldn’t call portals OP.
But we’re discussing what portals do NOW… and not what they might be in the future. Feel free to point out that these things have changed once they’ve changed.
Oh and yea… I just thought it was an interesting tidbit for people who might not know it can be used for a confusion glam aoe. It’s not useless as I have used it at a choke point for that specific reason with positive results. Again… it’s about what portals can do and is logically fine to put into a portal discussion… the rest is just silly semantics.
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa
(edited by Aberrant.6749)
It is amazing for solo running the hell away super fast haha.
@Aberrant: Then you have a discussion about glamour traits, not portal. You of course know this, and just chose to point out a useless bit of info for no apparent reason.
Aside from that, while portal does cause lag/culling, it’s main uses actually don’t depend on that at all:
Use 1: Rapid transport of siege golems. This really doesn’t have anything to do with the limits on portal and does justify a discussion on its own if whether rapid transport of an inherently slow siege weapon should be possible.
Use 2: Manouverability. This is a broad term, mainly because the uses of portal in this regard are only limited by your ingenuity. Portal is used to flank an enemy, surprise them by coming from a different direction suddenly, escape from an ambush, create an ambush, etc. None of that relies on lag and culling to be effective.
It’s all related to the portal and what the portal allows/can do… therefore it’s fine in a discussion about portals. Sorry if you disagree but I find that totally logical.
I’m fine with it just transporting people… but the culling/lag side effects has been one of the main uses of this skill for a LONG time. I wouldn’t care if 20 people just port behind me… that’s not hard to deal with tatically. It’s the fact that no one can see them and everyone gets hit with a 20lb bag of lag.
It’s the same reason people use/abuse veil… to cause large numbers of people to suddenly appear and thus culling/lag. I’m not innocent in this… I’ve done it in the past… but please lets be honest about all of effects of these skills. It’s OP as it is.
If they didn’t allow golems in portals I wouldn’t care about portals.
If culling wasn’t an issue (and hopefully it won’t be shortly) I wouldn’t care about portals
But we’re discussing what portals do NOW… and not what they might be in the future.
Oh and yea… I just thought it was an interesting tidbit for people who might not know it can be used for a confusion glam aoe. It’s not useless as I have used it at a choke point for that specific reason with positive results.
With the fix to culling coming… This should address everyone’s issues with portal bombs… If people are still griping then lets look at it.
@Aberrant: Then you have a discussion about glamour traits, not portal. You of course know this, and just chose to point out a useless bit of info for no apparent reason.
Aside from that, while portal does cause lag/culling, it’s main uses actually don’t depend on that at all:
Use 1: Rapid transport of siege golems. This really doesn’t have anything to do with the limits on portal and does justify a discussion on its own if whether rapid transport of an inherently slow siege weapon should be possible.
Use 2: Manouverability. This is a broad term, mainly because the uses of portal in this regard are only limited by your ingenuity. Portal is used to flank an enemy, surprise them by coming from a different direction suddenly, escape from an ambush, create an ambush, etc. None of that relies on lag and culling to be effective.
It’s all related to the portal and what the portal allows/can do… therefore it’s fine in a discussion about portals. Sorry if you disagree but I find that totally logical.
I’m fine with it just transporting people… but the culling/lag side effects has been one of the main uses of this skill for a LONG time. I wouldn’t care if 20 people just port behind me… that’s not hard to deal with tatically. It’s the fact that no one can see them and everyone gets hit with a 20lb bag of lag.
It’s the same reason people use/abuse veil… to cause large numbers of people to suddenly appear and thus culling/lag. I’m not innocent in this… I’ve done it in the past… but please lets be honest about all of effects of these skills. It’s OP as it is.
If they didn’t allow golems in portals I wouldn’t care about portals.
If culling wasn’t an issue (and hopefully it won’t be shortly) I wouldn’t care about portals
But we’re discussing what portals do NOW… and not what they might be in the future.
Oh and yea… I just thought it was an interesting tidbit for people who might not know it can be used for a confusion glam aoe. It’s not useless as I have used it at a choke point for that specific reason with positive results.
With the fix to culling coming… This should address everyone’s issues with portal bombs… If people are still griping then lets look at it.
I’m very hopeful about that… and I really hope they fix it this time… unlike the other times they’ve said they’ve fixed it >.> As it stands until that patch is shown to work… it’ll continue to be used in that way.
I’m very hopeful about a lot of things they said… like how my thief will be even more slippery than an ele… and how my eng’s turrets will be useful. The penetrating mesmer gs sounds like it could be frekkin’ sweet. But I’m not counting my chickens before they hatch… nor crying about a nerf to shatter when mesmer hasn’t had one yet.
But even if they have fixed the lagbomb… having the ability to port large numbers of golems alone is still massively OP in WvW just within itself.
If they change all of that then I would vote to lower the CD on portal back down to 60s if anything…
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa
(edited by Aberrant.6749)
Technically I don’t think they actually said they fixed it before, just made changes to how it processed. And them turning culling off as a “fix” as they call it will only fix it for people with fancy internet connections and high end computers, the rest of us with crappy internet and old computers will probably still have issues of some sort :P
Technically I don’t think they actually said they fixed it before, just made changes to how it processed. And them turning culling off as a “fix” as they call it will only fix it for people with fancy internet connections and high end computers, the rest of us with crappy internet and old computers will probably still have issues of some sort :P
You may well be right about how they worded it before… as well as what the end effect is.
I remain hopeful but not expectant about it all none the less.
Same goes for the balance changes… but at the same time… what’s happened in the past is why I now have so many have alts >.<
At the very least it’s given me a better POV about balance in general vs some one that’s only ever plaid a single class. So that’s not a bad thing
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa
(edited by Aberrant.6749)