Post Update Hybrid damage build
Do you think Sigil of Earth would give you better results than Sigil of Geomancy? Geomancy gives bleeding for 10s on a 9s cooldown (with weapon switch) while Earth gives 60% chance of 5s bleeding on critical with 2s cooldown (your build should be at 100% crit chance with fury).
As I said in another thread, there’s a lot of problems with these builds. Yeah, your theoretical upper limit on dps is decent, but you’ll never actually reach that. Phasing on VG means you start from scratch again. Your dps is non-transferable to adds or the walls in gorse. You’ll be garbage on the energized spirits in gorse. You’ll have to restart your dps every time a bandit switches at sabetha.
But Pyro, there’s other fights that aren’t in raids!
Yeah, there’s fractals too. Many boss fights in fractals are over too fast to reach full dps potential on this build, and you’re completely useless on any fights with trash that make up a majority of some fractals, meaning you’ll just be a dead weight most of the time. On top of that, any fractal with the boons-on-crit instability will constantly dumpster your phantasms on retal damage.
So yeah, pretty numbers on paper, but it’s realistically not good at all.
Geomancy gives 3 stacks though, so that is 60 effective seconds of bleeding every weapon swap. Earth would be at most 5 stacks over a 10 second period, which would be 50 effective seconds, assuming every crit produced a bleed (which it shouldn’t).
Would love to see a video of this in action. How are you calculating dps?
So yeah, pretty numbers on paper, but it’s realistically not good at all.
I don’t disagree with you. I was curious what it would like like to wring out as much damage as possible. The answer is, next to no utility, only single target, and hard to ramp up. I actually started this out with scepter first, since, you know, it just got buffed and all, and this looked like the way anet wanted us to go, but no dice.
I’d kinda like to see what the damage numbers on a Chrono, Dom, Illu Viper shatter build would look like. That would at least still keep some utility. Maybe with Sword/Shield and Staff. I’m not going to try to calculate that though since the rotation and timing is much more complicated.
So yeah, pretty numbers on paper, but it’s realistically not good at all.
I don’t disagree with you. I was curious what it would like like to wring out as much damage as possible. The answer is, next to no utility, only single target, and hard to ramp up. I actually started this out with scepter first, since, you know, it just got buffed and all, and this looked like the way anet wanted us to go, but no dice.
I’d kinda like to see what the damage numbers on a Chrono, Dom, Illu Viper shatter build would look like. That would at least still keep some utility. Maybe with Sword/Shield and Staff. I’m not going to try to calculate that though since the rotation and timing is much more complicated.
Well, when the math seems too hard, just take a page out of the physics handbook: simplify the problem with broad-spectrum assumptions until it’s easy to calculate!
- All shatters are 4-clone
- F1 and F2 are used off cooldown
- Alacrity uptime is 100%
- Condition duration is 100%
Let’s take a peek at what we get from that.
Torment duration: 12 seconds
Shatter cadence: 7.65s cd F1, 15.94d cd F2
Shatter rates: 0.1307 F1/s, 0.0627 F2/s
Total shatter rate: .1934 shatters/s
4 torment/shatter * .1934 shatters/s = .7736 torment/s
12 s * .7736 torment/s = 9.2832 torment stacks applied in 12 seconds.
Ok, so. 9 stacks of sustained torment. I’m going to go ahead and stop the simulation here, for obvious reasons.
This is pure pve conversation?
Ive played rampagers krait for a year or so.. but pvp only. If you want that perspective i can give it.