Power Block -> Thieves

Power Block -> Thieves

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kicast.1459


Mesmer is already the best/op duelist class if you dont fight with people siting in a point.

No it is not…thief is…and by far.

Power Block -> Thieves

in Mesmer

Posted by: Warlord of Chaos.7845

Warlord of Chaos.7845

Yes bring back power block please. Thieves should not be able to break any more game mechanics and should fully apply to power block. They should be punished for spamming mindless like every else should. Oh, and make it so it also works on auto attacks as well except for only 5 seconds, just to encourage no facerolling.

-Rylock [vE]

Power Block -> Thieves

in Mesmer

Posted by: skcamow.3527


Yes bring back power block please. Thieves should not be able to break any more game mechanics and should fully apply to power block. They should be punished for spamming mindless like every else should. Oh, and make it so it also works on auto attacks as well except for only 5 seconds, just to encourage no facerolling.

It’s either this, or the trait should be removed or re-worked entirely. There should not exist any trait that only works against some classes and not others. It’s asinine.

Mesmers! Here’s this amazing GM trait! (but we don’t intend for it to work versus thieves, your mortal enemy and worst counter).

Kortham Raysplitter (Yak’s Bend)

Power Block -> Thieves

in Mesmer

Posted by: Celestina.2894


Just 1 class and you complain? Diamond skin can counter a whole set-up,condition necro own boon classes and has higher win rate against other condition builds…

Changing a class mechanic for 1 trait only seems very minor,very very minor.

Actually it’s not to difficult to get past Diamond Skin, getting an ele (or any class) below 90% heatlh really is not super hard.

Power Block -> Thieves

in Mesmer

Posted by: splat.8169


objective: normalize power block trait behavior across opponent classes.
method: instead of blocking target skill, cause interrupt causing mesmer daze skills to recharge. ie: for every interrupt, staff 5, focus 4, pistol 5, sword 4, greatsword 5 recharge by 1 second.
(purposely neglecting mantra of distraction, I don’t have the background to analyze the interaction particularly with the upcoming AoE change)

problems: no behavior like it, all other charge type abilities strictly operate off charges and do not modify existing skill recharge. oh wait, i suppose fresh air is similar, but operates on a total timer overwrite.

benefits: removes class specific concerns, the trait will not affect targets directly.

concerns: high volume area interrupts could cause continuous availability of interrupt skills. mitigated by long cooldowns on said skills, ie: chaos storm untraited at 35s could in an extremely unlikely case interrupt 30 targets (if i’m reading the wiki right) over 5s. which means on termination CS would be ready to cast again. very unlikely since daze is only one of the effects it can cause so requires perfect RNG results for all 30 targets which would also have to be doing something interruptable.

on the other hand, this may result in a daze being always available on swap.

this change would be weaker than current powerblock on non-thieves. this is partly compensated by greater available volume of interrupt chances, which is in turn balanced by the fact the practitioner would have to land those added opportunities.

Power Block -> Thieves

in Mesmer

Posted by: shimmerless.4560


There was nothing wrong with the original power block whatosever. The full trait as it was on release should be fully reinstated. If people honestly can’t deal with this trait I have no clue how they’d get on in legitimately competitive games.

Power Block -> Thieves

in Mesmer

Posted by: Seyiwaji.4082


Bring the dead out of the Grave.

Seriously, are some Children of Developper playing thieves and hating Mesmers ?

As mesmer with some strange build, i eat thief for breakfast. so this is not for me but more for others.

It is a shame to all Mesmers what you are doing, mr and mrs Dev.
You bring a Grand Master, [GRAND MASTER] trait out, because some thief cries out their life, you change it and don’t even review it.

I understand that not being able to heal on donwed or when downed, or stomp or some kind of things needed a change, But you made this trait to kitteneless tool.

You know it is not easy to inerrupt a thief;
Why did you not tell them not to get interrupted by Mesmer, and it would have been fine for you. Spamming skills like an idiot and getting hard punishment for it, is totally normal.

Ignoring all suggestions, ignoring everything, not giving a single answer or statement.

Or this game Became like milking cow, I-shop. And you have things you can’t do until you get the authorization form higher up Boss.
Telling you to prioritize the selling of your product in Black Lion Trading?

(edited by Seyiwaji.4082)

Power Block -> Thieves

in Mesmer

Posted by: Simonoly.4352


Redesign Power Block entirely to:

Power Block: profession skill(s) of the target are disabled for 5 seconds on any interrupt (10-15 second ICD)

Interrupt a Thief using heart seeker and they can’t use Steal for 5 seconds. Interrupt a Warrior using Shield Bash and no Eviscerate. The idea being that Power Block interferes with profession skill rotations regardless of the skill being used. This would be especially powerful against Elementalists to the point where you could actually bring an interrupt Mesmer along to screw up a D/D cele Ele.


(edited by Simonoly.4352)

Power Block -> Thieves

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vieux P.1238

Vieux P.1238

Redesign Power Block entirely to:

Power Block: profession skill(s) of the target are disabled for 5 seconds on any interrupt (10-15 second ICD)

Interrupt a Thief using heart seeker and they can’t use Steal for 5 seconds. Interrupt a Warrior using Shield Bash and no Eviscerate. The idea being that Power Block interferes with profession skill rotations regardless of the skill being used. This would be especially powerful against Elementalists to the point where you could actually bring an interrupt Mesmer along to screw up a D/D cele Ele.

I agree, they should bring back the original settings when it came out before they nerf it!

Power Block -> Thieves

in Mesmer

Posted by: Me Games Ma.8426

Me Games Ma.8426

Redesign Power Block entirely to:

Power Block: profession skill(s) of the target are disabled for 5 seconds on any interrupt (10-15 second ICD)

Interrupt a Thief using heart seeker and they can’t use Steal for 5 seconds. Interrupt a Warrior using Shield Bash and no Eviscerate. The idea being that Power Block interferes with profession skill rotations regardless of the skill being used. This would be especially powerful against Elementalists to the point where you could actually bring an interrupt Mesmer along to screw up a D/D cele Ele.

Yay disable steal for 5 seconds -> Most thieves use steal as opener…
Yay disable Warriors adrenaline skills for 5s… -> you know that we don’t need a trait to do that right? (we just need to interrupt the right skills)
Yay disalbe element switch -> the flame is real and the trait gets nerfed again.
Yay disable shatters for 5s -> more AI based builds inc
Yay disable pet control -> nothing happens at all
Yay disable toolbelt skills -> actually not bad…
Yay disable deathshroud -> flame war inc (same as for ele)
Yay disable virtues -> nooone cares

This would make Power Block useful against 2 of 8 (soon 9) professions.
Nope please not. Especially the ICD would kill it

Mindblossom – Sylvari – Mesmer – Jumpingpuzzler
Equinox [EqnX]

Power Block -> Thieves

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dondagora.9645


Ok, back on this point after a while, thief skills that are interrupted should get a 5 second CD. It’s what the trait tip says, it not doing it is simply saying that ANet is purposefully making one of our traits not work.

Power Block -> Thieves

in Mesmer

Posted by: Simonoly.4352


Yay disable steal for 5 seconds -> Most thieves use steal as opener…
Yay disable Warriors adrenaline skills for 5s… -> you know that we don’t need a trait to do that right? (we just need to interrupt the right skills)
Yay disalbe element switch -> the flame is real and the trait gets nerfed again.
Yay disable shatters for 5s -> more AI based builds inc
Yay disable pet control -> nothing happens at all
Yay disable toolbelt skills -> actually not bad…
Yay disable deathshroud -> flame war inc (same as for ele)
Yay disable virtues -> nooone cares

This would make Power Block useful against 2 of 8 (soon 9) professions.
Nope please not. Especially the ICD would kill it

It doesn’t have to be equally effective against every class it only has to do something, anything to every class. I suggested that the skill interrupted AND the profession mechanic be placed on a cooldown with the idea of multiplicative interrupt cooldowns creating a slight denial of player rotations.


Power Block -> Thieves

in Mesmer

Posted by: Me Games Ma.8426

Me Games Ma.8426

But….. but…. but…. :<
Back in GW1 Power Block was able to disable the whole skill bar for 12 seconds on 20 seconds cooldown.

Mindblossom – Sylvari – Mesmer – Jumpingpuzzler
Equinox [EqnX]

Power Block -> Thieves

in Mesmer

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


This thread was by all means definitely okay to necro, as the issue its-self is FAR from dead.

A fix to power-block would get me playing my Mesmer full time rather than now my Thief full-time. Too many blatant kicks to the teeth to the Mesmer as really killed it for me.


Power Block -> Thieves

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vieux P.1238

Vieux P.1238

This thread was by all means definitely okay to necro, as the issue its-self is FAR from dead.

A fix to power-block would get me playing my Mesmer full time rather than now my Thief full-time. Too many blatant kicks to the teeth to the Mesmer as really killed it for me.

LOL feel ya

Power Block -> Thieves

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vieux P.1238

Vieux P.1238

I have to add one thing. No matter what build you have. Vs a thief (ok player) you are going to have to work 4 times as much to have remotely a chance to put him down. They only need to 1 or 2 button on you & that’s the truth. Vs a great thief, your just food & there’s really nothing you can do about it. Our builds are to cluncky & slow to be able to deal with that much fire power & CC delivered in an instant by a great thief player. & the other classes also have a similar theme to it. Unless your Helseth or in the same classe level player as he is, no chnace. Mesmer needs fixing & lots of help..sad..