Prismatic Understanding...Why it is Good?

Prismatic Understanding...Why it is Good?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Soyboy.3548


I posted this in the structured pvp forum but got 1 response. I was wondering if someone could enlighten me on why anyone would put 30 in chaos for 1 sec of extra stealth time while being buffed for very short durations while in stealth…
I mean, you can’t hold a point or attack while stealthed. The buffs aren’t worth 30 points. Maybe I’m missing something. You would be taking more stealth abilities (all 4 to benefit from your 30 points in chaos…), which means you suck at condition removal, breaking stuns, etc. I don’t get it. Why are people raving over this change? Perhaps in pve and WvW extra stealth time is good for getting away?

Prismatic Understanding...Why it is Good?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Merle.5693


FLIMP plays an awesome build utilising it:

I bet he will answer you here.

If you are coming from 20/20/0/0/30, that trait is most likely not worth anything.
But if you already have 20 or 25 for the Staff CD / a condition build the points don’t hurt that much.

The buffs are great in stealth, since you can get hit in stealth.

Prismatic Understanding...Why it is Good?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Krispera.5087


If you are a melee/tank mesmer, you can just use the stealth to get Illusionary Membrane , some protection, aegis and regen with that. You get the 30 % boon duration up and more thoughness. Add this with Retaliatory Shield or Confusing Cry and iMage, you are a retaliation champ with confusion up. Think about the combination, Sword/Torch, Scepter/Sword (2x block). The Stealth is just enough to break aggro, take a little rest and come back in combat buffed.

If you traits your signets, because you will want to get all signets up for this build (Signet of Midnight and Signet of Inspiration is enough though), you get your conditions removers and also stun breaker from Signet of Midnight. You can also trait your signet to make Distortion (Instead of Retaliatory Shield).

20-20-30-0-0 build.
Utilities: Decoy (A stun breaker), Signet of Midnight and Signet of Inspiration.

If you are the staff mesmer, chaos armor and chaos storm come play with the build. You are a booner bunker.

People need to stop thinking that mesmers are all about burst damage and shatter.

(edited by Krispera.5087)

Prismatic Understanding...Why it is Good?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zid.4196


Still no reason to use this over a proper bunker in sPvP.

Prismatic Understanding...Why it is Good?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Soyboy.3548


I’ve tried retaliation on mesmer. It’s worse than confusion build (less damage reflected from retaliation than from confusion). You can’t be a bunker on this class because you lack stability. People will just push/pull you off the point…if you’re off for more than 3 sec, you lose the point. Are you honestly recommending signets for pvp? I think that’s poor judgment. There are better options.

Also, you’re preaching to the choir. I don’t play the burst builds.

Prismatic Understanding...Why it is Good?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Krispera.5087


Well I’m trying to give reasons why it can be good. So yeah, shatter burst and cd bunker are still the top mesmer builds.

If you get prestige, decoy, mass invis, signet of midnight and inspiration, you get 3 buffed stealth and 3 kind of distorsion (with the shatter), with 2 conditions removal. It’s situational, you need to use it right. Signet of Inspiration and Primastic random boons can be good and bad.

(edited by Krispera.5087)

Prismatic Understanding...Why it is Good?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Soyboy.3548


This comes back to my original point—why would you take this trait that requires you to stack up stealth abilities for laughable gain. 1 second and 1 block or protection buff (that can’t appear more than once every 15 seconds, mind you if it isn’t randomly triggered by the 30 point), is not worth 30 points. Yay, you ran run around stealthed and not die, but then you’re not actually contributing to the match either since you’re stacked up on stealth abilities.

Prismatic Understanding...Why it is Good?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Krispera.5087


You won’t be stealth all the game, neither you will use all the duration (you can to get more boons). You can just use it to get a rapid buff (random, too bad if you get regen :/).

It works when you are downed and also when someone else gave you stealth (thief).

Prismatic Understanding...Why it is Good?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Delofasht.4231


I actually run with a stealth oriented build myself. You can’t attack. . . but you can use Temporal Curtain/Into the Void to yank people off point with every other stealth you do use. The trait also has a good amount of synergy with the rest of the trait line, and you don’t need to run torch at all, it’s good with only 3 stealth effects. Runes of Lyssa let you get rid of Conditions and you still have one spot for Null Field, anytime you aren’t in stealth can be filled with time getting Chaos Armor while getting in a hit or two here or there. Knocking you off point can be tricky as you have Sword to put you right back on point (granted you need to guess when they would be most likely to use their knockback). Like I said I run Focus to pull them off point and keep them from capping, I use the build to offensively neutralize points and then keep the enemy team busy there for a long time not taking the point but not letting them get it either.

“I’m sorry, my responses are limited. You must ask the right questions.”
- Dr. Alfred Lanning, fictional character of great intellect.

Prismatic Understanding...Why it is Good?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Lordryux.9785


I’ve tried retaliation on mesmer. It’s worse than confusion build (less damage reflected from retaliation than from confusion). You can’t be a bunker on this class because you lack stability. People will just push/pull you off the point…if you’re off for more than 3 sec, you lose the point. Are you honestly recommending signets for pvp? I think that’s poor judgment. There are better options.

Also, you’re preaching to the choir. I don’t play the burst builds.

Wat you dont use signets for pvp ? you crazy dog Signet of Domination all the way for any build GG and HF. + signet of inspiration for just random boons which sometimes save ur kitten in WvW lol.

Had one duel with a thief Signet of inspiration literally proc an aegis when i hit 1.2k health when the thief was spamming heartseeker on me allowed me to heal up bam dodge 3 clones up cry of confusion and down goes the thief.. this is why you dnt spam 2 on a mesmer x.x lol

Prismatic Understanding...Why it is Good?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


A stealth build is basically a survivability build that lacks bunker capability. You get awesome survivability: the +1s to stealth and buffs, which generally last for a while after you exit stealth, can make a huge difference: even when facing three or more opponents at once, but it won’t help you hold a point.

The only role I find for such builds in tPvP is to hold up multiple opponents to give the rest of your team a number advantage. The combination of Clones and stealth allows you to avoid burst pretty well, which is an advantage over bunkers.

Prismatic Understanding...Why it is Good?

in Mesmer

Posted by: FLIMP.8172


FLIMP plays an awesome build utilising it:

I bet he will answer you here.

If you are coming from 20/20/0/0/30, that trait is most likely not worth anything.
But if you already have 20 or 25 for the Staff CD / a condition build the points don’t hurt that much.

The buffs are great in stealth, since you can get hit in stealth.

Now I have no choice but to :p

Pristmatic Understanding is only really good for WvW or SPvP but pretty crap in TPvP mainly because you can’t hold a point in stealth.

In WvW the blocks/protection + high toughess allows you to take a lot of hits which works really well with confusion. The +1 second in stealth gives you more time to position yourself as well or hide whilst you wait for your cd’s. Overall, it’s a great buff for WvW or SPvP.

For TPvP though, you’re better off putting the 10 traits into Illusionary Persona or some other major trait than PU.