Pro League/ESL Shatter Mesmer Montage
Mime #1
I make PvP & WvW videos
Hahaha! That stomp at 1:47 though. I didn’t even know you could use Staff 2 without interrupting stomp, genius.
Hahaha! That stomp at 1:47 though. I didn’t even know you could use Staff 2 without interrupting stomp, genius.
Phase retreat + blink is a good way to avoid certain pbaoe interrupts and knockbacks (ie guardian) while also saving F4 and occasionally helping to follow a thief or ele during a stomp. You can even do wacky positional combinations with F5, although sometimes it is buggy and doesn’t return you to the original location if you do several ports while in Split.
What is unusual here is the good fortune of the enemy porting directly behind you thus not requiring to blink after phase retreat to reach your target – the odds of this are very low. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a straight phase retreat only stomp before.
Great video overall anyway.
You have got some OLD footage in that video. I can’t even remember the last time I saw moa the skill unsigneted.