I dont usually post on the forums but I thought I might share some of the ideas I have been pondering on regarding improvements to the greatsword. So, lets take a look at the gratsword. For me its not as great as it could be. I want to love it but in its current state i just… cant.
Outside of the staff the greatsword is the only good ranged option mesmers have but as I said before, its not all that great. gs #1 is a good auto attack. it travels fast and does good amount of damage. Gs #2 is good, you throw your sword and it summons an illusion which uses gs #1 to attack.
Gs #3: Ho boy… dont even get me started on this one. its an awful, awful skill. so, you crouch down to stab your sword through the ground at your opponent and you cant move during the entire animation of the skill. Not only does that make you voulnerable during those few seconds it takes to use the skill but it also has a miniscule radius. I suppose the only redeeming factor to this skill is the power scaling. The scaling is really good but otherwise a very boring, bad and uninspiring skill to use.
Gs #4: Its a really strong skill. I cant really complain about this one. I like it.
Gs #5: only ever useable in pvp and even then it probably isnt enough to keep your opponent away from you for very long.
So, lets get down to business! How to improve the weapon in question. Im only going to focus on the improvement of the gs #3 and #5 skills here but I would love to see some feedback on the suggestions. Im not going to include any numbers or things of that nature as these are only suggestions on a conceptual level.
Gs #3: blade explosion: throw an illusionary sword at your target, exploding on impact and randomly applying vulnerability, bleeding or cripple to foes and randomly applying retaliation, fury or might to allies in a 240 yard radius. Possibly ground targeted or just thrown at the target enemy(the latter one making abit more sense imo).
Now, this skill might only have the application of conditions application to enemies and no boons on allies as it might be a tad op if it did both(not sure if it would, it depends on the cooldown and duration if this stuff but keep in mind, this post is only conceptual, no numbers included!).
the idea behind this skill makes sense to me because most of the greatsword skills seem to be based around throwing your weapon at enemies.
Gs #3: Illusionary retreat(for lack of a better name): roll backwards while planting illusionary blades on the ground, crippling, chilling or immobalizing foes who run over them.
This one is abit iffy… it might suffer from the same lack of usefulness in pve as illusionary wave does but im putting it out there just as a suggestion. The reason behind this idea is to have something which permits you to maintain your distance to your foe(s). Keeping in line with the randomness of boons and conditions these three seemed to be the most appropriate for keeping your distance although mesmers currently do not have access to chill in their condition repertoire.
Gs #5: Sword guard: illusionary blades envelop your body, forming a protective barrier for a short time. applying protection, retaliation or stability and crippling or chilling foes who attack you.
Gs #5: blade barrier: Illusionary blades swirl around you, granting protection or retaliation to you.
Detonate blade barrier: detonate your barrier, inflicting cripple or imobalize on your foes and granting might or fury to allies in a 240 yard radius. This one is sort of the same as the above suggestion but with abit more itility attached to it.
Well, those are my current suggestions. I will try to think of other ideas, possibly for other weapons and post them here if I find them interesting enough.