PvE/Dungeon Melee Build
This is exactly the meta build run by many folks these days (myself included). The rune choice is the only thing I’m a bit mreh about. I suppose Traveler is useful for open world (and WvW), but it is fairly useless in dungeons. You’ll want scholar there, or ruby orbs if you want a cheap option (though the extra reflect damage from scholar really makes it worth it).
With regards to utilities: change them up as you go. There’s no reason to use Portal on your slot in CoF1 until after the acolytes are all dead— up to that point, you should be slotting 3-4 mantras to get the extra 12-16% DPS.
My “generic” utility loadout is usually Mantra of Recovery, Mantra of Concentration, Mantra of Resolve, and Feedback. This allows you to get the extra damage from Empowering Mantras as much as possible. But again, this should be dynamic. In some places (Alphard, Old Tom, etc.) you want double wardens up ASAP, so Signet of the Ether is better than Recovery. Sometimes you need blink (Lupi, runs, etc.). Sometimes you need boon strip, so null field + disenchanter. Think on your feet
Thanks a lot for the advice,
I think the build is slowly starting to make more sense for me,
I’ll also be carrying a GS for those few bosses where melee isn’t the best choice, and for world bosses.
Thanks a lot for the advice,
I think the build is slowly starting to make more sense for me,
I’ll also be carrying a GS for those few bosses where melee isn’t the best choice, and for world bosses.
Sure thing~
Try out scepter for bosses at range as well. The scepter autoattack isn’t great, but the offhand phantasms (swordsmen and warden) are really great, so people often prefer scepter just so they can continue to summon those phantasms. Honestly I just use greatsword myself most of the time when I need range, but try it out and see what you think.
The scepter aa outdamages the GS at 600range or less. Also: -> buffrange
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
Traveler runes are not so bad, but are definitely not optimal. For QoL outside of dungeons, they are unparalleled on the mesmer. Make sure to grab another gear set instead of removing the runes as I would hate for you to lose them.
One of the best things you can do for your team is learn to use feedback, so make sure to learn when to use it. There is a reflect section in the guide here: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/mesmer/Guide-Lyssa-s-Grimoire-The-Mesmer-Handbook/first
I always get depressed when I am on another character, melee-ing away, and die because I was expecting someone to either WoR or Feedback something.
#readingLFGisOP #savethewarden
Maybe I’m just being dumb or something, but why bother with empowered mantras when you run with no mantras?
Maybe I’m just being dumb or something, but why bother with empowered mantras when you run with no mantras?
There’s no reason to. Which is why I’m suggesting he start using a bunch of mantras