[PvE] Leveling up with Staff

[PvE] Leveling up with Staff

in Mesmer

Posted by: FLiP.7680


Hi, i’m playing as mesmer lvl 30 (my highest lvl char) and from all weapons i use, Staff is that i most like, followed by sword/focus. For now i just want to play PvE, so i would like to know what kind of gear should i pick to get at lvl 80.

Atm i’m using Ravaging (Prescision/Cond Dmg), but the staff doesn’t have a great dmg, even with condition gear. I’m not a fan of melee caster, so i just use sword to finish off weak enemies, and focus as utility and get away.

So, what is a good gear/build and traits to use this weapons?
I saw the Osicat’s Shatter build and sometimes he use this weps, but it’s just WvW, this kind of build works in PvE too?

Edit: 10(V)/0/0/0/10(I)

(edited by FLiP.7680)

[PvE] Leveling up with Staff

in Mesmer

Posted by: gurugeorge.9857


I use Ravaging with Rabid trinkets.

The key to the Staff’s damage is to get iWarlock out when the mob has lots of conditions on them – so that’s usually after Chaos Storm.

If you have the boost to Condition damage from stats, then iWarlock’s damage is better the more condis there are on the mobs.

[PvE] Leveling up with Staff

in Mesmer

Posted by: Saturn.6591


Well, your main damage while playing as a condition Mesmer will come from Winds of Chaos and staff clones (who also cast Winds of Chaos). Especially in PvE.

For the actual build, there are many possibilities. However, you’ll (usually) want to have condition damage being the highest stat on your equipment.

[PvE] Leveling up with Staff

in Mesmer

Posted by: TIFour.1076


I just finished leveling as a Staff Mesmer. At 30 you should be high enough to get Deceptive Evasion at 20 points in Dueling. After you get that, having 3 clones up at all times is a really easy feat and Winds of Chaos will pile on the Conditions like nothing else. For more damage, you can spam Mantra of Pain or rely on racial skills. Also, check into Veggie Pizza to increase your Condition Durations and increase your experience.

[PvE] Leveling up with Staff

in Mesmer

Posted by: keenlam.4753


I just finished leveling as a Staff Mesmer. At lvl 40 you should be high enough to get Deceptive Evasion at 20 points in Dueling. After you get that, having 3 clones up at all times is a really easy feat and Winds of Chaos will pile on the Conditions like nothing else. For more damage, you can spam Mantra of Pain or rely on racial skills. Also, check into Veggie Pizza to increase your Condition Durations and increase your experience.

Fixed that for you.

[PvE] Leveling up with Staff

in Mesmer

Posted by: Crossplay.2067


Also get Sharper images as soon as you can. This causes your clones to bleed on crit. The highest Sigil of Earth helps too as that makes your critical attacks bleed on crit precentages.

If you really want to level with condition damage, you have to find enemies that are a higher level than you. I’m talking 7 or 8+ levels higher. You’ll be able to do it because precision allows you to hit them and conditions ignore toughness and possibly level differences. The down side is enemies that far above you can down you in one hit so you have to bring your A game with dodging.