PvE Mesmer Staff Rabid Condition Build
Actually, your Trait lines are more appropriate to a straight Shatter build. In general, most Condition builds fall under two “subtypes.”
- (“Old-School” Condition Mesmer)
Base Traits of 0/20/20/0/20, with 10 Traits free. - (“New-School” – best exemplified by builds like Natsu Dragneel’s Blackwater build)
Traits run with: 20/20/30/0/0
Both kinds of “Condition build” tend to run with Staff (Yay, Winds of Chaos), and Deceptive Evasion Trait. Mainly for more Staff-clones to spam Conditions with.
The older spec usually runs a higher Condition Dmg, but is a good bit weaker to enemy Conditions. The newer versions typically use a Traited Torch for Cleansing Conflagration, to help avoid this issue.
Armor/Weapons/Trinkets are generally full Rabid. Maximum Condition Damage potential, good Precision and Toughness. The last two are important for their interaction with certain Mesmer Traits.
- Precision adds more potential Bleeds, via Sharper Images.
- Toughness adds not only in-combat durability, but syncs with Chaotic Transference and/or Superior Runes of the Undead to add more Condition Dmg.
Note that there are other potential options, but they’re not as often used. Hope that helps you out
Note also that a Condition spec tends to kill targets slower than a Phantasm or Shatter
build, due to Conditions needing time to pile up on your target. Another reason for the generally high Chaos.
Other 80s: Any but Warrior
(edited by Advent.6193)
Another thing to add is that for PvE Rabid makes you a mob magnet… I have to run without armor and trinkets in the CoF switch room or I will aggro the whole room. Depending on which route you go “old school” or “new school” determine the most consistent way to apply your inconsistent conditions.
When my guild mates and I fought Lupi for the first time they picked on me for Mesmer being OP lol there reason: During the last 5% I had the most sustained dps because of my conditions was still damaging as we scrambled for our lives. Haha
I’m going to say rampager is the way to go, because all our ‘condition viable’ weapons and phantasm scale so well with power as well, and precision is a must have for us. (maybe rabid armor/ rampager jewells with coral orbs)
Why would you go for conditions? Its only one skill :s Or what skills support you in con.mesmer?
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
leave pve condi builds to nec/engi. run a power build its much better for everything
I’ve only seen necro to be “good” with conditions. Even a neco – the master of conditions – will be disabled a bit by the terrible bleeding cap. Engineer on cons is terrible too compared to power engi.
But con. mesmer? I mean even staff is mainly power based. Scepter too and torch is con dmg. But To go full condition is really bad, since your damage will be as low as the health of an assassin You should (if you wanna go staff + scepter / torch) focus on hybrid damage. It works very well and you will be able to actually use staff 3, empower 1 and 5 and other set your scepter 3 hits kitten aswell the block n’ aa.
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
lol @ conditions for pve.
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |
Bleeding cap needs to get a new cap at 50 stacks, it’s terrible atm >_> Except for solo, you can’t use conditions but at solo world explorations direct damage is just better too (since its not sustained dmg).
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
I Understand Power builds are best for Pve/Dungeons And iv ran Full berserker Done Arah Everything For so long now I just got The Bifrost Like I said and I wanna use it I actually don’t think condition builds are that bad sure they don’t do as much damage as a power build! but even so I really don’t think theyer that bad
Staff is actually perfectly fine as a power weapon. In a dungeon against a boss with a ton of conditions, your phantasm will pop out some pretty huge numbers.
If you run condition build in dungeons though, you’ll basically do zero damage so they might as well just 4-man the dungeon.
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj
I would use Rampager armour if you’re set on having some condition damage, and use some form of condi on crit/swap sigil. Mesmer has damage distributed more evenly both ways when you setup a condition playstyle, so the power is not wasted in the slightest. You’ll still do allright damage, but it’s usually lower than crit dmg, if you’re ok with that.
What colesy says about staff is definitely true, it’s got a great singletarget phantasm and the damage from the staff isn’t completely useless either, so if you want to use the staff without caring if it’s condi or crit damage, then you can definitely use it with both types in my experience.
One thing I want to add is about condition damage weapons, there is no incentive to use torch in PVE imho, the blast finisher is simply not enough…
As far I can tell, the best way to go is with staff/ sword – pistol — or maybe if you can handle it, the scepter may work.. but using staff/scepter based builds leaves you with almost cero AOE damage (only staff autoattack, scepter with ‘on clone death’ traits and chaos storm.. which are reaaaaally slow stacking conditions, and on clone death traits only gives you bleeding in a 1/3 basis… So maybe it may ‘work’ for dungeons or world bosses, but it’s a terrible set up for massive pve events (you will not tag a single kitten thing --> no loot) In fact, even gearing for cond damage, I suggest you to switch staff to GS for trash/event farming.
So I recommend you staff (GS)/sword – pistol, with glamours (to stack confusion with iduelist and of course the added benefit of reflections and conditions wipe). The build should pick at least 20 on dueling, ‘on clone death’ traits and the others are up to you.. If you want to add the cripple cc, I should say somethin like 10/20/10/0/30 or even 10/25/10/0/25, so you can create phantasms often and the conditions will benefit with might and confusion stacking (so you can have ‘on demand’ AOE, with mind wrack and cry of frustation). Confusion, if timed properly, may add nice heavy spike condition damage.
For this set up I like the rampager/berserker or divinity jewells stats (hybrid). This helps you to no be absolutly sold when other cond damage professions are present as well.
(edited by Morghana.6342)