PvP Build + Game Play Chrono Power Shatter
How successful have you been in the league? WHat’s your current rank?
How successful have you been in the league? WHat’s your current rank?
Diamond is the current rank, semi succressful without fully abusing the amber/emerald bug stuff, only really used it for the last tier of ruby
I know Helseth’s mesmer guide is out there and everyone loves our lord Helseth but this is for those of you who like my guides and want game play!
(edited by Ross Biddle.2367)
I know Helseth’s mesmer guide is out there and everyone loves our lord Helseth but this is for those of you who like my guides and want game play!
Well if I didn’t add that bit there’d be some Helseth fanboys coming and saying “Oh but helseths guide is there, why would anyone want this” QQ
Feels currently shatter chrono is all about portal and F5 elite skill play. Not as fun anymore.