PvP Mantra Build?

PvP Mantra Build?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Illuyanka.4351


I was playing in SPvP today and there was this Mesmer that was even more annoying than usual. Why? He was using what seemed like a power build (with GS and S/T) and he was killing me in literally a second using mantras. (Stealth+mantra). I couldnt survive any fights vs him in several matches.
What build was he using?

PvP Mantra Build?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fay.2357


Probably a standard power shatter burst build like this:

That’s the gist of it for a non-chrono version, though chrono versions are easy to do as well. The burst combo is as follows:

  1. Stealth with torch 4
  2. Get point blank range
  3. Stun with mantra of distraction (proccing confounding suggestions trait)
  4. Use mirror blade (instantly hits all 3 times due to point blank range)
  5. Dodge to create a clone (2 clones in total at this point)
  6. Mind wrack and mantra of pain at the same time torch 4 explodes

This is essentially the largest burst combo possible for a mesmer to do. You avoid this by reacting rapidly when you’re hit with that opening stun. You’ll need to either break stun and dodge or hit some mitigation skills. If the mesmer is really excellent at their timing, it can be very difficult to react before the full combo is finished, but it usually is possible to react.

PvP Mantra Build?

in Mesmer

Posted by: OriOri.8724


this one implies to remove chrono blocks, and some survival skills, and relies on single burst with not much side pressure nor side burst capability.

this burst is huge, but that is not sustainable. whatever the +1 incoming, the mesmer is down, whatever the class successfully avoid this burst, the 1v1 is lost for the mesmer, holding a point, neither…

it is basically only useful to wipe out some lonely people when they re not alert, which is not a viable pvp role in decent pvp level. os or die.

Most people who play PvP are not that great and this build can excel in matches filled with them. There is a reason its still used and used well.

PvP Mantra Build?

in Mesmer

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


This happened yesterday you say? That may have been me :^)

My in-game name is “Aeryth” this is the build I was playing

Fae had the right idea; the actual combo though was:
[Prestige] for stealth
[Mirror Blade]
Then during the mirror blade cast (as in before I finish throwing the greatsword)
– [blink] into melee range
– [mantra of distraction]
– [mantra of pain]
After mirror blade hits the first time:
– [mind wrack]
– [mind stab]
– Usually [prestige] will explode around this time as well

So it’s kind of what fae was saying but way faster. The burst will usually go off within about a second or less depending on how you time it. This is not counting setup time of course (aka stealth-ing up, blinking into range, etc). There are tricks you can do to give them less of a window to react. I’ve actually been working on closing that reaction window to make my burst even more reliable.

Most people who play PvP are not that great and this build can excel in matches filled with them. There is a reason its still used and used well.

Basically this. Although I usually can carry my weight against a majority of players. It helps that shatter mes has been out of the meta for so long. So most people don’t even know whats happening when I fight them. Or they aren’t expecting it.

For those interested I did make a video playing this build to legend a while ago. So if you want to check it out feel free. #shamelessplug

This video was also before the recent [mirror blade] buff.

Click for dumb PVP videos and probably some other nonesense :D

(edited by joshmossas.6542)

PvP Mantra Build?

in Mesmer

Posted by: OriOri.8724


Thanks for writing out your burst rotation. I’ve watched your video before (the one you linked here) and even on 1/4 speed I had a hard time figuring out what you were doing because it all happens so quickly.

Incredibly deadly burst, and no doubt you are solely responsible for a decent chunk of people who want mesmers damage nerfed lol

PvP Mantra Build?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Bertrand.3057


For those interested I did make a video playing this build to legend a while ago. So if you want to check it out feel free. #shamelessplug

This video was also before the recent [mirror blade] buff.

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