PvP build types
100+ views and no comments? Too many people are only willing to comment on the negatives and bugs methinks, and less inclined to give a little advice when asked.
So I’ll ask again:
As a phantasm build, what weapons are most effective? As for playstyle, do you swap weapons ASAP to get out as many phantasms as possible and avoid clones? Or do you play as normal, swapping when ever needed and just using phantasms how you normally would but with a bit extra power to their hits?
As a condition build the staff is the main weapon, and I would assume sceptre+anything else for offhand, but I’ve heard people saying sceptre is garbage and confusion not worth it. Is going with sword offhand worth it for a condition build?
Is the staff useful to have in a non condition based build?
To make a tanky build you have to go into the +vit and + toughness trait lines – does this make you a phantasm build as well, since the vitality is in the phantasm trait line?
I think the biggest problem with a mesmer condition build is that any serious TPvP already runs condi removal out the kitten as is. So it’s rather poo. It’s all about control and burst. And the more you watch the top tier teams play the more this is emphasized. Control, burst, or gtfo.
So with that said:
YES THE STAFF IS AWESOME regardless of build. It’s our best overall weapon by far.
As for specific build advice I’ve finally settled on my final build which for the most part brings together the best things about the mesmer (imo).
The way you play it is like a mix between a phantasm build and a shatter build. Let your phantasms get in an attack, or two if there is time, then use your shatter for burst. Since you shatter on yourself as well it synergizes with the sword 3 MH attack to load the burst.
The extra bounces are insanely useful with your staff and warlock phantasm, especially in larger fights and when CS is down. Also it lets you swap out your non-staff weapon to GS for PvE without changing builds. The 3rd utility is preference, usually between portal and null void. The elite is preference as well (time warp is OP, group stealth CAN be OP and moa is 1v1 OP).
The offhand is either sword or pistol (sword/sword or sword/pistol). The sword OH gives your more straight up burst and raw damage output, though the pistol brings the CC and respectable burst as well.
Hope it helps man.
Yaks Bend
Thanks for the response!
I was curious about the staff because I know as a necro the staff is pretty much a must have weapon for ANY build.
That sounds very similar to how I was playing, but I had my traits spread out fairly thin.
This is the build I was using, however I think I may try out your build for a few rounds, see how it works for me.
Staff in non-condition based build = no sir
For phantasm builds your weapons of choice depend on what you want to do. Just about any of them work with staff for the various purposes of a build.
scepter and confusion are fine for getting the job done, just utilize them properly.
What you need for a ‘tanky’ build depends on your definition of tanky. If you want to just absorb hits (traditional view) then yess on tough/vit. If you just mean survive then no you don’t need those trait lines.
going into toughness and vitality only ‘makes you’ a phantasm build if you want to do tank/support. In that case you’re using grabbing the warden to suit that purpose (warden can be used offensively but its not nearly as simple as the others).
Going into toughness actually gears you toward a condition build, which for you may be good news. Start with this base:
Toughness trait line = 25
Illusions trait line = 20
Runes = undead
From that base you can tweak around until you find something that suits you, that includes tweaking what I presented.
“tanking” as a mesmer is not about standing about getting whacked. You survive by avoidance (ports and invis) and grabbing as much protection as you can (by standing in proximity to phantasms if you have the traits). The only exception to this is going full-blown into the “mantras heal on cast” mentality. This will allow you to run about like a fool and live long, however it is not a satisfying game experience for most as you’re just spamming mantras to keep the heals going (an over 2k Aoe heal constantly when I last mucked about with it).
good luck sir and enjoy discovering your mesmer
- A Classy Gentleman
Most forms of condition removal are “bursts”, designed to remove conditions when they accumulate to dangerous levels. This is very effective against “burst” condition application but is ineffective against the constant condition application of the Staff.
A Staff condition build is very potent. With three Staff Clones and Illusionary Elasticity you can easily maintain 10 stacks of Bleeding on the target plus regular Burning bursts, and the constant influx of boons gives you permanent Fury (allowing your Staff Clones to inflict even more Bleeding) and every-increasing condition damage.
Sure your opponent can erase your 10 stacks of Bleeding with condition removal, but why does it matter when you’ll have 10 stacks of Bleeding on them again within seconds? Plus the Burning bursts cannot be prevented.