PvP theory build crafting

PvP theory build crafting

in Mesmer

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


PU is overrated.


I’ve been trying to get back into mesmer pvp, and I theory crafted this build in a few minutes. Just by joining soloq, and taking into consideration I haven’t mesmer pvped in ages, it goes far. I want to see what can be tweaked with it to make it stronger. Constructive critique is always appreciated.

What do you fellow mesmers think?

PvP theory build crafting

in Mesmer

Posted by: WitchKing.5317


Okay, from taking a look at your build I noticed a few things.
First shattered conditions, interesting choice. Looking at your amy and runes they show no specific focus on a certain playstyle or role. It seems your trying to do to many things at once, balthazar runes and cele amy show me that. The trait itself then goes into removing conditions and supportish role along with others in the same line.
It doesn’t quite make sense. Shattered concentration is like maim the disillusioned, trying to fit a damage playstyle into a condition trait (or in this case a support role). It doesn’t work imo and isn’t worth the gm spot it has. In other words, can’t fit a square peg into a round hole.

Secondly like I said above, you need to focus on a role you want to play. That’s up to you, ditch the cele amy and change the traits around because that set up is all over the place. A suggestion if shatter is an appealing playstyle, take 2 out of inspiration and put it in illusions for ip. Then change cry of frust. to either compounding power or precise wrack and you have a somewhat defensive shatter build (remove cel amy for berserker and runes to whatever really maybe divinity)

Fanged Wisdom- [BBQ]/[OMFG]
The Corrupt Mesmer Builds

PvP theory build crafting

in Mesmer

Posted by: Jurica.1742


Look at my signature. Best build to use as a mesmer for PvP aside from Lockdown with staff + gs

Pineapples rule

PvP theory build crafting

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fay.2357


This build won’t really work. Looking at your traits, I was confused as to what you were trying to do, but once I saw your amulet and runes it became more clear. You’re trying to do some sort of hybrid build with the celestial amulet and burns from Balthazar runes combined with some direct damage from shatters I suppose, and adding in some defense from the mantra heal and shattered conditions.

Essentially, none of this will work well. The celestial amulet by itself in a build provides lowish condition damage and lowish power damage. It is used by builds that can consistently stack high amounts of might, and this changes the overall effect to highish condition damage and highish power damage. Highish of both ends up producing a pretty nasty spread of damage pressure, but lowish of both is nothing.

Your build has no ability to stack might. This means that you will be doing lowish condition damage and lowish power damage. All of your damage will be ignorable by most players.

Additionally, your build has a lot of other problems. You have no coherent offense in the build. You’re not focused on phantasm damage, you have no good way to apply conditions, your shatters will be very wimpy, you have no interrupt traits, aaaand that’s about it as far as Mesmer offense goes.

You have decent defense/sustain in this build actually. With shattered conditions, the heal mantra, mender’s purity, and staff, you’re reasonably well equipped to survive. Unfortunately, being well equipped to survive does nothing on its own.

You’re not suited to defend a point because you can be easily knocked off and/or outmanouvered. You’re not suited to attack a point because you do no damage and have no knockbacks. You’re not suited for team support because shattered conditions isn’t a good team support due to the small range and necessity of having clones up in the midst of a fight, and lastly you’re not suited as a team bunker for multiple reasons.

Overall, I’d like to know what you really envisioned doing with this build so that I can provide advice on how to actually achieve that.

PvP theory build crafting

in Mesmer

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


I was aiming for a shatter build that can counter condition damage.

To put it simply, I am most familiar with thief pvp, and I was attempting to mimic my thief’s playstyle onto my mesmer. Most of my pvp playstyle is psychological counters. Make an opponent panic, or make them overconfident. Confuse them on my positioning, and then come out and surprise them. I can let my health go low, dance around and bait people away, and let my teammates kill them. Thieves do a lot better job of confusing the opponent than mesmers, sadly.

As a sword/dagger thief, I have sustain, support (by blinds), and crowd control. But my conditon removal was selfish. However, there are not as many methods of turning the heal offensively on a thief. The mesmer’s mantra heal drew me to a lot of offensive capabilities. I’m also at times, too aggressive in combat, and not pulling off in time has been my bane. So I wanted to cushion my aggression with a more defensive build.

I guess what I’m trying to do is create a shatter build that fights like a thief. I’ve relearned that mesmers do not have the same escape ability as thieves, nor have I figured out how to use the stealth offensively.