The build:
Been running this in tPvP and hot join for the last two days. The key to this build is to kill off the enemy THEN take the point. Trying to stay in the circle while trying to kill the people there is very doable but focusing on killing and then claiming really makes this build shine.
A lot of Phantasm build rely on heavy crits for damage. This is a sustained damage/survival version.
The thing I love about this build is the tankyness. With the extra survivability this build breaks out of the stereotype of phantasm builds being duel builds. I often take out 2v1. 3v1 is rougher to win but this build can easily delay those 3 people for a very long time thus giving the rest of your team time to take other points. (The delay of players is a huge help in PvP but it doesn’t give points and people often equate the amount of points you get with how much you contributed. STOP THINKING LIKE THAT PLEASE, thank you.)
In general run with GS out because you can get your iZerker out from a longer distance away. As I run in I cast iDefender and then switch to sword and go iSwordmen. With three phants out you have 9% less damage taken on top of the iDefenders heal share. All phants also have retaliation and thus the enemy hurts themselves pretty bad since this build focuses on power.
Once the first phantasm dies I usually iLeap in and Frenzy then shatter because by this time all the CDs are done and a next round of phantasms can be summoned.
The two invis abilities are there to drop target when you either need to wait a bit on a CD or if you need some breathing room.
Because this isn’t burst but sustained damage this build has no trouble taking out bunkers. It does take time like I said but it is easily done.
This build has no natural swiftness which can suck a bit. However, in maps like Spirit Watch having an enemy on you isn’t all that bad because you can summon your phants on him and this build takes the move faster with more illusions out trait.
Other than the Runes of Melandru I have on this build lacks condition cleanse. This isn’t as bad as you may think though. Melandru helps a lot and because I am focusing on staying alive while my phantasms really do EVERYTHING for me it is very easy to beat people out even on condition builds.
Oddly enough this build is much weaker in sPvP do to numbers of the enemy. In tPvP ,where you will very rarely run into any fight with more than three people, it really does seem to shine though.
Finally, if you do try this build give it a go with trying to kill and stay in the claiming circle the whole time. It is doable but when TAKING a point, not defending when defending stay in that circle
, it is much easier to kill and then take it.
Anyway, this is slightly different then the phantasm builds I have seen mentioned and written about so here it is. ^^