Question: Bunker? Mesmer
bunker mesmer can kill you in 1v1 with soldier runes or some other power runes.
it will take time to do so but doable
the problem with bunker mesmer is they dont support much the team in boons (even with boon share) and condi cleanse (through healing skill)
they have alot of evade #2 sword, f4 and WOP , nice cc with well, F3 and shield,
good healing with shatter and condi cleanse
so unless they are perma stun they are hard to kill
It depends on how bunkery the mesmer is, and this can be a bit hard to determine. If you’re talking my bunker build (full wells, sentinel amulet/melandru runes)…there’s absolutely no chance of you killing it solo unless the person playing it is incompetent. Treat it as a hard bunker, and move on. It also won’t kill you unless you try and stand on the point with it and don’t really heal at all, the damage it does is very poor. You definitely were eating a lot of unnecessary damage.
That being said, there are openings, but you sorta have to make them yourself. You can’t break evades, but you can break blocks in several ways. A heavy light proc on deflecting shot is an unblockable interrupt, and that will knock us out of the shield block. Same deal with the traited trap daze, that’s unblockable as well. You can use those to try and open up a burst opportunity while we’re rotating through the shield block. This isn’t going to help you kill them solo still, but it’s a great way to open up burst windows so that your team can take them down in a larger fight.
A bunker mesmer has a lot of evade, blocks, as well as high protection uptime. But they do have weakness.
- CC: they get one stack of stability on shatter, but have otherwise few stunbreak (there is no “one clear build” yet, but typically only one stunbreak which is the well of precognition). As a DH, you can definitely out-CC them.
- do not attack their first block. The shield block has a long CD, but if you attack while they block, the mesmer will get access to the block a second time. So by not attacking you divide their block uptime by 2
- the blocks and evades are mostly on the sword/shield. Their second set is probably a staff, and while in staff, they have none (though they have chaos armor + protection).
- if they use the well heal (they probably do), most of the heal comes after 3s if they remain in the well. Try to prevent them from being in the well after those 3s (CC)
- when they use continuum split (you will see a continuum rift), they can reset their CD, so they will probably use their longest CD at this stage (elite skill). This is also a good time to CC them. Warning, continuum split is a shatter, so they will have 1 stack of stability.
that’s all I can think of on the top of my head. I don’t think chrono bunker is too hard to kill as long as you focus your burst outside of their invuln/block. It does shine in team fights thanks to its support, but is not such a great 1v1 spec (though it can sustain a little while by rotating through the different evade/blocks waiting for reinforcements).
Dh can use unblockable spear of justice with next pull when mesmer goes blocks too.
Well heal isn’t best heal for solo fight with bad solo hps. Mesmer should sit in well area when final heal (3s later) hits. Either cc out healing well, or punish hard for sitting at area (keep cc to stop blocks though)
bunker mesmer can kill you in 1v1 with soldier runes or some other power runes.
Btw why soldier runes? There no shouts. Only for vitality/toughness stats?
(edited by Mak.2657)
bunker mesmer can kill you in 1v1 with soldier runes or some other power runes.
Btw why soldier runes? There no shouts. Only for vitality/toughness stats?
I think he meant amulet