Questions about Armor

Questions about Armor

in Mesmer

Posted by: excelsior.2168



I’ve been a lvl 80 mesmer for quite some time and I have no idea what armor I want to get him. I’ve thought about getting the Grenth Armor in Orr, Svanir Armor, CoE Armor, and kind of the human cultural.

I hear that the cultural and god armors aren’t that good, so I even thought about just making my own armor since I am a tailor (just have to get to lvl 400 though).

I run a Staff/GS mesmer (though I might switch the GS to something else) and I have 20/0/30/0/20 in traits.

Also, I mostly PvE and sometimes WvW.

So opinions as to what to outfit my mesmer with and why?


Excelsior Longfello-Human Mesmer [OMFG]
Woodshavings-Sylvari Ranger [WIND]

Questions about Armor

in Mesmer

Posted by: Malice.8439



I assumed your 20 points into Domination was for trait X. Any particular reason why you’ve chosen to eschew it? Granted, I’ve no experience with glamour builds what-so-ever, but it does appear as if your traits are all over the place.

If I were to build close to your playstyle (or at least, as I understand your playstyle) I would make something like… This:

Mind: This is all theoretical, I’ve not actually tested this myself, though I have played something similar.

The idea with this build is to mainly use the staff. You want to generate clones and the Warlock and let them “tank” the mobs – shatter only when you want to finish the mobs off, or you are able to get new clones up in a very short time span (such as having both dodge rolls and your staff # 2 off the cooldown).

The idea here is to wear down your enemies while they are distracted with your clones. When they kill the clones (but not when you shatter them yourself) the death triggers a negative effect on the enemy.

I’d wager you’d want Toughness and Condition damage for this build. I’m not sure about power – power would make your iWarlock significantly more powerful, but it scales poorly with staff auto attack. If you do decide to stick with the greatsword as your other weapon, I’d say going for Power/Toughness/Condition damage is okay. I’d personally use a sword/focus combo. Sword # 1 and " 2 is AoE damage, and #2 allows you to stay alive. Sword #3 spawns a clone and/or lets you combo for Chaos Armour through own ethereal fields. Focus grants swiftness, and you can also pull mobs away from you – not to mention the iWarden is kinda bad kitten against a cluster of targets. He’ll AoE them all, and when they kill him, they’ll suffer the on-death triggers.

So I’d say Toughness/Precision/Cond Damage. Precision is for Sharper Images.

And again – this is all theoretical. Look around for similar playstyles as yours before you invest in exotics or expensive runes.

All warfare is based on deception.
- Sun Tzu, Art of War

Questions about Armor

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kazhiel.8194


Get one of everything! And mix and match it so it looks purdy

Jalliel [AI] – Yak’s Bend

Questions about Armor

in Mesmer

Posted by: Malice.8439


A more detailed setup of your traits would be welcome.

The greatsword scales really, really well with power, but your build suggests that you’re using your staff more than your sword, is that correct?

How do you usually play? Like, when you engage a player or a mob, how do you kill them? What abilities do you use? Do you keep phantasms and clones up, or do you shatter them?

All warfare is based on deception.
- Sun Tzu, Art of War

Questions about Armor

in Mesmer

Posted by: excelsior.2168


A more detailed setup of your traits would be welcome.

The greatsword scales really, really well with power, but your build suggests that you’re using your staff more than your sword, is that correct?

How do you usually play? Like, when you engage a player or a mob, how do you kill them? What abilities do you use? Do you keep phantasms and clones up, or do you shatter them?

Here is my build with my traits. Traits are also a work in progress so I’m up for advice as well for that.

I didn’t put what armor and accessories I have because I can’t remember. But I do have a lot of soldier stuff since it helps with the power and toughness. And I think a Chrysocola earring for condition damage.

I’ve been in Orr a lot and there I use Chaos Storm as much as I can with Illusionary Warlock and two clones to help with conditions, then throw up Warlock when it recharges. Then I might switch to GS to kill them. I usually try and keep my illusions up, esp. Warlock for the added damage from conditions if I’m in a group. Then shatter them when I can get 3 illusions up easily again.

I use GS when a large group is too close for my comfort to push them back and then I’ll put up the Berserker.

I do try and do Chaos Storm with Phase Retreat when I can for the free Chaos armor.

Does that kind of help with it? Also thank you for your input.

Excelsior Longfello-Human Mesmer [OMFG]
Woodshavings-Sylvari Ranger [WIND]

Questions about Armor

in Mesmer

Posted by: Malice.8439


As for runes… Superior Sigil of the Undead strikes me as most beneficial.

I’d go Superior Sigil of Fire on your Sword (onehanded) and either Superior Sigil of Force or Accuracy on the Focus.

I’d go for either Superior Sigil of Corruption or Superior Sigil of Perception on your staff.

All warfare is based on deception.
- Sun Tzu, Art of War

Questions about Armor

in Mesmer

Posted by: excelsior.2168


I’ve been using the traits and loving the build so far. I feel much more into the game than I did before. Before I just felt like I was pushing buttons. Thank you for your input!

I’ve also decided on an armor so yay!

P.S. I was wondering if I could swap put the focus for the pistol in pve or would that just not work?

Thanks again Malice.

Excelsior Longfello-Human Mesmer [OMFG]
Woodshavings-Sylvari Ranger [WIND]

Questions about Armor

in Mesmer

Posted by: pahldus.1678


Pistol works fine sometimes even better. Most people use the focus for the added benefit of the speed boost from Focus#4. But if you don’t mind move slowly around, which based on your current set up that is not a concern then I say go with pistol if it is more comfortable to you.