Aurora Glade
Ive played gw2 since the beta began and have had a tough time to find a proffession i really like. Started out with a guardian for a loooong time and now i have ele ranger warrior thief at 80 with ful exotics but i just cant seem to find anything that i really enjoy..
I have leveled a mesmer to 50 and im enjoying it but i would really like to know if what km going for is at all viable..
The thing i aim for is full pvt gear for survivability and using a mainhand sword and maybe even an offhand.. Direct damage is my kind of thing.. i am just affraid that this wouldnt work well in the frontlines of zvz and gvg.
Ive seen alot of confusion builds in gvg ans zvz but not many direct damage builds so ofc affraid it wont work.
Anyone here have some experience to share? Ive watched the build thread that is stickied numerous times but having a dialogue with someone who actually uses it would be alot of help.
When i thought i checked it all i red the shattercat heavy again and sounds like what im after so will give that a go..
GvG and ZvZ? No such things in GW2.
Anyway, the sword is a bit slow to swing, but sure it works in the frontlines. Going from a Warrior to a Mesmer is quite fun when you still have the option to smash into enemy lines. Cant do as much direct damage as a sword/axe/whatever Warrior at the same kind of toughness, but you got other perks.
I think it’s viable, but even with Power / Toughness / Vitality gear, you’re still going to want to use a lot of active defense. (Blurred Frenzy, Distortion, Counterblade, etc.)
The 1h sword is great for short-range direct damage, and the offhand sword has one of the strongest phantasms (which has a decent mid-range leap, too.) The 1h sword main hand is also nice for removing boons, applying vulnerability, and catching runners with Illusionary leap (when it works)
I’d say it’s definitely worth trying out to see if it fits your style. Just don’t forget that you’re not wearing heavy armor, so going toe-to-toe isn’t always the best option! Work those evades / stealth target drops and utilize the clones for optimal effect.
Thank you so much for your answers =)
Yes I will definatly give it a try..
Thing is I always run with my guild in WvW.. and we are usually 20-25ppl at max and I always hated ranged gameplay , just love being in the mid of the battle and ofc surviving by active evades and defensive skills..
I have a few things worrying me however.. one of them being the conditions.. I know on my ranger I wear Melandru Runes + Lemongrass soup and still have abit problem with conditions, not alot but some .. Any trick to share when it comes to conditions on mesmer?
What do you think is a viable 2nd set? I am abit caught between staff and a Sword/Focus ? Any good input on it? I will be almost 100% in melee with the enemy so the range has minor impact tbh..
The staff is based around avoidance (teleport back on short cd) and the GS is better the further away from the target you are… So neither is a good option if its melee you want. Pick sword/focus as your primary and get a feel for the other weapons. Getting them all as yellows is cheap. Thing is, both the staff and the greatsword offer great features. The gs wins in small size combat but if you run with a 25man guild, staff is supreme (AoE bomb with 5/feedback and plow into the enemy).
If direct damage is what you want you should try GS. Then have either sword/pistol or sword/torch or staff for defense.
Guys, he said he didn’t want range.
One way or another though, you’ll want to utilize both weapon sets in any engagement. One thing that could help you in being in the front lines is a staff. You can use it defensively when you get in trouble (staff 2). You also have available to another extremely strong phantasm who hits like a truck when targets have several conditions on them. Plus chaos armor (giving you regen, prot, and swiftness) and chaos storm (which allows you to buff up and gain more chaos armor) can both help make you not so squishy. When using a sword main hand, I often like to be in a chaos storm since you gain aegis and retal quite a bit from it and using leap (sword 3) grants you more chaos amor.
there isnt a mesmer that benefits from staying in meele all the time from what i know. unless you want to play a retaliation mesmer. after blurred frenzy you should not be face tanking just because its more exciting then not face tanking.
I’m running a direct damage mesmer build with Sword/Focus as my primary damage dealing and a Staff to use defensively.
Put some toughness in your build and make use of your defensive utilities and you will survive fine in melee range, as long as you don’t stay in melee range all the time, dip in and out between melee range and like 900. You have a lot of in-battle mobility as a mesmer.
Use it.
GvG and ZvZ? No such things in GW2.
News to me. RG and all us wannabe RGs have just been making machinima videos to fool the masses then eh?
GvG and ZvZ? No such things in GW2.
News to me. RG and all us wannabe RGs have just been making machinima videos to fool the masses then eh?
Dont feed the troll
Thanks for all the replies.. and yes i wanna melee and yes i hate ranged combat Will try some weaponsets out and see what fits me the best.. tried sword-sword coupled with sword-focus yesterday and it actually felt really good.. abit cc on focus and with sword trait the cds werent that long tbh..
It’s awesome for breaking zergs up. Blink/Stealth to the side of the enemy with 2-3 people, then melee into them. The amount of active defence we have makes us survive this for a fair while, and it causes people to split attention, so your group will overrun their frontline.
Just a question.. i thought about this just now as i remember ppl talking about it before.. does confusion tag ppl? I mean for example if i have illusions give confusion to enemies when killed, would that work for tagging in wvw and pve.. ?
I would try to refrain from using sword/x with both your weapon sets. You are shrinking your available skills by 3 in doing so which is never a wise thing, IMO. Perhaps you could think to try scepter/sword (good blocking set) and sword/focus (helps in close and to chase down runners) if you did want to run 2 two-handed weapon sets.
Done some testing and i really do love the sword mainhand and having a hard time not using it in the 2nd set aswell cause the other mainhands dont interest me ar all and i really want the sword and focus offhand cause they are both awesome in their own way..
While I understand your reluctance to use the staff it does complement the melee side of sword surprisingly well. When you have everything on the sword/x on cooldown swap to staff. Chaos Storm, staff #2 for the clone and a chaos aura, staff #3 for phantasm, dodge back into Chaos Storm to grab a boon or two and get another clone (if spec-ed for that). Let the phantasm take its shot, shatter, staff #4 for chaos aura, wait the 1/2 sec for staff #2 and weapon-swap cooldown and back to sword. You now have a clone already out, chaos aura is up, you’ve shattered them (I like confusion in that sequence) and you are ready to restart your sword/x pattern. The staff is a melee weapon if you treat it like one.
While I understand your reluctance to use the staff it does complement the melee side of sword surprisingly well. When you have everything on the sword/x on cooldown swap to staff. Chaos Storm, staff #2 for the clone and a chaos aura, staff #3 for phantasm, dodge back into Chaos Storm to grab a boon or two and get another clone (if spec-ed for that). Let the phantasm take its shot, shatter, staff #4 for chaos aura, wait the 1/2 sec for staff #2 and weapon-swap cooldown and back to sword. You now have a clone already out, chaos aura is up, you’ve shattered them (I like confusion in that sequence) and you are ready to restart your sword/x pattern. The staff is a melee weapon if you treat it like one.
Now this is a nice answer =)) I tested it some more today.. And Im starting to feel that sword offhand aint the best thing =( Focus has the pull.. but sword has nothing special =( Will go more staff tomorrow =)
If you go power/vit/tough you’re actually in a good place as a mesmer in ZvZ. I’ve been running prec/tough/condition with scepter/torch staff. As a mesmer you can bypass the front line CC DPS fields, put yourself right in the middle of the enemy zerg, pop clones and shatter, dodge roll and clone pop for more shatter, with sword pop sword 2, then stealth/blink back to your side without worry. All that tough/vit will keep you safe, and the power will amp your bursts while you’re in the thick of it.
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