Reaper of Grenth
Timewarp does not increase the rate at which conditions tick, but it will increase the rate at which you are applying conditions. It will be a DPS increase, but probably not enough of one to warrant using a skill with such a long CD. Also, if you are in a group, either in PvE or WvW, you may expected to take Timewarp since the benefit to the group would be greater (in general) than any other elite you could use.
However, if you’re soloing or running with just one or two people, then I’d say that Reaper of Grenth could be a possibility. It all depends on your build though. If you have the Prismatic Understanding trait that many condition builds use, then Mass Invisibility would probably be better for stacking boons.
Ask yourself if you are okay missing out on the incredible defensive tool that is Mass Invisibility. Is 20 seconds (assuming you have some condition duration) of poison and chill worth it do you? The answer may very well be yes, as some people do want extra offense instead of defense.
Also, consider cooldowns; you can use Reaper once for every two times you use Mass Invisibility. Is the difference in CD worth it to you? Also, if you are looking for a more offensive elite, you might consider Hounds of Balthazar. They would provide more damage than Reaper, but you’d miss out on the utility of the chill and the poison.
mass invis > all
This currently. It’s a shame what they did to TW.
mass invis > all
I don’t think you can make such a sweeping generalization. While Mass Invisibility is better for the major of WvW scenarios, it has little use in PvE content. In those situations Timewarp, even in a nerfed state, provides more benefit to the group. Also, given that we don’t know the OP’s build or playstyle, one can’t really can’t definitively state that any one elite is objectively, unquestionably better than another.
I’m currently using a setup that is 10/25/10/0/25 sc+x/staff build that utilizes clone generation to force clone death traits, along with people killing my clones to add same conditions. I change my offhand depending on the application and situation. Staff is mainly for defense, though the phantasm does okay if the projectile lands. That said, I currently use mass invis almost all of the time. Time warp has its places and is used accordingly, but seeing how I have never played a class or setup that has taken advantage of poison or chill I didn’t know if the offensive potential of reaper of grenth could really ever make sense over the other elites. If it weren’t for the condition theme of my spec I wouldn’t even consider it, but a continuously applied pair of conditions seems like it would have the ability to put more pressure on opponents that are already dealing with your usual aoe conditions.
Hi Kylun,
I think Reaper of Grenth would be very good for condition build if not for its long CD.
In PvE, I have Mass Invi most of the time but the only reason I use it when me or my group want to skip through mob, so it’s like “Nah, I don’t have time for that.” button.
So as Palu said, Mass Invi has little use in PvE.
In WvW, when i go with group, I choose Time Warp because it gives my team a huge advantage over the enemy group. Unless they greatly outnumber us, the fight usually ends with us winning.