Recommended Mesmer Build

Recommended Mesmer Build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mischief.4617


Hey guys,

So I just started playing Guild Wars 2, really enjoying the game so far – I am really enjoying playing a Mesmer, I’m level 18 with no knowledge at all about the game or the build.

If anybody can be kind and suggest me a decent build – I’d be happy.
I have so many “skill points” or “hero points” to spend but I don’t know where to and what would be best for my Mesmer.

Thank you

Recommended Mesmer Build

in Mesmer

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


I’m assuming you are asking about open world pve content?

Really as you level that’s the best time to experiment and get a good feel for your class. There are optimized builds for certain things, raids, pvp, dungeons, wvw, ect. But in open world you can basically try anything and see what floats your boat. I recommend you try out a bunch of stuff until you find something you like. At lvl 18 you aren’t going to be making a meaningful build anyway.

You don’t really need to worry about optimizing your build until you hit lvl 80. (or venture into pvp land)

Click for dumb PVP videos and probably some other nonesense :D

Recommended Mesmer Build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fay.2357


I have to agree, as you’re leveling your first character is definitely the time to play around and experiment with things. There’s some general advice I can give though.

Firstly, don’t worry about spending those hero points. You’ll get more than enough for every trait and skill, so you can’t really waste them or ‘brick’ your character by using them. Also don’t worry about mastery points; those see use after you hit level 80.

While you should play with utilities and see what works best, I can recommend a general load out that’s suitable for most content. Signet of inspiration is a handy utility that passively pulses swiftness for you. While the active is powerfully useful in the endgame, during leveling the utility simply serves as a nice and easy way to move faster without thinking about it. In addition to that, I like blink for the stunbreak and movement, and feedback for protection against projectile-based enemies.