Resto Mantras + Mender's Purity
Every time you heal.
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Smallscale <3 !
Does Mender’s Purity only proc on the #6 Heal and not on the mantra heals?
also, On heal rune effects does not proc trough mantra heals?
I just wanted to know if this was working as intended since the beginning of time. This is the very first time I tried Them.
Tested them on PvP earlier.
For any and all effects that occur ‘on heal’, they will only occur when actually activating the #6 skill.
^Oh i see., i tried the mantra heal trait and i can say it was pretty good, i lose some points on dom tho.
yeah its the 4 cond’s removed every 10secs that i use it for, it stops me from having to waste a utility on condiotion removal, but im afraid that now the cats out the bag it wont be long before mender’s purity gets a CD
Current Season – Platinum (Soloq)
Retired GW2 ESL Tournament Admin
Anyone that cant see the nerf inc for menders is blind… Menders is just icing on the cake for by far the strongest heal the Mesmer has when traited. I think it will get a 10s cooldown in some upcoming patch or the trait itself moved up a tier in order to conflict with restorative mantras.
The best we can hope for is that Anet is blind as well, lol.
tell me about it dawdler, 10secs seems maybe a little harsh, im all for balance and agree menders with mantra is OP but maybe 5 secs as to not be able to have it the same as the mantra of resolve
Current Season – Platinum (Soloq)
Retired GW2 ESL Tournament Admin
tell me about it dawdler, 10secs seems maybe a little harsh, im all for balance and agree menders with mantra is OP but maybe 5 secs as to not be able to have it the same as the mantra of resolve
All heal rune effects is on a 10s cooldown, so quite the contrary 10s for menders would be very logical. The minimum cycle time for the heal mantra is ~12ish seconds (8s + the channel time + 2 pops). Basicly you’d get the same effect from menders no matter what heal you use.
these are runal effects though, you cant compare them to traits, runal effects are available to all classes as traits are specific we dont increase the bleed on crit for the mesmer due to the earth sigil so why with the heal? the issue is that with this trait and the mantra of restore is that the mantra of resolve becomes replaced, this i disagree with, there needs to be an advantage of using the resolve mantra
Current Season – Platinum (Soloq)
Retired GW2 ESL Tournament Admin
Mantra of Resolve now has an aoe condi removal… Maybe half the size of shout radius but there is your ‘advantage’
not even half, its only 240, were as shake it off is 600, im not even going to register this skill as aoe, its a joke of anet to say this is support xD
if you want to remove conditions from your team you take null field
Current Season – Platinum (Soloq)
Retired GW2 ESL Tournament Admin
the ‘advantage’ of MoR. You asked.
okay okay you got me xD but in all honesty its not a big enough gap, considering the hal can give over 7k hp on demand
Current Season – Platinum (Soloq)
Retired GW2 ESL Tournament Admin