Restorative Illusions/Shattered Conditions
It removes conditions on point were illusions shatter 240 range for you and allys
Are you sure that it is always like this, or you just pop up a random answer?
Is it a bug or is it intentional.
Could we get 1 condi remove per illusion? And remove from allys as well.
Since Inspiration is a support trait. isn’kitten
it feels like selfish.
Are you sure that it is always like this, or you just pop up a random answer?
Haven’t actually checked it for some time but it use to be 1 condi per illusion and 240 around it when it shatters for 5 targets beacose IP is baseline 1 shatter is always at you rest are basicly around ur target if you use distortion than wereever the illusions are at the moment of shatter
Are you sure that it is always like this, or you just pop up a random answer?
Haven’t actually checked it for some time but it use to be 1 condi per illusion and 240 around it when it shatters for 5 targets beacose IP is baseline 1 shatter is always at you rest are basicly around ur target if you use distortion than wereever the illusions are at the moment of shatter
Aka you’re talking out of your rear end with zero justification.
Anyway, they changed it to just 1 clear and not aoe when they merged the two traits. A case could probably be made for putting it back to 1 per illusion, but I don’t think it’s particularly weak atm though.
I play with the inspiration trait’s line, which is considered as support.
But at the end of the match, i always see Condi removed from ally 0.
It is just too sad.
I don’t really want to have to use a slot for mantra or Null field.
It is just too sad.
I play with the inspiration trait’s line, which is considered as support.
But at the end of the match, i always see Condi removed from ally 0.
It is just too sad.
I don’t really want to have to use a slot for mantra or Null field.It is just too sad.
your healing will remove 2 conditions aoe dont forget that
bump, i was dead serious about this
With the buff to Inspiration as one of our most valued trait lines, it’s pretty easy to take AOE condition removing traits/utilities.
- Well of Eternity
- Nullfield
- Temporal Enchanter (Resistance for all glamours AND gives you two more conditions removed via Nullfield)
- Heal removing 2 conditions
eta – I think RI is actually balanced if not a bit on the strong side. I only say this because of the way healing stats [don’t] work. A Marauder using this trait benefits almost just as much as someone actually taking healing stats which doesn’t make any sense.
“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”
If you’re after group cleansing your best bet is Mantra of Recovery with Mender’s Purity. With on-demand Quickness and Stability you have little to worry about being interrupted, and with Alacrity the low CD gets even lower. It’s also the strongest Mesmer heal (especially when you take Restorative Mantras) so there’s that too.
An alternative (or perhaps complementary) route is to focus on group Resistance instead. Stack boon duration, get Temporal Enchanter +/- Medic’s Feedback. Pair with Bountiful’s Resistance on Split, maybe use SoI to share the Resistance you get, and everyone can laugh at conditions (until a Banish Enchantment hits you all).