Roaming in WvW as power shatter?

Roaming in WvW as power shatter?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tien.3865


So I’ve heard that power shatter isn’t that great in PvP anymore. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m assuming it’s because (1.) elite specs have too much sustain and can eat shatters without much issue, and (2) it doesn’t have much sustain itself.

If this is the case, then I was wondering if power shatter is playable in WvW roaming? Damage is generally higher in WvW and you also have the option to run PU for more sustain and easy escapes. I’ve been hearing about this PU mantra build that seems to be good. If anyone could describe this build then it would be appreciated.

Also, can power shatter be played with the chrono traitline? I imagine it would be good for damage output with Continuum Split resetting shatters. Is a PU chrono build possible?

Borlis Pass solo roamer

Roaming in WvW as power shatter?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Weez.6315


power shatter is always viable if u can make it viable. And u dont need PU for it

a clip i recorded yesterday, not edited or anything. they called me even a cheater :p

Mimsy – On a crusade against PU and Phantasm builds!

Roaming in WvW as power shatter?

in Mesmer

Posted by: joshmossas.6542


Haven’t wvw-ed in a while, but in my experience power shatter isn’t optimal but you can still run it. I’ve been running it for a long time in wvw. Even when even when every mesmer roamer at the time played PU condi (they prolly still do idk)

What you said about the matchups against HoT specs is pretty accurate. A lot can out-sustain shatters and you have low sustain. However I’ve found that the average wvw player isn’t very good, so it’s fairly easy to outplay them

Also yes it’s probably possible to play PU chrono. You’ll have to drop dueling or domination though. I’m not familiar with a PU mantra build, but I’m sure it’s possible to make one.

The most common pvp mantra build pre-HoT was GS and Sw/Torch. Traitlines were dom (Confounding S), duel (Empowered Mantras over Deceptive Evasion), insp (Mental Def)

Click for dumb PVP videos and probably some other nonesense :D

Roaming in WvW as power shatter?

in Mesmer

Posted by: ResJudicator.7916


Power shatter is much stronger in WvW than in PvP because PvE stats can go much higher. Whereas power shatter in PvP can’t really get through the sustain on a lot of the new specs, a fully ascended + food/oil buffed power shatter mesmer in WvW can still instagib most players from stealth (or close to it).

Roaming in WvW as power shatter?

in Mesmer

Posted by: SteepledHat.1345


I run a variant of a double ranged shatter.


Inspiration: Bottom, Middle, Top
Illusions: Middle, Top, Middle
Chronomancer: Middle, Middle, Bottom

Weapons and armor is full berserker.
Runes: Strength
Sigils: Strength and Air
Staff: Energy and Force
Utilities: Blink, Mantra of Resolve, and Decoy with Mass Invisibility

It has excellent survivability, condition cleanse, and mobility. It seems to counter the condi mesmer spec pretty well and most roaming specs. Not good for zerglets, however.

“Failure to remain calm is the sign of a weak mind.”

(edited by SteepledHat.1345)

Roaming in WvW as power shatter?

in Mesmer

Posted by: NicolasCote.4397


power shatter is always viable if u can make it viable. And u dont need PU for it

a clip i recorded yesterday, not edited or anything. they called me even a cheater :p

Good clip! I am trying to do a pretty similar build. Would you mind posting your build and telling me how you do this 1 shot burst combo? Thanks a lot!

Roaming in WvW as power shatter?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Weez.6315


1 shot burst is normally starting to cast gs 2 – daze mantra with interrupt – shatter 1 when gs 2 hits – gs 3 most effective ofcourse when ure next to ur opponent

im running inspi domi chrono with marauder bersi gear. its a bit too defensive for my taste but its pretty unplayable without inspi atm against other specializations.

Mimsy – On a crusade against PU and Phantasm builds!

Roaming in WvW as power shatter?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Heartpains.7312


People wake up, I am not going to say I am a pro at Mesmer but I am not bad at all.

First of all, playing against people who have berserk stats can work when you play as power Mesmer, but there will be times when people are not running berserk stats and are having some boons that are being spammed on them such as protection and regen, you will hate your life as power Mesmer to those.

second, please when making builds as power make sure you have enough of condition cleanses, there are some builds that god forbid who burst you with condition faster than what berserk can burst and actually condition mesmers are one of them.

I myself don’t like to play condition build, I have been playing berserk Mesmer for long time really, and since HoT came I didn’t play chronomancer at that time but I was aware of it a bit, but after the alacrity nerf that happened which I don’t mind even thought there didn’t “shave” they cut it, we started having another issues as power build mesmers, if you want to actually deal good damage which doesn’t get healed by regen when someone is not running berserk who have protection on, you will have to mess the build or take really high risks (lack of condi clears or stealthing issues), ooh and don’t forget that revenant dwarf dmg reduce thing + protection and chill =p

I played mantra build and still playing one, it is fun and good, but there will be lots of time where you will feel that you are not dealing damage or should I say you hit emm like every 10seconds?, lots of time I feel that power Mesmer is really unplayable at the moment (in before someone try to give me link it is unplayable due to many times you will not deal enough damage to be a threat)

Last all I am saying is this game is going to a wrong kitten direction with all these boons spamming, remember when you try to use GS3 to remove stability from warrior?

Sorry for long post but please lets address the Mesmer problems (and sorry if I got away from the topic) xD
and if anyone wants the mantra build that I play feel free to ask, with or without chrono =)

Roaming in WvW as power shatter?

in Mesmer

Posted by: SteepledHat.1345


Iirc every one of the above builds takes inspiration with the defender spawn and heals/condi cleanse on shatter. Mine takes mantra cleanse… in no way do we have issues with conditions. Especially when, if put in a tough spot, you can wait out condis with continuum split and take condi reducing food. You sound like a novice.

“Failure to remain calm is the sign of a weak mind.”

Roaming in WvW as power shatter?

in Mesmer

Posted by: denis.9487


Iirc every one of the above builds takes inspiration with the defender spawn and heals/condi cleanse on shatter. Mine takes mantra cleanse… in no way do we have issues with conditions. Especially when, if put in a tough spot, you can wait out condis with continuum split and take condi reducing food. You sound like a novice.

Yes you can run and wait out the conditions and if your lucky might make that tower/keep door and then die behind walls loosing all stacks. Or maybe you just fight by that tower or camp and play poke and run. But calling someone a novice due to taking inspiration as a trait line is pretty funny. If not using chrono inspiration will cure 4 conditions and that mantra cleanse does 4 also. Seems sort of a personal preference.

Roaming in WvW as power shatter?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Heartpains.7312


SteepledHat, you can think what you want, but that is not really a build where you can survive things, as for conditions I won’t argue it has good cleanses, but it doesn’t counter condition Mesmer, and what roaming you were talking about? is it 1vs1?

I don’y know but not having PU and playing berserk I am telling you it is tough (by tough I mean not even playable most of the time), and will put you in lots of disadvantages. If you do that great that’s good for you.

Keep in mind it won’t always be 1vs1 fights, and it won’t always be zerg vs zerg fight..,
Guardians burn is one of the easiest conditions to cleanse, but when he is with other people that put conditions those f1,f5 are not really dependable at all and I know that you have that cleanse mantra. =)

And no point of condition reduction food by the way =p

Roaming in WvW as power shatter?

in Mesmer

Posted by: SteepledHat.1345


Iirc every one of the above builds takes inspiration with the defender spawn and heals/condi cleanse on shatter. Mine takes mantra cleanse… in no way do we have issues with conditions. Especially when, if put in a tough spot, you can wait out condis with continuum split and take condi reducing food. You sound like a novice.

Yes you can run and wait out the conditions and if your lucky might make that tower/keep door and then die behind walls loosing all stacks. Or maybe you just fight by that tower or camp and play poke and run. But calling someone a novice due to taking inspiration as a trait line is pretty funny. If not using chrono inspiration will cure 4 conditions and that mantra cleanse does 4 also. Seems sort of a personal preference.

What are you even talking about, I took inspiration in my build. I was calling him a novice because he is saying ridiculous things.

Also, the inspiration trait removes only one condition no matter the number of illusions.

“Failure to remain calm is the sign of a weak mind.”

(edited by SteepledHat.1345)

Roaming in WvW as power shatter?

in Mesmer

Posted by: SteepledHat.1345


SteepledHat, you can think what you want, but that is not really a build where you can survive things, as for conditions I won’t argue it has good cleanses, but it doesn’t counter condition Mesmer, and what roaming you were talking about? is it 1vs1?

I don’y know but not having PU and playing berserk I am telling you it is tough (by tough I mean not even playable most of the time), and will put you in lots of disadvantages. If you do that great that’s good for you.

Keep in mind it won’t always be 1vs1 fights, and it won’t always be zerg vs zerg fight..,
Guardians burn is one of the easiest conditions to cleanse, but when he is with other people that put conditions those f1,f5 are not really dependable at all and I know that you have that cleanse mantra. =)

And no point of condition reduction food by the way =p

Well, that’s amazing. Some how, I can run this spec in WvW havoc and solo roaming without issues. Reliably killing these flavor of the month condi specs. Maybe it’s the sustained damage a provided by an unblockable GS2, or the illusion sustainment from the chrono line, the bountiful condi cleanse, the damage split from defender, or maybe you’re right… maybe it’s my 3000+ hours on chrono and I’m just so competent I’m able to stomp in spite of my build.

By the way, the build in question, if you drop the GS and take S/Sh counters most of the anti condi mesmer specs seen in SPvP. So I predict it will be a strong counter meta build in the next season.

“Failure to remain calm is the sign of a weak mind.”

Roaming in WvW as power shatter?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Heartpains.7312


The issue with your build is not condition clear or against conditions, the issue is against power stealthers or against power builds in general.

As power Mesmer you will always lack something, it will be either the damage, or the condition cleanse or stealth.

Roaming in WvW as power shatter?

in Mesmer

Posted by: SteepledHat.1345


The issue with your build is not condition clear or against conditions, the issue is against power stealthers or against power builds in general.

As power Mesmer you will always lack something, it will be either the damage, or the condition cleanse or stealth.

If that’s the case then it’s a matter of get good. Because mesmer was power for the majority of GW2. I’ve run berserker in WvW since beta and in SPvP before marauder’s was introduced. You absolutely can survive against power builds it’s just a matter of using your active defenses which you have in spades with HoT.

“Failure to remain calm is the sign of a weak mind.”

Roaming in WvW as power shatter?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Heartpains.7312


you are not even reading, power before Hot was good/great after HoT boons are being spammed, power was good or even OP thanks to that alacrity, after it got nerfed you will lack something, but you believe what you want to believe whatever not going to continue arguing with you =)

Something not related to the topic, is the shield kittenting more than 2 hits intended or not? as on the same target.

Roaming in WvW as power shatter?

in Mesmer

Posted by: denis.9487


Iirc every one of the above builds takes inspiration with the defender spawn and heals/condi cleanse on shatter. Mine takes mantra cleanse… in no way do we have issues with conditions. Especially when, if put in a tough spot, you can wait out condis with continuum split and take condi reducing food. You sound like a novice.

Yes you can run and wait out the conditions and if your lucky might make that tower/keep door and then die behind walls loosing all stacks. Or maybe you just fight by that tower or camp and play poke and run. But calling someone a novice due to taking inspiration as a trait line is pretty funny. If not using chrono inspiration will cure 4 conditions and that mantra cleanse does 4 also. Seems sort of a personal preference.

What are you even talking about, I took inspiration in my build. I was calling him a novice because he is saying ridiculous things.

Also, the inspiration trait removes only one condition no matter the number of illusions.

Ok. Let’s try this again. If not taking chrono with inspiration. 4 shatters 4 conditions cleansed. Mantra 2 charges 4 conditions cleansed. It’s the same. Didn’t you say everyone takes inspiration I take mantra??

Roaming in WvW as power shatter?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mortalitas.9710


I run power mes and a condi mes build depends on my mood. Power mes is still good with chrono and shield. Either way people will message you with hate and call you noob. I just laugh and ask if they need a tissue.

E. BlackThorn Mesmer

Roaming in WvW as power shatter?

in Mesmer

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


Domi/Dueling/Chrono power mesmer with support shout guard/ele is a basic setup. Most entertaining and you can still fight some outnumbered ones. You can add other comp on top of it to reduce people from recovering, such as thief for fast ganking/poison/refuge or even scrapper for bruiser role etc. WvW roaming still have quite a variety of choice but yeah if you’re by yourself then it can be difficult

Roaming in WvW as power shatter?

in Mesmer

Posted by: SteepledHat.1345


Iirc every one of the above builds takes inspiration with the defender spawn and heals/condi cleanse on shatter. Mine takes mantra cleanse… in no way do we have issues with conditions. Especially when, if put in a tough spot, you can wait out condis with continuum split and take condi reducing food. You sound like a novice.

Yes you can run and wait out the conditions and if your lucky might make that tower/keep door and then die behind walls loosing all stacks. Or maybe you just fight by that tower or camp and play poke and run. But calling someone a novice due to taking inspiration as a trait line is pretty funny. If not using chrono inspiration will cure 4 conditions and that mantra cleanse does 4 also. Seems sort of a personal preference.

What are you even talking about, I took inspiration in my build. I was calling him a novice because he is saying ridiculous things.

Also, the inspiration trait removes only one condition no matter the number of illusions.

Ok. Let’s try this again. If not taking chrono with inspiration. 4 shatters 4 conditions cleansed. Mantra 2 charges 4 conditions cleansed. It’s the same. Didn’t you say everyone takes inspiration I take mantra??

I literally posted my full build in text format above. I run chrono and inspiration. Chrono offers too much to not use it and inspiration’s durability is necessary to even function in the power creep.

“Failure to remain calm is the sign of a weak mind.”

Roaming in WvW as power shatter?

in Mesmer

Posted by: apharma.3741


Personally I’d say condition builds are superior atm for mesmers and elite is usually better than non elite.

I run core Mesmer and some fights you have to really play well and even then you’re not likely to win. Power reaper, rev, berserker are all not in your favour 1v1 and you are better to engage with others to keep pressure up on them. Thief I find is 50/50 depending on who gets the burst on who. Druid, scrapper, ele you can only take them out if you burst them if they get low but they can easily out sustain and face tank shatters. DH is hit and miss for me, I don’t find many solo so I can’t comment but I dare say you have the advantage.

Chrono you would fair a lot better but you really do want inspiration line nowadays, too many condition builds and control conditions like long duration immob, weakness and chill flying about.